MovieChat Forums > Boys Don't Cry (2000) Discussion > What exactly WAS Brandon Teena??

What exactly WAS Brandon Teena??

Okay this movie used to come on ALL the time on starz and i would always friggin catch it in the middle and would never be able to finish it. You know one of THOSE movies that you wanted to see but never did, and than you never get to watch all of it when it finally comes on?? Yeah. But after reading all these posts im getting confused.

My question is....WHAT THE HELL WAS HE??

What i always thought the definition of TRANSGENDERED meant was someone who was born with BOTH male and female parts!!!

But all these posts have people saying that "she" was just a wannabe "he"...So whats the real story? Was Brandon born ALL the way female and just FELT like a guy? Or was this person born with both parts?? Cause that kinda changes most of the arguments posted on here!!


Bandon Teena was transgendered (meaning, he was biologically female, but felt like a male).

What you thought transgendered meant is actually called a hermaphrodite (born with both male and female parts)

I love CZJ!




That is coming from someone who never met Brandon.


Actually, the correct term is intersexed. Hermaphroditism occurs mostly in invertebrates.


The term "hermaphrodite" is incorrect (when used to refer to humans with both sets of sex organs). Hermaphroditism occurs mostly in invertebrates. In humans the correct term is intersexed.


I wish people would stop with that word. Hermaphrodite is NOT used for humans. It's called intersex.

~In a perfect world, I'd be Mrs. Rascalov and Mr. Rascalov would be alive~


Teena Brandon was a transgendered lesbian. She had only female parts, no male parts, and contrary to popular belief, she did not have a sex change operation of any kind. She wanted to and she told people she did, but she was a compulsive liar and she could not afford the operation.


Whether or not Brandon had female genitals is irrelevant. He identified with being male, even though his genitalia told him differently. Therefore, out of respect for him and everyone other transgendered person, the proper pronoun to use is whatever one the person identifies with. In Brandon's case, it would be "him" or "he", not "her" or "she" - despite his reproductive organs.


I agree TST. "It" as that simpleton, human piece of excrement sheriff referred to him is derogatory. These people do not have a disease and its not their fault. And no one should stand in judgement of them who has not walked a mile in their shoes. You know life is hard enough without having to go through something like that, so I am sure no one just chooses it as a lifestyle for the fun of it. I empathize with them because it must be a very hard and painful process to go through. And although Brandon was not a saint niether are straight people.

There is NO Gene for the Human Spirit.



NO, sweetpea, Brandon Teena was not a lesbian. He was a straight male. He was a transgendered man, who just happened to be born with female reproductive system.

He was not a compulsive liar, he told people what he needed to tell them based on his situation.

Some of you people are so inconsiderate! This poor boy actually existed! And he was Murdered!


Basic gender spectrum, written by transpeople. Source:

Transgender is an umbrella term for people who feel feel the gender they were assigned at birth does not correspond with their gender identity.

Transsexuals do not feel they belong in the gender to which they are assigned and change their gender roles and bodies in order to live as members of the "other" sex. Modern medical technology (synthesized sex hormones, electrolysis, plastic surgery) make this much easier than it was in the past. About 50% of transsexuals are male-to-female (MTF) and 50% are female-to-male (FTM). MTF transsexuals have been accused of being "froo-froo" (caricature of femininity), but in actuality their presentations range (as do those of non-transsexual women) from extreme butch to extreme femme.

Crossdressers wear the clothing of the other sex on occasion, but do not desire to change their sex. They dress for personal reasons, which can range from a need to express their feminine or masculine side to a way to express themselves erotically.

Drag Kings and Drag Queens present larger than life images of men and women, exaggerating sexual stereotypes for entertainment or self-gratification.

Genderqueers, Androgynes, Gender Blenders, and Gender Benders may feel that they do not fit within a binary gender system, they may feel that they are either both male and female or fall completely outside the system.

Intersexed (hermaphroditic) persons are born with genitals which show characteristics of both sexes. Many have surgery in infancy, and many of those who do grow up feelings they been robbed of an essential part of themselves.

Transpeople Can be Straight, Gay, Asexual, or Bisexual One's gender identity has nothing to do with one's sexual orientation. Some transgender people may feel that they identify strongly with the greater GLB community, while some may feel that they are heterosexual. Each person is different!

Brandon was a male in a female's body. He was not a lesbian, from the information we have we can assume he identified as a straight male.

Transgender day of remembrance was this friday 20th November. A day to mourn people like Brandon whose lives are taken, either by others or by themselves. Brandon isn't an isolated case. transpeople have been murded before him and since him. its still happening because small minded bigots cant let people like him live their lives as they have to.



Thank you for taking the time to write a post that explains the gender spectrum. I strongly believe that in order to fight discrimination, we need to fight ignorance.

Often times, people misunderstand the relationship between gender identity and sexual orientation. Gender identity involves how an individual's psychological perception of themselves relates to their physicality, that is, how he/she feels in his/her own skin.

Societal definitions of gender will likely influence an individual's perceptions, so the determination of gender identity will likely be affected by how an individual feels he/she fits into society's gender roles.

A sexual orientation label is determined by the gender(s) to which an individual finds themselves attracted. IMO, the gender identity, not the biological sex, of the people involved in a sexual relationship determines the label. (Frankly, outside of academic discussions and self-identification, I don't see why labels are required. In other words, let the people involved in a relationship define it for themselves.)

In my experience, when trying to reach out to people who are unsympathetic to the plight of transgendered individuals, describing the gender spectrum (esp. the definition of "intersexed.") is a useful tool.

The rationale I use is this:

1) We know a certain percentage of individuals are born intersexed through no fault of their own.

2) Being intersexed can manifest in a variety of ways: Chromosomal or hormonal differences, differences in internal sex organs with "normal" external genitalia or vice versa.

3) Given that not all intersex variations manifest in the same way or stem from a single cause, it is possible that there may be other intersex conditions that we are not yet able to identify.

4) Knowing the complex forces at work, it would be cruel to criticize an individual with gender identity issues, given that they are likely not in complete control of all of the factors that affect it.

I hope that discussions like these will help to shine a light on this issue and encourage people to treat others with compassion, irrespective of their biological gender, gender identity or sexual orientation.


I'm with you 100%. I totally agree, sunflower12689.

I love you, Kristen Stewart. :) You are so beautiful and talented. I would love to perform with you.


No ur thinkin of hermaphradite(sp?). That's when a person has both female and male parts. however this was not "Brandon" he only told Lana that a a sort of "cover up" i guess u could say. Transgender is almost jus like cross-dresser. "Brandon" had a sexual identity crisis. So yes like u said she IS a girl but has always felt like a guy. In the real Teena Brandon's case she was raped by a guy so she felt if she dressed and acted as a guy, then no guys would try to hurt her. But yeah...


Yeah, she was not a hermaphrodite. She told a lot of people she was, but she was not. She may have been bisexual-----she had feelings for some men too, but that was when she was young----so I don't know her sexuality, but I know she was not physically a hermaphrodite.


It's spelled "hermaphrodite" and this term is incorrect (when used to refer to humans with both sets of sex organs). Hermaphroditism occurs mostly in invertebrates. In humans the correct term is intersexed.


Hermaphrodite is the term originally applied to humans born with both sets of sex organs. It was derived from the name Hermaphroditus,who was the son of Hermes and Aphrodite.

According to myth, Hermaphroditus was nursed by naiads in the caves of Mount Ida, a sacred mountain in Phrygia (present day Turkey). At the age of fifteen, he grew bored with his surroundings and traveled to the cities of Lycia and Caria. In the woods of Caria he encountered the nymph Salmacis in her pool. She was overcome by lust for the boy, and tried to seduce him, but was rejected. When he thought she was gone, Hermaphroditus undressed and entered the waters of the empty pool. Salmacis sprang out from behind a tree and jumped into the pool. She wrapped herself around the boy, forcibly kissing him and touching his breast. While he struggled, she called out to the gods that they should never part. Her wish was granted, and their bodies blended into one form, "a creature of both sexes". Hermaphroditus prayed to Hermes and Aphrodite that anyone else who bathed in the pool would be similarly transformed, and his wish was granted. (from Wikipedia)

Hermaphrodite is still the term used by most members of the medical community; intersexed is the new PC term, but I have never heard of a true hermaphrodite being offended when the term is applied to them in the proper context.

Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense.


Brandon Teena was a transgender man. Although physically he was physically female, he identified as a man.

Also, the tern "hermaphrodite" is very outdated and offends many people. The updated term in intersex. And in fact, Brandon Teena was not intersex.


She was physically a female, but mentally a male. nough said


You're missing that "she" penetrated Lana the first time they had sex.


You're missing the part in the movie where we found out it was a dildo.

That chick "forgot her name" found it a long with tampons.


I'm a man but I think a woman would be able to know if a man is penetrating her with a dildo or a penis... but I guess you're right.

Nobody deserves your tears and the one who does will never make you cry


I'm with some people, I think she kind of least she noticed something was strange but then she liked Brandon so much much that she just ignored it and her own questioning.


Not always. There's definitely some overlap in the range of sensation (for lack of a better expression).




Teena Brandon was a woman.

The cat is alive! I'm alive!


Brandon Teena was NOT a woman. He identified as a male, and so out of respect for him as a person, we should all refer to him as a man. It is also incorrect to refer to him as a "lesbian" because a lesbian is a woman who is attracted to other woman, and since Brandon identified as a man, he is not a lesbian. The correct term is "transgendered man" if you must refer to him as anything but a man.


Why do people talk about respect for someone and then use a name that was never used by that person? Isn't that a double standard?




Disrespectful or not if someone is physically a woman there's noting wrong with calling them a woman. If you want to be offended by it then fine, but don't act like it's WRONG for someone to not feel the same way.

She because she wanted to be a man doesn't mean people have to go out of their way and use male pronouns. Futhermore, respect is not something you have to give to just anyone. No one here even know this person.


You are going out of your way to talk about this subject in the first place, would it take you much more effort to refer to Brandon as a male?

I think you're just being stubborn and don't like the fact that people have a right to determine their own identity.

Respect and kindness are two different things. Just because you don't know someone well enough to give them your respect doesn't mean that you don't have to treat them as a human being.

Identity is not something that is scientific, concrete or unchanging. If you want to be defined as a woman, American, mother, sister, student etc. don't you have the right to determine that for yourself? I suppose by your thinking that no matter how YOU want to be identified I can call you whatever I want despite your wishes...would you like that?


Why so butt-hurt about it in the first place? If born as a woman, I'm pretty sure when they leave this earth, that person will pass as a woman. Please get over yourself. I sound like a real *beep* however, you nor anyone else have any place to call those out to be wrong associating "Brandon" or any other person as what they truly were born as.


Why so butt-hurt about it in the first place? If born as a woman, I'm pretty sure when they leave this earth, that person will pass as a woman. Please get over yourself. I sound like a real *beep* however, you nor anyone else have any place to call those out to be wrong associating "Brandon" or any other person as what they truly were born as.

It is YOU who should get over yourself, because you're ignorant! You ARE wrong from a scientific standpoint itself. Brandon was truly BORN as a male with female body. That's what is called transsexuality: to be born with a gender that doesn't match the sex. No one should associate Brandon or anyone like him with the body that is regarded as a physical handicap in terms of transsexuality.

You better educate yourself on this or sooner or later you'll get PUBLICALLY punched in the face for saying offensive things like this. If I called you a woman and you identified yourself as a man, tell me how would you feel. You'd be publically offended. That's for sure.


God, some of you are so inconsiderate.
Have you even watched the movie or heard the story?
I hope for your sake that you haven't, otherwise I cannot fathom the lack of compassion for humanity. Completely disgusting.
It isn't about making people "comfortable", its about simply putting yourself in someone elses place and erasing neanderthal stupidity and hate.

By the way, Brandon Teena was a "he" not a "she". And that is final.



"a lesbian is a woman who is attracted to other woman"

So, since Teena was physicly a woman and liked Lana, they were both lesbians.

"This is sickening... You sound like chapters from a self-help booklet! Prepare yourselves!""


"a lesbian is a woman who is attracted to other woman"

So, since Teena was physicly a woman and liked Lana, they were both lesbians.

How does it feel to be comfortable in ignorance. Just like sexual identity even sexual orientation is not concrete, so your statement is laughable from 3 point of views at the same If someone is a transsexual, then she no longer is she and he is no longer he. Someone's body no longer defines that person's life or perception and feeling nor his/her sex.orientation. It's in complete conflict in the nerve system as well.

On a side note; sometimes after taking hormones during sex change transition that person usually changes his/her orientation to sex that was not attractive to them before at all! That happens very often. It's something to think about.


But he was mentally male, so in that perspective he was straight.

And as for Lana, it depends on which part of Brandon she was attracted to. Since she first knew him as a male, I would assume she's straight as well.


She was a woman.
Not a she-male
Not a transgender
Not a man trapped in a woman's body.


For an easy way to describe it it's like how a person male or female feels they should be the opposite gender or was born the wrong gender at birth. But with transgender it's when they have female genitalia but act as a boy or have male genitalia but act as a girl. Don't know if that's helped

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