Okay this movie used to come on ALL the time on starz and i would always friggin catch it in the middle and would never be able to finish it. You know one of THOSE movies that you wanted to see but never did, and than you never get to watch all of it when it finally comes on?? Yeah. But after reading all these posts im getting confused.
My question is....WHAT THE HELL WAS HE??
What i always thought the definition of TRANSGENDERED meant was someone who was born with BOTH male and female parts!!!
But all these posts have people saying that "she" was just a wannabe "he"...So whats the real story? Was Brandon born ALL the way female and just FELT like a guy? Or was this person born with both parts?? Cause that kinda changes most of the arguments posted on here!!
Um. What you're saying is 'hermaphrodite', which is a biological condition She was trangendered and transexual, which is an identity 'condition' to put it that way. It is in the mind, not the body
It's quite clear she was female, a lesbian and acted out as a guy to get it off with females. She wouldn't be able to pick up girls if she dressed like a girl as she lived in a redneck community. So she dressed like a guy to pick them up. Quite simple really.
Another easy solution for her would have been for her to move somewhere like San Franciso where all the gays hang out.
Obviously you do not know about transgendered people. They feel like the are a different gender than the body they are in. This is why Branden talked about having "a sexual identity crisis." It is not about being a woman who acts like a man to be able to pick up other women. It goes so much deeper than that.
Gender is in the mind, sex is between the legs Brandon's gender was male, even if his sex was female
Exactly! That's the only scientific fact people need to know. Moreover, gender is something that moves on a certain scale of identification. Lots of people are not 100% male and 100% female. Transsexuality is only the extreme when mind and body is in 100% conflict and contrast. Brandon had Male soul/identity/energy with female biology. So when he dies and leaves his body (determined only by genes) on earth he will go away as a male. It's that simple. It's the MIND that determines WHO WE ARE! There's countless physical inconsistencies and handicaps and physical sex is ONE of them!
No offence sweetpea, but your posts make no sense. First of all there is NO SUCH THING as a "transgendered lesbian," that is if you use it for a transman. And Brandon Teena was NOT a lesbian because in order to be a lesbian (or a gay/homosexual woman) you have to actually FEEL and KNOW that your a woman and be happy and comfortable with your own female anatomy and gender, and only be attracted to other women. Brandon Teena knew in his heart that he was born in the wrong body and that he should have been born male, and he was only attracted to women, therefore he was a transgendered heterosexual man. Plain and simple.
Hmhm, a person born with male/female genitalia is a hermaphrodite; a transgendered person is a person who mentally identifies themselves as the opposite gender of what they are biologically (i.e., a person who is biologically female, but has the psyche of a male). Being transgender is a WHOLE different yard from identifying yourself as gay or lesbian; so to anyone who is trying to say that Brandon and Lana were lesbians, that just isn't the case. If someone is homosexual, that means that they are comfortable and appeased with their biological parts, but are still naturally attracted to members of the same sex (i.e., men who are comfortable and content as a man, but are still attracted to other men). But, yeah, my nerves get invariably grated when people try and lump transgenderism and homosexuality into the same thing - they are not. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a fool.
Teena Brandon may or may not have been transgender. We'll never know because she was a LIAR and a THIEF, and some jerk (ONE...the actual murderer has went on to admit this.) killed her because she was a LIAR and a THIEF. The murders had more to do with what Teena Brandon DID, not what she alledgedly was.
That does not condone her murder, but too many people don't see what really happened here.
**Skin that Smokewagon and see what happens!** Tombstone
What I saw was a person being raped, violated, humiliated, severely injured and then murdered. Teena Brandon or Brandon Teena, this individual was trying to understand their life, their condition, and to find a stable, loving relationship. The movie documents how society can destroy those who don't fit the pigeon holes of roles, jobs, and status. It was disturbing because it revealed how uncaring and rigid our society can be when someone doesn't conform to the exact model we set.
What I saw was a person being raped, violated, humiliated, severely injured and then murdered. Teena Brandon or Brandon Teena, this individual was trying to understand their life, their condition, and to find a stable, loving relationship. The movie documents how society can destroy those who don't fit the pigeon holes of roles, jobs, and status. It was disturbing because it revealed how uncaring and rigid our society can be when someone doesn't conform to the exact model we set.
Brandon was a pre-op transgender man, assigned female at birth. Let's see if I can break it down:
SEX = biological. Brandon was born with a vagina, so the Brandon's biological sex was female. Most people are born with one vagina or one penis, but a fraction of people are born with both parts, or with ambiguous genitalia. And even 1 in 25,000,000 men are born with two penises.
GENDER = social. Western culture assigns two genders: man and woman. They have made the assumption that all men should be biologically male and all women should be biologically female. Not all societies have been like this. Some Native American tribes have the Two-Spirit people, which recognize two additional genders (one being assigned to masculine females and one being assigned to feminine males); others recognize 5 or 7 genders. In some part of Asia, there is the hijra that identify themselves as a third gender. Gender is a society's attempt to make sense of our biological genitalia, and it doesn't always work.
PRE-OP vs. POST-OP: Many transgender individuals decide to have sex reassignment surgery so that their genitalia can match the gender they identify with. I am not trans myself, so I do not want to assume reasons why some go through with the surgery whereas others decide it is unnecessary. But, for example, a tran man might decide that, even though he identifies as a man, he wants to hold off on hormones or a phalloplasty because he would like to bear his own biological child before he does. There are, naturally, many other reasons.
Again, I am not trans myself, so I don't know what it's like to feel like you were born into the wrong body. But I imagine it's sort of like how I grew up male, yet I was attracted to other males, even though I'd heard almost nothing about gay people in the Christian schools in which I grew up (and if I did hear anything, it was only in reference to how unnatural it was). So basically, a general sense of wrongness with the way things have been assumed to be. If you're lucky, you're taught about gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation from a young age, and you'll have the knowledge and the words to express what exactly is wrong and how you can change it. But, due to a general lack of education on the issue, many transgender people grow up feeling very confused or unable to explain themselves to others. And when they do find the words for themselves, they have to go through far, far more effort to explain it than, say, I would have to as a gay man. Everyone knows what gay is, and it's not too difficult to understand. But (as is evidenced by the posts on this board), clearly not nearly as many people know what being transgender entails.
It's not actually too hard to understand. And if you were exposed to it from a young age, it'd actually be super-easy to understand, just as reading and writing is easy to understand if you start young.
Proud member of SHREWS (Society for the Honor Required of Eyes Wide Shut)
"Gender" and long explanations asside: a human with ovaries is, from a medical/scientific standpoint, a female human--like others have simply stated before.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one jumping on the "He was born a male in a female body" bandwagon. Studies have actually proven that there are major differences in male and female brains that no amount of hormones can fix.
I mean, sure. There have been studies proving that transmen have more white matter in their brains than most females, which is very masculine. BUT, they still don't have the same aggressive components. They still have a smaller brain. Maybe this proves that transmen just make the worst kind of males possible. It's more like the brain of a savage underachiever than say a Stephen Hawking.
Don't be so technical with the op's words. What meaning what sexual identity, you fool. You try to make more out of this. She was a woman. No man parts at all. A lesbian at best.
So go ahead. I'm ready. Sticks and stones, love, sticks and stones...
I think I am Albert Einstein, therefore I must be him. righhhhht.
If she would have gotten her penis, et al, i would have given her the respect of calling her a he.
And why glorify this raping fool who went around fooling women who otherwisw wouldn't have slept with a woman into having sex with her? She was a disgrace. She didn't deserved to be raped or murdered, but when you play with fire, you get burned.