What will happen to Liam Neeson & Catherine Zeta-Jones's characters?
What will happen to them?
Dudley and the older woman found Liam Neeson & Catherine Zeta Jones at the gate in the morning. Neeson and Zeta-Jones therefore have to explain a destroyed house, a decapitated Owen Wilson, and a deceased Nell. Obviously, police will get involved. Neeson and Zeta-Jones can't escape by telling the truth, as nobody will believe that a haunted house committed murder and vandalism.
Can they reasonably assign blame to a burglar? Can they feign ignorance, saying they simply woke up and found everything the way it was? Can they argue that Owen Wilson and Nell both died from accidental causes?
I think it's either:
A). Both Neeson and Zeta-Jones go to jail.
B). They get off by arguing that Owen Wilson and Nell died by accidental causes. The authorities can, infact, easily see Owen Wilson's death occurring by accident. They can also blame the destroyed house on Owen Wilson. A dead man can't form a rebuttal.