MovieChat Forums > Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002) Discussion > Who else here can ride? fav colour horse...

Who else here can ride? fav colour horse?

I just wanted to know who else here could ride a horse and what your experience levels were.
what does it feel like to gallop and jump? (both I havn't done yet)

AND what is your fav colour horse?
I think mine is a palomino, but all colour horses are gorgeous!


I own 4 horses. I've never got bucked off ANY of the horses that I have ridden. Now, I've been bucked, that's impossible not to happen, but never bucked off. I've been pulled off, the saddle girt broke, and lost my balance a few times & fell off.
I ride western so I don't do a lot of jumpin'. We just trail ride, because the part of Texas that I live in is very rural & there are a lot of unknown backroads.
My fav. color horse is sarrow. It's a red color. That's the color of my horse/

"They read you Cinderella, you hoped it would come true that one day your Prince Charming would come rescue you."


o.0 you own 4 horses!!!! you lucky lucky thing!
wow, what does it feel like to be on a bucking horse? how do you stay on!
awesome! ^^


I wish I had my own horse!


LOL you wanna know what a bucking horse can feel like? go tubeing tied to a boat on the lake over some waves at high that brought back some bad pauline memories XD!!

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


LOL! haha! ^^ omg! that bad?? oh, i'm not looking foward to an occasion! ^.^ oh no!! *cringes* ^^
(I havn't left DA by the way! ^^ i'm just taking years to answer comments and comment on pics! :) )


oh, I'm right with you on that one! ^.^


Hey everyone. I haven't been on here in a long time. I had to put my horse, Shadow, to sleep a couple months ago =(...He had a really bad case of colic while I was on a trip and the person that was taking care of him didn't know what was going on so they didn't call the vet. Shadow is going to be greatly missed!


aww..that's sad...:( gosh i wouldn't trust those folks anymore..

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


Yea we didn't pay them for taking care of our animals and we made them pay for the vet bill. I don't even want to ride anymore cause I miss him so much.


oh no!! thats horrible!!! oh I'm so sorry, how are you coping?


I've got two horses myself and I've been riding since I was a child... grew up on the Icelandic countryside! My horses are my life and I can't imagine NOT going riding and I don't care about the colour... it's their personality that matters to me :)

My two horses are an albino named Birta which means Bright One and the other one is brownish but she changes colours depending on seasons and her name is Taran but Taran was one of my FAV characters in a book series :)


What kinds of horses are they? Icelandic?

I got a new horse a couple days ago. He still needs to be trained some more but he's beautiful and he's going to be as great as Shadow! He is a brown, black, and white Appaloosa/Mustang. His name is Ransom and he's a gelding.


Yes, my horses are Icelandic :)


cool! wow, sounds gorgeous!
oh, me neither! I know its not the same, but if I could never go riding again, I wouldn't cope. of course! I feel the same way! i'd love a horse whatever the colour, but I do have my favourite! :)

oh wow! love that name! love Taran as well! you horse owners are so lucky!! ^^
oh, what book is that?


yeah i ride. Ive got an aged tb, who i show in jumpers. ive jumped as high as three foot, nine inches..i love duns, but I love chesnuts too.


^^ awesome! wow, the only time i've jumped was over a stepping poll raised a few cm from the ground. ^^
oh yes! I adore duns, they are gorgeous! Chestnuts are beautiful too. ^.^


It's books by Margit Sandemo... she is Norwegian or Swedish...


I have my own horse, an Irish Draught/English Thoroughbred. Our relationship is very student/teacher, with him being the teacher. He doesn't trust my judgement enough which can lead to problems but we're getting better.

Cantering bareback on him is the most incredible feeling, you've just got to watch not to get carried away. I fell off and broke my glasses once doing that.

I like riding my mum's horse better though because she is younger and she trusts me. She wasn't loved much until she came to us and it makes my heart burst everytime she listens to me, does something and LOVES getting it right!!


^^ awesome! haha! ^^ I like that! him being the teacher! lol! :)

wow! I can't wait! ^^ oh! but wait, isn't it better that you broke your glasses then your leg or arm?? ^^;

^^ cool!!
oh! poor thing! at least she is now!
^^ yea! fantastic!!


I can ride a horse, and my favorite horse color is white


I can ride (a bit) and my favourite horse colour is ginger, black and palomino.

My signature -


^^ cool!

love them all! palomino! so gorgeous! ^^


^^ awesome! white is just classic beautiful for a horse, alongside black, they're just gorgeous! ^^


I agree. I loved Black Beauty. What a nice colour he was!

My signature -


hiya there PPB :)

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"



I used to ride, I left one year ago, 'cause it was very tiring for me and I had to wake up at 6:30 AM... so imagine :p
I could jump 1 meter tall... but in my competitions, I could only jump 90 cm, damn lol

I really like appaloosas, palominos, P.R.E, P.R.A (anglo, too), and many others, but I don't know how to translate the name from Spanish to English.

"...The good thing of being a widow is that you will always know where your husband is..."


I have a chesntut Appendix Quarter horse and i believe i'm an intermediate. Never really trained for anything, i mostly trail ride and ride around place where i board. Though i have run barrels and poles but it's been a few years.

my favorite color would have to be either pitch black, dapple dun, or a Blue Roan. I actually like most colors it just depends on the shade and how much white they have.

I feel it in the earth


I have three horses of my own. An 8 year old black/white tobiano Tinker mare called Foxy. I also own a black thouroughbred named Romeo... no racehorse though but still pretty fast and loves jumping. I also own a dark brown North Swedish Draft Horse named Dockan. (Swedish for The Doll). Visit THIS --> page to see a photo of Dockan... I'm sorry I don't have any pictures of the other two.

I also work as a stable manager and trainer on a local riding school and even if these horses aren't my own in that sence I'm still the one who takes care of them during the day and if they aren't gonna be used in riding lessons one day then I ride them and everything.. so here we go. Altogether I take care of 14 horses. :)

I hate to brag but I am on an expert level of riding... that doesn't mean I'm the best in the world, far from it and I can only give thanks to a great education since I was 5 years old. So there! :) And since I train others in riding I guess I have to have at least some experience... (ashamed of sounding lika I'm bragging)

When it comes to colours I can't really decide on just one. I like pinto-coloured of course.. doesn't matter if it's black, brown or dun or if it's tobiano or overo ... or so on...
I also love dark almost black flaxen horses and light isabelle/palomino-coloured horses. One of the most beautiful horses I take care of is a dark grey horse with snowwhite mane and tail... She's really beautiful. One of the private-owned horses which stands at the riding school is bright white with black mane and tail. That's pretty cool too. I guess I'm a sucker for unusual colours :)


sorry im only upt to a trot i haven't cantered favorites r black,buckskin,paint/pinto,bay and light brown(not sure wat its called)


To toritoalex.

There´s nothing "only" about that. Everyone has to start out somewhere and usually trot is much, much harder than canter (or galopp). Do you ride western or english? (or other for that matter). And of course black horses are beautiful. Guess I forgot to mention that earlier :)


english although i have to learn how to ride western wen i own my own horse in central america since ive seen how they ride over there


i remember taking lessons when i was young. the only things i remmeber hwo to do now are ride, not even gallop.

my favourite colour is black. just jet black with no other colours. so pretty =)

You be your own hero.
~ Chad Ginsburg
I The Mighty Boosh


Galloping must be scary!!

I tried cantering a few weeks ago (I think it was two weeks ago) and began to slide. We were turning a corner at the time and the horse swerved and halted and there I was dangling down! Someone had to push me back up but hey! I managed to stay on and loved it.

Did anyone else find cantering a bit scary on the first or second try?

Spider-man fans! Show your support!!


I love horses! They are such beautiful creatures. I would do
anything to get one.

As for experience, I wanted to ride Western, but I could only find
English riding. (I didn't like that, too strict for me)
I only got to trotting, I wasn't going to go for running and jumping.
I'd get too scared that the horse would buck me off.

My favorite horse? Uhm, I'd have to say...

American Paint Horses,

Breton Horses,


Camargue Horses,
