Transgender or Gender identity disorder is a mental illness. It is different from being a hermaphrodite. If a person, from a physical point of view, has a normal functional body, and only the mind thinks something is wrong (i.e trans-people claim they are born into the wrong body, etc) then the mind needs to be treated - not the body!
By getting sexual re-assignment surgery it is only indulging the mental illness.
Gender identity disorder appears on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), and should be treated as such. If so, tragedies like in Boys Don't Cry might be avoided.
Ugh. I shouldn't torment myself reading this *beep*
News for you: brain is actually part of the body. It is there inside your head if you didn't know. Transgenderism is a problem of the mind and the rest of the body not aligning. Changing the gender of the mind has not proven to be possible, and I doubt anyone would want to have their mind changed to that extent, as they would essentially stop being themselves. Fortunately, changing the rest of the body to align with the mind has proven to be quite an effective cure!
To get treatment for transgenderism you actually need to prove you are not mentally ill, which is why you need access to psychiatrists. That is the reason why transgenderism is (controversially) listed in DSM,
Why do you need to mix sexual re-assignment into a story about a person that identify with another gender?
All of us at different stages of life identify ourselves with either/and (opposite)gender, rich people, celebrities, creed, nationalities, mother and fathers. Some of us become that identity.
Do the math; who kills and hurt people over what? And why do we say the other is less?
Wow, notoriously dumb statement. You obviously don't understand the condition at all. The brain and the body do not match up. Plain and simple. It does not mean there's anything wrong with the mind or with the body- they simply just aren't the right pairing. It's like a key and a lock that don't go together. It doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with the key or with the lock, they just aren't a match. Now with transgender, you cannot change the mind- it just cannot be done (at least right now and especially when this film took place) so it makes more sense to change the body so that they do match.
When you have someone with dyslexia, do you just try to "treat" the dyslexia by making them speed-read Beowulf in Anglo when they literally cannot do it? No, you accommodate them. You get them colored glasses, you give them extra time, you give them an audiobook, etc.
I'm not sure if you're really that dim or just trolling but either way, your comment was extremely offensive to the LGBT community and its allies.
It doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with the key or with the lock, they just aren't a match. Now with transgender, you cannot change the mind- it just cannot be done (at least right now and especially when this film took place) so it makes more sense to change the body so that they do match.
Nothing wrong? Is there any scientific research that said transgender is nothing wrong and it's a completely natural thing so that you couldn't do anything to prevent it or cure it?
As far as I'm concerned most of transgender person grew up in families that treat them as the opposite of their biological sex. I once met a neighbor, who's a transgender herself, she told me that her mother used to dress her as a woman, gave her dolls, girl's toys, even asked her to model as a girl when in fact, she was a boy!
So, I think people who identifies himself as a woman or vice versa doesn't come naturally, it is an effect caused by the people who surrounds him, just like the story I told... What do you think about something that is against your natural/biological instinct? It can be classified as mental illness
I'm trans and I was raised surrounded by boy stuff, in fact when I showed signs of being LGBT, they shoved MORE boy stuff at me and I still grew up to come out as trans female.
So, what's your answer then?