What was it like it see this in the theater?

I didn't get to see any of the Lord of the Rings in the theater. I actually wasn't a fan then. One of my biggest regrets ever. I saw them on dvd and was just blown away. And just seeing this on dvd was amazing. But what was it like on the big screen? Jaws must have just been in awe at the spectacle.


the theater was packed. everybody clapped at the eowyn vs witch king scene. it was amazing and i had tears in my eyes. when it reached the grey havens. scene. It was a movie that'll i never forget. god bless lotr i'm fan of fantasy. it was enjoyable film.


It was as good as you imagine. I've since seen the 1st two on a big screen with 'live' orchestra accompaniment and that was pretty good, too. I missed RotK with the full treatment (saw it in the theater back in the day) and I'm waiting for that to come around again.


This was almost exactly my experience, too. Everyone also clapped at Sam's "I can't carry it for you..." line.

"One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know." - Spaulding


It's hard to describe seeing these films on the big screen. I recall long lines at the theatre and packed theaters. The audience clapped at the end of the films.

To see these films on the big screen was an experience of a lifetime for me. Plus, it was all the more enjoyable for me because the only book I had read prior to the films was The Hobbit. After the films, I rediscovered Tolkien and his works.

If you enjoyed the DVD presentations, just magnify your response by a factor of a 10.

I would have followed you, my brother. My captain. My king. --Boromir
LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring


Great to see in the cinema . Even if you were not familiar with tolkiens work it was such an immersive experience


Saw them all in the cinema and they were great, though I distinctly remember getting annoyed with the multiple "endings" of ROTK. Wasn't really a Rings fan before the films, though aware of the books and stories from reading other fantasy works and seeing the previous adaptations, so the movies were quite fresh to me. I was and still am more of a scifi fan than a fantasy one, but the crushing disappointment of the Star Wars prequels made the Rings trilogy all the more an incredible cinematic experince.

Fellowship had me in awe like the first time I saw Star Wars in the early 80s as a kid. I appreciate how the OP feels as My own sadness was never seeing those films in cinemas until the special editions came along.


My biggest memory was of how many fakeout "fade to black" ending scenes there were. :P

(I'd never finished "The Return of the King" novel so wasn't sure exactly how the story ended).


The only way I can describe seeing a LotR film in the theatre is this: it is more than watching a movie- it's an experience.


I saw the Extended Edition of the Return of the King in the Lighthouse Cinema on September 1st. It was incredible, I felt like i hadn't truly appreciated certain scenes until I saw them in the cinema.

The Lighting of the Beacons blew my mind. One of the few times in the cinema when my jaw actually dropped. My eyes lit up. I remember it vividly. Amazing, words can't describe well how much I loved the experience. See it if you can it's shown annually in certain cinemas


Oh, the beacons! That is a great scene with incedible music. I cried.
I still cry when I watch the dvd, but seeing on the massive screen was heartlifting.

Bring me that Horizon!


My mother was a big fan of the previous films, so we went to see this together on Christmas Day 2003. It's the only time I've seen the theatrical cut.

The main thing I recall is the two girls seated in front of us started clapping hysterically when Arwen showed up at Aragorn's coronation.

Arya: Lots of people name their swords.
The Hound: Lots of c_nts.
