What was it like it see this in the theater?

I didn't get to see any of the Lord of the Rings in the theater. I actually wasn't a fan then. One of my biggest regrets ever. I saw them on dvd and was just blown away. And just seeing this on dvd was amazing. But what was it like on the big screen? Jaws must have just been in awe at the spectacle.


It was unlike anything I'd seen at that point. I was there at opening night, they showed FotR and TTT before the premiere, cinema was packed, people dressed up as characters from the movie. One dude, dressed up as a Nazgul, boots and sword and everything, actually arrived on a fĂșcking horse.

Books are a uniquely portable magic. ~Stephen King


Three of the best moviegoing experiences of my life. FOTR blew me away, and the second and third installments more than lived up to the first part.

I remember being sorely disappointed that they didn't cast Ian McKellan to replace the deceased Richard Harris in Harry Potter. Michael Gambon was decent, but McKellan would have freaking killed it. Gandalf is my favorite wizard character - maybe one of my favorite of any characters - in all of narrative film history, in no small part due to McKellan.
