Who would you like to see??

This is probably already running somewhere on this subject but I'm watching the James Cameron Episode & heard him talking about his idea for Terminator came from a dream he had when he was ill which got me thinking bout who I would love to see...

Wes Craven!!

Who would you like to see appear??

You know me, I'm not one to gossip but you'll never guess what I heard...


Gary Oldman and Daniel Day Lewis. You want to talk about acting craft, DDL and Oldman are the men to do it with. Shame that they've turned it down.



The Cast of Entourage
Gerard Butler
Steve Carell
Christian Bale
Jon Hamm
Richard Jenkins
Owen Wilson
Angela Bassett
The Cast of the Office
Leonardo DiCaprio
Terrence Howard
Jeremy Renner
Bill Murray
Neil Patrick Harris
Penelope Cruz
Melissa Leo
John Malkovich
Javier Bardem
Amy Adams
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Ryan Gosling


You all disgust me, all these lists and not one of you has put Geoffrey Rush. What is wrong with you people??????
I'd also like to see:-
Gary Oldman
Tilda Swinton
Joseph Gorden Levitt
Taye Diggs
Kristen Chenowitz
Ewen McGregor
Robert Carlyle
Judi Dench
Terrence Stamp
Guy Pierce
Hugo Weaving
Liam Neeson
Kurt Russell
Alan Rickman
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Rosario Dawson
Jamie Lee Curtis
Seth Green
Macualay Culkin
Christina Ricci
Rob Lowe
Jane Lynch
If God loves us, why did he create Justin Bieber?


Christian Bale, Brad Pitt and Leonardo Dicaprio need to be on this ASAP.


leonardo dicaprio and i know this is gonna divide people but .... ricky gervais

live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse


Gary Oldman, Viggo Mortensen, Jared Leto


I would really love to see the following on the show:

Liam Neeson

Leonardo Dicaprio

The Cast of Married with Children

Nicole Kidman

Sean Penn (second visit)

Denzel Washington

Jack Nicholson

Diane Keaton

Meryl Streep (second visit)

Kate Winslet (second visit)

Sean Connery

Mel Gibson

Tobey Maguire

Sandra Bullock

Helen Mirren

Ryan Gosling

and James Garner

If any have already been on, I apologize.


Christopher Plummer


Ooh. I'd like to see him too!



I would love that.


Liam Neeson
Willem Dafe (second visit)
Meryl Streep (Second Visit)
Cast of the Big Bang Theory
Natalie Portman (Second Visit)
Cameron Crowe (would be good to see more directors and writers on the show)
Cast of Breaking Bad
Leonardo Dicaprio
Brad Pitt (If he will ever agree to do it!)
Helen Mirren
Katie Holmes
Mel Gibson
Alyson Hannigan
Julianna Margulies
Lauren Graham
Courtney Cox
Maybe one day Blake Lively
Kevin Bacon

World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) Petition


Shelley Duvall
Leonardo DiCaprio
Angela Lansbury
Amanda Plummer
Carol Kane
Samantha Morton
Jack Nicholson
Cathy Moriarty
Veronica Cartwright
Fairuza Balk
Judi Dench
Christopher Lee
John Hurt
Kevin Bacon
Paul Giamatti
Tilda Swinton


Steve Buscemi
Larry David
Avery Brooks
Brad Dourif
CCH Pounder
Katey Segal
David Warner
Robert Loggia
Method Man
Kim Cattrall
William Shatner


Sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but these are the following people that will not appear on the show:

Howard Stern
Jack Nicholson
Chevy Chase
Daniel Day-Lewis
Woody Allen
Denzel Washington
Bill Murray
Warren Beatty
Sean Connery
Gary Oldman

Especially Gary Oldman who, when the show was filmed at New School University, was selected as the most popular request for which guest should come visit ItAS but as of 2011 has not appeared on the show. It's not that he, or any of the others listed, cannot be gotten for the show it's that they decline to be on the show even though there is a yearly standing invitation for any and all prospective guests to have the opportunity to be on Inside the Actors Studio. They just choose not to do it.

Oh members of IMDb, yours is a dim-witted and insane lot!


I want to see Thandie Newton! I can't believe she hasn't been on yet.


Joe Pesci!


Judd Apatow and cast of Freaks and Geeks.
Wes Craven
J.J. Abrams
cast of Lost
Kevin Smith
Coen brothers
Christopher Nolan
Gary Oldman
