MovieChat Forums > Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002) Discussion > Who else here can ride? fav colour horse...

Who else here can ride? fav colour horse?

I just wanted to know who else here could ride a horse and what your experience levels were.
what does it feel like to gallop and jump? (both I havn't done yet)

AND what is your fav colour horse?
I think mine is a palomino, but all colour horses are gorgeous!


i have two of my very own horses. i trein them in english and iin western riding. but moslty i love english. im an intermediate rider. galloping is a little rocky at first but you have to learn to ride with the horse. and jumping is the same way. its an awesome experiance to ride a horse.

My favorite color of horses has to be.....ummmm......overo on paint horses.


Wow! Your so lucky! wish I had a horse.

Rocky? Really? I guessed as much, but a canter is so smooth. i'm looking foward to the time I learn how to gallop, and jump!

overo? what colour is that?


i have 2 horses. a quarter horse and a haflinger mix. i'm not really on any level since i just do it for fun every once and awhile. i've jumped alittle and galloping is fun. i've done western and english(i love western awhole lot more though) i've tried alittle at barrel racing. i mostly ride bareback if i get the chance. i've been bitten and bucked off and reared up on riding my quarter horse..she's a real bitch. I LOVE trail rides :)

i dont really have a fav color. Overo is a type of paint horse such as overo and tobiano and tovero. look it up in horse books or the net. they have alot of info on that. :)

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


Hey Pookybrain!

Ohhh! *starts turning green with envy* 2 horses! your so lucky!

i've always wanted to ride bareback, but I can barley ride without styrups! (sp?)

bucked off and reared up on? whoa, scary I take it?

I looked up that colour and it is beautiful, lol!



Hi! *waves* yeah it is. i just like to ride maggie, she almost 4 but she was born broke. we just started sitting on her, threw a bit and saddle on her and she acted like "yeah, wow..whats new" she's never bucked or reared on anyone and she's extremely intelligent. i'd never sell her. its pauline, my quarter horse who bucks and rears..i thought it was really funny when she tossed off this lady i hate alot. i used to have 3 but we got rid of our paint since we couldn't offord one.
if you ever think about getting a horse always try it out first with everything..that damn bitch of a lady told us that alot of kids rode on pauline..she threw our farrier off when he tried her the first day we got her..she has socializing issues but she getting better and she's not kicking as much. :( i think its best to get the a foal so you'll train him what you want and not have to worry about "underlying" issues with older horses. we got maggie when she was 4 months old...pretty young but she's very people oriented and very trustworthy since we know everything about her. :)

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


Born broken? I didn't know that was possible. She sounds fantastic.

you sound like your a horse expert! I know nothing of training and breaking and things like that, and I doubt i'm ever going to get my own horse!

I have a question: how do you know if a horse likes you and feels comfortable with you?


i'm not an expert..i've never trained or broken one..i think i'm too scared for anything like that lol. we were just lucky i guess. i think you'll know he likes you if he lets you pet him and he responds with interest/happiness (pricked ears, bright eyes) you'll know if the horse doesn't like you or doesn't feel comfortable (sometimes they snort real loudly..not like a normal snort if their uncomfortable..they would probably not come near you or sometimes snap and bare their teeth at you, ears pinned back, white eyes, shifty, tail swishing madly, shying) it all depends on the horse..some just tolerate you and dont show their dislike much and some will lunge at you and snap (i met one like that..mean bastard) maggies been around people all her life..ive only heard of her biting someones butt XD and sometimes she'll nip at people when she's frustrated..pauline on the other hand hasn't been around people that often so when she's uncomfortable she just walks off or sometimes kicks.

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


Wow, thanks for the info! Theres just this gorgeous horse at my local stable and I ride her often, I just hope she likes me and feels comfortable with me, she seems happy enough with me, she hasn't done that stuff you said, but I think shes just putting up with me. lol! its just when we canter she often stops or jumps up or goes for the instructer. whats up with that? and what does it mean when a horse pushes its head against you? (usually knocking me over!)(you dont have to answer, i'm being annoying fireing questions at you! lol!)


i dont mind answering :) when she listens to her instructor and not at you..its probably because she doesn't trust you enough or is dominant over you but it doesn't mean she doesn't like you. she just depends on the instuctor which alot do at riding stables. some horses will try to sneak around things if they can especially if they can get away with it. but i'm no you read horse illustrated? they have some tips sometimes about ridding better and getting your horse to focus on you.
the head rubbing thing..i think she's just using you for a scratching post..mine do that sometimes.. :) but i'm happy to answer any of your questions

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


Of course, the horses must trust the insructors alot.

and good point! next time i'll give her head a good rub! lol!

you say your no expert but you definatly know more then me! lol!

no I dont read that, maybe i'll look up some info on the internet.

thanks for answering! i'm really grateful.


yeah the internet's always good :P

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"



I have an Arabian. I don't really have a level. I just ride for fun. I think my favorite horse color is black. I like palomino a lot too, but black is my fav.


awesome! arabians are gorgeous! you must be a pretty good rider though!
yea black is a lovely colour.


Yea it took me a long time to get good though. Before I got my Arabian I had a Palomino and then I got a job, so I could save up to get another horse. I enojy having my horses.


Palomino! ahh!


i have one horse, Tristan. i've been riding now for 3 years. and its pretty much the greatest activiy one can have the pleasure of doing. he's pitch black


wow, awesome. I just cant wait to jump! lol!
I've never seen a grey horse with a white mane, cool!


Jumping is fun! I like to do cross country event type stuff and endurance riding. It's really fun. I mostly just ride around in the woods that my aunt owns though. I like doing that too.

What kind of Appaloosa coloring and Paint coloring does everyone like? For an Appaloosa I like brown with a white blanket pattern. For a Paint I like light brown and white Medicine Hats.


your aunt owns a wood? whoa. lucky. lol!

I had my first fall! ahhh! it hurt a lot! it still does. lol.

I havn't a clue, he he, guess i'm not that great with naming colours!


My aunt owns a farm and there are some woods on her land. I remember when I had my first fall. I still have a scar from scraping my knee.


wow, thats so cool. I envy you!

really? ouch, I didn't draw blood, just bruised a bone.


It was in a really wooded area and luckily the ground was soft because I fell hard. I'm glad that I didn't hurt myself even more.


definatly, so was I!


So what type of riding does everyone like? I like western pleasure, endurance, and cross country.


i'm afraid i'm way to novice to do any different kind of riding, I just ride! lol.


i prefer western and bareback all the way.. i tried english but i just hated it..having to keep uniformity and a tight rein all the time. with western i can just hold on loosely with one hand and eat or drink with the other without loosing control plus i prefer the western saddle for its deep, secure seat..i'm not a slow stopper and it keeps me in my seat..with the can kiss your face goodbye :) jumping is also fun but i need alot of practice.

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


cool. by the sound of it I probably do English riding.


I do both. I like Western way better, but English can be fun at times. I like bareback too.


i've never ridden barback, and I dont think I should untill I can ride without styrups! lol.


it beats putting on the saddle all time..but it's alot more leg work since you dont have a saddle or stirups for you to relax in..especially if your horse has a round back.

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


I can imagine, but thats the thing i'm worst at, I need the safety of the saddle! lol. but it must be nice, feel a bit more free.


You can also use a bareback pad. It has lil handle things for you to hold on to if you need it. I use that sometimes. I like to ride bareback when I go to the pond on my aunt's land becuz then I don't have to worry about gettin my saddle wet or anything like that.


bareback pad? never heard of one of those! awesome. thats for me!


Yea they are great!


LOL :~)


never wear light pant while you ride bareback you ever rubbed on a horse and your fingers get black oil all over them..ehhhhh imagine all over your butt XD. i had a bareback pad though and the darn thing never worked. my mom would get so frustrated (because my sis had to have everything her way) trying to put that thing on maggie and it'll just loosen up. my mom finally threw it away and was like "whats the point of a bareback pads..then your not really riding bareback then..might as well a saddle" LOL. maybe one of these days we can find a easier bareback pad to put on. i remember when my farrier rode pauline bareback..right when he jumped on she bucked and reared over backwards..creaming him against the side of our chicken house..then she dragged him around..the lady that sold her to us..must have been pretty embarrassed because she said little kids ride her all the time...of course a year later she decided to ride pauline and she got flipped into the air like the way spirit threw off the colonel..just not as far..served the bitch right..lying like that can get a innocent rider killed, like me..its not fun landing on your ass after being tossed a good 8 foot in the felt like all my insides when "plunk!"..hadn't rode her point she still bucks. i'll just stick with innocent maggie :D

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


she sounds like a bit of a terror!
your poor farrier, that doesn't sound like fun!
and poor you!

(I always wear jeans or black trousers when I ride! lol)


lol he's used to it...he breaks his bones all the time with horses..he must REALLY love them XD

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


My aunt used to have a horse that would buck everyone off. He was really nice but once you put weight on his back like you were going to get on him he went crazy. My brother broke his leg trying to ride him. He was an ex barrel racer and I guess he got mistreated because he didn't want anyone near him anymore. My aunt ended up just using him for breeding because he was really fast and had good bloodlines.


awww. guess some horses just don't like to be ridden, like Spirit. lol.


except for little cant REALLY say thats he's not broken. lol XD. but if i was a horse..i would just let them hang on..their own fault if they fall off or not..XD no bits or saddles for me!
poor horsey! thats a problem with used never know how they react to things or if they were abused, mistreated. i think pauline was..she has saddle scars on her back..and she just HATES the bit..she'll swing her head up and the reins would go to one side of her neck..scary..i'm glad she's got a very tender mouth..except when she rears up i yank the *beep* outta her mouth without thinking cause its hard to hold on..people tell you to let go of the reins when they rear..oh anybody's gonna think about that when your horse tries to scrap you off their back lol. i remember this poor barrel horse at a rodeo one time..he didnt win anything so his owner starting smacking and jerking on his horses reins, just because he had a girlfriend next to him

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


Thats what I thought, Spirit allowed Little Creek to ride him, so he must a bit tollerante of people. lol.

I hate people who abuse horses like that, people who kick them and pull at their reins, it makes me feel sick.

lol, yea, if your about to fall off a horse or your on a rearing one the last thing you want to do is let go of your only support!


lol tell me about it. let go of the reins and then the horse can do what ever it wants..jump over the ditch...bolt through a fence and you cant stop it..its just like telling a person on fire to stop drop and roll XD LOL

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


lol. he he!
I find it hard when I canter to lessen my hold on the reins, you cant pull at the mouth can you? but when I do I feel like i'm going to fall off!


Pooky you should use a hackamore instead of a real bridle on Pauline. That way you won't have to worry about cutting up the horses mouth or agitating it because there is no bit. They work really well with horses that have been abused or don't like the bit. As for Spirit and Little Creek... I think it was because Little Creek saved Spirit and Spirit saved Little Creek. They both became good friends and knew that they could trust each other. Spirit figured out that they had to stick together for the sake of their land. If they hadn't of helped one another either one of them could have witnessed their land being torn up and the ones that they love being killed or captured. They needed each other for survival. That's just how I see it.


your right, I think Spirit almost saw Little Creek as one of his own kind in principal. aww, wish I had that kind of relationship with a horse!


me too. *dreams* i was thinking about hackamores but i heard from people that they can be somewhat harsh on the head and that you have to be experienced in using such things...and pauline such a nervous reck and so are all we, but maybe we can find one and try it out since people tend to say things anyway. the real problem i think is that she needs an experienced ride who can handle her nervousness, none of us really can. we're all laid back and prefer bomb-proof mounts, us and pauline really aint meant for each other. i want to get rid of her but my lil sis likes her..she has her head up in the clouds because she's never experienced being bucked off(and she teases me about my bad experience) and she thinks she can handle pauline, she does better then any of us but i still think pauline is way to much for her..she ALMOST got bucked off and she was scared..she put off riding her for awhile, she shouldn't talk much.. sometimes i laugh at those aqha adds about q horses being the bestest, gentlest mounts..i'm never trusting anymore stupid owners and their "used" horses..too dangerous lol XD *hugs maggie and dream horsey* i read in some horse magazines about a new bitless bridle that not like a hackamore..does anyone know what its called?? or where on the net i could look it up?? it looked really interesting...

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


We use hackamores when we are training horses. They might be harsh if you have a hard hand, but we've never had any problems. With used horses you have to make sure you can trust the person that is selling. Ride the horse yourself before you buy it and take someone else to try it too. That is the best thing to do. Go to or and try searching for that bridle.


poor Pauline, she must have had a bit of a hard life before she came to you, maybe she just shouldn't be ridden. sorry, I dont know about bridles and tack and stuff!


perhaps, poor pauline she needs parelli lol XD. i remember we had something similar to a hackamore but it was something else...forgot what it was called darn! but yeah we outta check out that website if my mom already hasn't. i'm pretty light with my hand..i like soft-mouthed horses since its better and easier to control..not like some of those english riding school horses..their mouths are so hard we that constant pressure on the reins..i dont see how anyone would want to ride for hours with a taunt rein the whole time..turns my arms to jelly XD. i tell you one horse, our first horse ehhhhh *screams* she was beautiful but deadly! she was alright when we first got her (my dad bought her for a suprise..he doensn't know squat about horses) after a while you couldn't catch her, brush her or anything..i remember when we tryed to get her used to tieing. we tried diff methods that some horse people told us..and the bitch would rear up and once she broke her halter that way and she flipped backwards and hit the barn. stupid thing...and she's so freakin wild that she'd gallop around and run right over the chicken wire fence. she was laying right on top of it with her back hoove tangled in dad had to cut her out. just to let you know we replaced all of the fences with proper "horse" fences..the chicken wire was originally for the goats. then she kicked my mom a few times so we got rid of her..i hear now that she's a show jumping horse but very high strung and they bred her..which i think is stupid since she doesn't have a good temp at all..some breeders really need to focus on temperment other then "fads" or "how good the horse can do this" *pets maggie*
i'm loving this thread! it turned into a horsey chat room! *hugs all friends*

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


oh yeah..thanks for the links shy gurl..found some interesting stuff :)

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


he he, your right it is! lol!

I never have my reins to tight, my instructor says have constant contact with the horses mouth, but I never pull to tight, unless i'm fighing to stay on. lol.

i've never come across a horse so bad tempered! but then I only ride horses specially used in riding schools, so they should have a good temper, not Copper though, the horse I fell off, I fell in love with her but shes turning out to be a bit of a wild one. I think i'll ride a different horse next time!


Great news! One of my aunt's mares just had a foal! I'm so excited. My aunt is gonna teach me how to train horses now that we have a new foal to train. He is an Appaloosa/Quarter Horse. My nephew named him Jet. He is black with a white blanket and black spots.
Those two links I gave you have great tack. That's where I usually order my tack and other supplies. Before I moved to my aunt's I went to this riding stable that had some pretty mean horses. There was this one that wouldn't go anywhere past the pastures. She would turn right back around no matter what you did to try and keep her from going where you wanted to. It was a pretty snobby stable too because no one would tell the new people about the horses that you shouldn't take out.


oh wow! A foal! how wonderful! and what a gorgeous colour, and name! your so lucky, you get to be taught how to train horses, i'm so jelous!!!

do you find that some horsey people and people who work at stables can be a bit... nasty?


Yea they can be pretty nasty and I don't understand why. There is no reason to be. I guess it could be because they think they are better at horse related stuff than everyone else.


yea exactly, whenever I go to a riding stables they always make me feel like they really dont want me to be there, like i'm wasting there time, and they can be very stuck up. oh well, not all horse people are like that.


CONGRATS!!! he sounds like a really good looking foal! i hope he turns out to be a great riding horse! :) :D its so great when baby pets are born! ^.^

i know what you mean about some "stable people" and OMG!!! LIL COWGIRL WANNABE'S!! ARRRRR! their so big-headed and "i know everything" i remember this one little turd during horse camp, she came everyday wearing all this glitter clothes and cowboy boots and hat..ackkk. she was very spoiled and thought she knew everything about horses..she always thinks smacked or whiping the horse was the only way to communicate with it. i remember once when i was leading my horse out she was behind him whipping his butt..i didn't know but if i did i would have backed up and made him kick her(yeah i sound cruel but i get short-tempered and dangerous) i thought it was so funny when that horse of hers would drag her all over the place. i think the last day he stepped flat on her little foot and she screamed and smacked him and he just stood their like "zzzzzzzz whatever" i stood there and laughed XD lol i dont go there anymore now..its been 3 years. but so many memories....

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


I've never been to horse camp. I used to always wanna go, but then my friend said that it was horrible when she got back from it. She said that people there were really snobby and into themselves. They kept talking stuff about her because she wasn't as good of a rider as them. I wanted to go there with my horse and show them what a real rider was. They did it right to her face too. Then I guess one of the girls actually got thrown off her horse after she had been bragging and the instructor made fun of her to let her know what it's like. I woulda got off my horse and laughed in her face, but that's just me.
So how old are you two? I'm 17 and I live in Minnesota.


yea, I wouldn't want to go to a horse camp if people were like that. I dont like people who come to lessons in all their gear, act like they know everything, make me feel intimidated, and then it turns out they dont know how to trot. its quite rewarding though when the teacher picks up on that and says "that girl didn't know what she was doing" lol. and people who are having pony walks around the villiage and they look at you on the ground as if your scum or something just cause your not riding a horse, I cant stand it.

I'm 15 and I live in Norfolk.


i'm 18 going on 19 in a few mths. *another memory* it sucks when you have to ride with people who never rode(and dont care)in the samer arena..there was like 12 horses? and the arena was really small. there was this black horse there called Ace. he was really aggressive..probably proud cut the way he was. he would take control of his rider and gallop and buck around the arena. he once came up along me and slashed my leg with swing of his head. the girl strutted her stuff and said "i made my horse do that"..bitch.. eventually though while she was sitting on him in the barn he reared up and went crazy. another time he reared up when he was tyed. he got hit by a truck before when he was tied a long time ago. the instructor came over and started whipping him to death.. he did it while i was in the way and almost stomped on me. she shouldn't punish a horse for being scared and reminded of a bad experience. and this other girl would stand in the arena and cry that her horse was gonna kill her. the horse was over 20 and was falling asleep. XD that girl cried the WHOLE summer camp...

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


I'd just rather not go to any camp or riding stable unless I know that the people there know what they are doing. I'm glad I don't have to go to riding lessons or just ride at a stable anymore. There were a few people that I liked there, but a lot of the riders were really mean. It felt like I was in one of those riding stables that authors write about. I used to read The Saddle Club and it's true there are usually girls that act like Veronica. This one girl at my old stable wanted to be my friend because I have an Arabian and he looks like he was very expensive, but when she found out that I got him at an auction when he was a baby she didn't want anything to do with me. She insisted on being rude to me after that too.


wow, i've never met such an agressive horse as the one you described Pooky, and I hate to hear of such cruelty, why do people have to do that? I was offered a whip once, I wouldn't take it, I refuse to use them. I feel a little novice here, everyone has had horsey experiences but me! LOL. what I dont like is having lessons with children of 7 years and below, cause I cant do anything, definately cant canter, also if I havn't been riding for a few weeks the insructor acts like i've never ridden before and starts explaining to me what a saddle is! I cant stand it!


an arabian! those are pretty :) we had a one at our place. he was a world champ before he suffered massive colic and had to have he looks like a low grade cheap horse..poor thing. that wasn't the only riding stable i went to..i went to one in Germany but people there were nice and mature..concentrating on improving other then being nasty. they were actually all nice when i would come up and look or pet their horses while they tacked up..not all "i know more so dont pet my horse" like some people down here are. i only had one bad experience and that was when my horse ran out from under me..i wasn't prepared and i fell off on my elbow, got dragged a few feet. but nothing major. i remember the old white thoroughbred she was the instructors own horse and she was the nicest thing i rode..she galloped and did everything for me even though it was my first time riding english.
perfectpureblood lol Ace wasn't the only mean horse they had there..when i was leading out a grey mare she reared up at me and tried to strike me with her hooves. i hated her. they once a hansome belgian stallion at our mean camp. he was kinda scared but he let me pet him..he was huge..a good 19-20 hands tall. and his halter was custom made because of his huge head. you could put that halter on your body literally..

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


reared up at you? my god, I dont want to encounter a horse like that! aww, 20 hands?! down my road is a shire horse centre, they have some mighty horses down there, the foals are the size of a riding horse!


shires! i always wanted to see those horses..your lucky! XD

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


have you never seen a shire up close? wait, are Shires only in England? I never thought of that. well they are very beautiful, but a bit... intimidating! Clydesdales are bigger though.


Yea my Arabian is huge for his breed! Little kids used to ask me if he was the black stallion. I once had a horse step on my foot. It didn't put all its weight on me so thankfully my foot wasn't broken. Shires are wonderful and beautiful. I think it's fun to ride on the big draft horses. It feels kinda like flying :)


a black arabian! dang your lucky! he must be very hansome XD. i had a cow step on my foot once but not a horse. i wish i could ride a draft horse *dreams* the biggest horse i sat on was about 18 hands tall and talk about stretching your legs, i didn't use a stepping stool! LOL XD. but a draft horse must feel cool..i only sat on my friends belgian but she didn't do anything. i like their wide backs though..kinda makes me feel secure.

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


At our old neighbors farm we used to go and lay on the backs of his percherons LoL. I had a bunch of goats push me into the mud one time too but that's about it for animal type injuries. Leg space on a horse is very important ;) J/K! It's nice though. My horse, Shadow, is about 16.6 hands and he has really nice features. Most people think he is mixed with something else, but I have the papers to prove that he is full Arabian. I also have two Miniature Horses named Roi and Richocet. My aunt has a whole bunch of different breeds of horses. We have dogs, cats, chickens, a couple donkeys, and three goats. It's a very busy place. I'm glad I got to move out here in the country so I can be here all the time. Before I could just come on the weekends or whenever I had time off of school. Life without horses and other animals sucks! Although I could do without snakes!!! LoL


wow, your lucky. it sounds wonderful. I have a dog, cat and 8 rabbits, not very exotic! lol. and i've never been allowed to sit on a heavy horse! that sounds wonderful to. Arabians are beautiful, your so lucky, their easily my fav breed. A horse stood on my foot once, but it was more of a light lean, I had enough time just to pick up his leg and move it off. lol.


i loved raising goats..we have 4. it was fun when all the bred goats would have babies and get to find out if it is a body/girl and the colors and naming them..their so soft and cuddly too when they're just a few hours old ^.^ i dont know if i already said how many pets i have so here it is? 4 goats, some chickens, 4 guinee birds, 2 horses, 4 cats, 5 dogs. i cant live without animals..especially dogs..i'm used to their protection. i remember one of the best dogs we had..carrie, he was great but he died years ago and i only see him in dreams now..he taught me how to walk..he was a great friend when i was little :) *sweet memories*

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


My grandparents have a farm, but they live hours away, they used to have two male goats, they were babies when they came in but we slowly got to watch them grow up, we saw their first little horns poke through as well! when we would get close they would show off and start head butting each other, it was so adoreable! you also have loads of pets, your so lucky! we did have 21 rabbits at one point, but now its just 8. :~( lol.
Your dog taught you how to walk? oh, thats amazing, and so sweet! what breed was he? dogs are fantastic, their so intelligent, I couldn't live without my Charley, she almost died once and I literly broke down, I couldn't stop shaking, animals can have such an affect on us!


rabbits! i never even held one before lol..i have a ferret also and he's all slippery. carrie was a dachshund mix with long brown hair and very fat.XD. yeah its sad when pets die..i already had three die.carrie of heart attack, pattie(dachshund) of poisoning and tate(yorkshire terrier) was tethered up outside with patty and she got scared and tangled her line around his and strung him up and broke his mom found him dangling dead..i'm glad i didn't. we never used a run line for our dogs ever again. its painful to bury them. i'm the grave digger for all our animals..we have our own pet semetary..some of them we're my special friends..some i watched went through death struggles..sometimes i had to hold them down so they wouldn't hurt themselves..they look so flat when they die and small..

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


aww, Dachshunds are lovely. my dog is a cavalier king charles spaniel. she is so beautiful.
you've never held a rabbit before? it sounds strange since I cant remember life without rabbits! but I guess thats the same with you and horses. there was a point where we had constant rabbit litters, we didn't breed them it just happened! lol. but it was wonderful watching them grow up, especially when they hadn't learned to hop, they just... crawled! lol.

I hate it when pets die. your mum found her dangling? god thats awful. so many of our rabbits have died that we've just grown imune to it, they were dropping every day, we were digging endless graves. I had to hold one of ours when she was dying, it was terrible, the next door neiybours were taunting me as well, they didn't see what was going on, then I lifted her body up and they all just gasped. its the one down side to owning pets, the death. but theres so many good things!


I hate it when my pets die. My old cat, Houston, was the hardest. He had a tumor behind his eye and we had to put him to sleep fast because it was causing him a lot of pain. My old dog, Rudy, helped me learn how to walk. We were both babies and I was crawling at the time we got him. I would grab onto his fur and pull myself up then try to walk with him, but either he would start running or try to lick me. It was great! He was a German Shepherd. Sadly he died three years ago of old age. I have four dogs right now. Two Pits named Rivers and Caesar. A German Shepherd named Boomer, and a Siberian Husky mix named Storm. I love rabbits. They are so cute. My nephew has one named Jellybean. She likes to dig in the dirt and then lay in it for the coolness. I want a Chinchilla really bad. They are really cute. When I lived in the city the kids that lived up the street from us had one and I used to go over there to see it. They run really fast. It's crazy how fast they are.


cool! we both have something in common :D dogs are so wonderful..i wouldn't mind having me a husky one of these days..maybe even a pitbull..since i'm gonna be living alone probably. i want a big, protective dog XD. right now our turkey is our guard dog.he walks back and forth in front of our door and gobbles XD. we had people stop by and take pics of him because of his unusual coloring..he's grey with black and white splashes all over his feathers like someone flung paint all over him.and he has sky blue eyes. not many of his breed are around and their practically extinct..only a few hundred in the us left or probably even less now..sad. their so eye-catching.

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


Dogs, horses, and cats are the best for me. In elementary school we used to go to this farm thing and they had turkeys there. I've never really liked them. They kinda scare me. LoL...We have a rooster that is really mean. He will attack anyone except for my brother. None of us know why. All birds scare me, but I like baby chickens and ducks.


awwww! baby chickies! i watched one of ours hatch once..such pretty moment ^.^ she turned out to be a cute lil white chicken. really affectionate too. we had alot of mean roosters..i remember when my brother punted one like a football..stupid thing would'nt quit attacking. i had this one rooster though..he was really nice and when it stormed i'd go outside and put a small blanket around him and pick him up and bring him inside to my room then i would put him in a basket and he'd fall asleep lol

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


Baby chicks are really cute. Baby ducks are even cuter tho. I love baby ducks. My other aunt had a rooster that couldn't crow. It would try and try, but nothing ever came out. LoL It was really sad.


XD poor thing! when our roosters just start out crowing they sound like dying animals and it scares me XD lol

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


Yea they can get pretty annoying sometimes. Our donkeys can get really annoying too. They like to make a lot of noise for no reason. Once one starts the other does too.


LOL that sounds like my guinees! they shriek though...for along time XD

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


Today I was watching The Black Stallion and I was thinking why do you think they stopped with just The Black Stallion and The Black Stallion Returns? I wish they would have gone further into the series with movies cause I love them.


its been awhile since i've seen it..i saw some clips on "youtube" i want to buy it now..i could get it at walmart for 5 bucks. yeah i know what you mean..they should come out with more but i dont know if they'll be as good since you know how some movies go nowadays. it would be cool to see an animated version of it.

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


Yea I agree about the animated version. I think if they were going to continue with the series then they should just start all over with a new horse and boy because I hate it when they change the origional people that played the characters in the movie.


yeah.then it would look weird. i wonder if they ever would. hopefully they would put heart and dedication into films just dont seem to draw a crowd anymore..i wish dreamworks would pop out a few more horsey films like "black beauty" "black stallion" or maybe "silver brumby" or something but i heard they closed down their animation place so no more cool horsey films. :(
maybe one of these days i'll try and make one..thats the kind of stuff i'm heading for anyway. :)

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


Horse movies haven't been that popular anyways. There should be a lot more. That would be cool if you did make some more horse movies. If I was good at that kind of thing I would want to do it too.


poor horsies! it would be cool if they made a spirit series..just something cool to watch on tv when i'm bored..or bring back on the "silver brumby series" i've never seen it but i'v heard and seen some pics and thought that was interesting :)

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


A Spirit series would be great. Any horse series would be good though. I'm interested in seeing the new movie, "Flicka". Even though they changed the main character into a girl I think it should be pretty good.


i heard about that movie. i'm probably going to see that.i heard from some people that a horse got killed during the making of it :( poor thing..wonder how it died.

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


Yea I've been hearing that too. I'm pretty sure it was an accident. Atleast I hope it was.


now i heard that two horses were killed..i sure hope it was an accident..i'll probably see it anyway :) oh well..things happen

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


Yea, I think people are making a bigger deal out of it though. I'm pretty sure that it happened by accident for both horses and I doubt that the Humane Society or any other organization let that go uninvestigated.


I havn't been on this for a while. lol.

The silver brumby series was quite good, though it was very much for children. loved the theme music!

Has anyone here watched "Dreamer"?


No, I haven't seen Dreamer. I want to see it really badly though. I'm thinking of buying it this week. Have you seen it? Oh and we missed you in the conversations :) LoL.


I havn't seen it, I want to as well, Dakota Fanning is one of my fav actresses. I want to get it from the library.

aww, thank you! My E-mail messed up and didn't tell me when my entries were replyed to, after a while I figured it out! lol.


Yea Dakota Fanning is a really good actress. My E-Mail has gotten messed up too but I come on here a lot cause I like to look at movies and people, so I usually end up checking the boards anyways.


yea, I do sometimes, but some people on here, especially on the Tom Felton board, are really horrible! you give your opinion and they take it as a personal insult at them and they start verbally attacking you! only some though.


Yea that's how it is on the Flicka and Vin Diesel boards. I don't understand why they take everything so personally. Everyone has different opinions.


lol its like that alot on boards that are visited should see it over at the jurassic park movies..dang. i never post anything though because theres some pretty pyschotic people over there XD. i think people with mental illneses (really bad ones) shouldn't go on chatrooms or forums..i've seen a few and they just start everything and think their illness(some admit it) is an excuse..i think they only hurt themselves more. yeah..back on subject. i really want to see dreamer..i might buy it also...what i'm really looking forward to is "cars" i cant go to the theater so i'm waiting for it on dvd. and toy story 3. yeah!!!
oh yeah i want to tell you guys that i'm going on vacation for two and half weeks in germany and ireland so i wont be on goodbye!!!

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


I want to see Cars and Toy Story 3 too! The boards can get pretty crazy. People want to prove that they are right and everything like that. Have fun in Germany and Ireland! I'm going on vacation too, but not until next week.


Toy story 3! cool I didn't know there was going to be a third. awesome.
yea, people like to think there more then they are, so they lie, mostly its "I dated this actor" its so annoying.

oh cool! have fun in Germany and Ireland!
and shy_gurl have fun on your holiday!

i'm also going on holiday in a week, to Exmoor for pony trekking and then to London to see the Phantom of the opera and Mary Poppins! woot!


I've only heard a rumor about Toy Story 3, but I would see it if it really came out. There are a few lies that are really annoying. "I dated this actor", "I know them from school", and "I live down the street from them" are the ones that are really annoying to me. I mean they could be true but we don't really know that, so what's the point in telling us?


I cant stand it when people say that! I mean 1) Its very unlikely to be true 2) If their going to lie, at least make it believable and when people suspect you dont start this great huge argument and 3)If it is true, I really dont care and wouldn't believe them anyway. LOL.


Right LoL... I just don't understand some people. It's kind of funny though if you think about it. I go on certain boards just to laugh cause it's so ridiculous.


yea, I know what you mean, but I still dont like it when people are so horrible to each other.

I know this is a weird question, but, can you tell me how to rub down a horse?


All you have to do is use a curry comb or sweat scraper and get rid of the excess sweat. Make sure you cool your horse down before though, so the horse isn't hot anymore.


is that it? really? I thought it was more complicated then that. thanks!
is it hard to look after a horse?


Yea that's it LoL. It's not hard if you're willing to do what you have to do. It's like taking care of any other pet, but you have to definately make sure you give a horse enough exercise. Also make sure it's fed, watered, and groomed. I don't think it's that hard because I love horses and I would do anything to take good care of them. If you aren't sure how to do something look it up on the internet or read a book on horse care. My aunt made sure I did research on horse care before she let me get my first horse.


thats right though, if you really care for an animal then taking care of it doesn't seem so hard. one of my fav qoutes "sometimes I stop and think, is it worth it all, then one look at my horse and I realise- it is" lol.

I think I need to do a bit of research, just encase!


Research really helps, even if you think you know how and what to do.


yep yep yep!
do you play the piano? if so do you know where I can get Spirit piano music?


Yea I play the piano. Where can I get that music?


Thea reason you don't pull on the horses mouth is because they will flip over onto you if you tip them off balance. You should really lean forward and put your weight onto the forhand and reach your arms to the point of their shoulders and hold on there.
I just wanted to write that as a safety concern.

I ride english and do walk trot canter gallop and jump up to 3 foot 6.
Galloping is rocky but your not supposed to sit to it. You should be in a two point or half seat.

It took me a lot of years and a lot of spills to get where I am. I have never been bucked off. I have had horse intentionally try to buck me off and have had horses rear on me but the only times I really fall off Is if I get off balance or the horse spins in tight circles which a horse I used to ride would do and then she would spin the other way fast. I got her out of that habbit quik!


I have a 15.2hh Chestnut arabian stallion flaxen main and tail with lost of roan flecks on him.. a big blaze and 4 stockings.. He's being trained by me in western pleasure, reining, park, native costume and hunter also halter.


oh wow! he sounds stunning! what a gorgeous horse! you lucky thing!


I went to horse riding camp 2 summers and i asked for the same horse everytime (St. James) he was awesome, he was white with black spots and REALLY competitive... and a REALLY bad temper, i rodeoed once cause of my friend, St. James didnt like her horse... well anyways, i didnt try jumping yet, but galloping is really great, i dont know about any of you guys but i feel so free when i gallop... and i think it feels kinda hard at first but then its kinda smooth... im a beginner/intermediate.


oh wow, what grade are you at? I dont know where any is, I was asking you! lol.

COOL! everyone's been to horse camp but me! lol. oh, galloping sounds so great, I really cant wait to try it, but that fall I had set me back and i'm nervous to even canter now!


I've been playing piano since I was like 5. I never took lessons. My dad taught me. You could search for Spirit piano music online. I haven't seen any though. Last night I watched Dreamer. It was pretty good. The ending kind of sucked, but I liked it.


really? cool, you must be pretty good!
I try, but you always seem to have to pay for it, grr. lol.

oh awesome! so it was worth watching? would you recomend it? oh no, the horse doesn't die does it!?

have you watched the horse whisperer?


Yea it was worth watching and I do recommend it. LoL No the horse doesn't die. Yea I love The Horse Whisperer. The book is really good too.


cool, I will watch it then! lol. oh good, I cant stop the tears when a horse dies!
I remeber it being on the TV years ago and my mum saying, you dont want to watch that, its to sad. so i've never watched it since.


It's sad, but it's really good too. You should see it.


thats two DVDs to get out the library! lol.
did you say you had a malamute?


LoL I have a Siberian Husky Mix.


wow, I love those dogs, their beautiful. i'm jelous now! lol.


LoL Do you have any dogs?


yep! A beautiful Cavalier King Charles spaniel named Charley. I love her to bits! lol.


Cute! My Siberian Husky is named Storm and he can be a handful since he's only 1 year old.


Storm, what a wonderful name. only 1! awww! I bet being that breed he's pretty massive and very excitable at that age.

Charly is an old girl of 8. she wants to sleep more then play.


I have a 8 year old German Shepherd named Boomer. He likes to just lay around too, but sometimes he'll play with my other dogs. I also have a 4 month old Pit Bull puppy named Rivers. I got him from one of my friends because her Pit Bull had puppies. Rivers and Storm are mine, but Boomer belongs to me and my brothers and we also have another German Shepherd that we all own together. Her name is Shyla. We are lucky that we live on a farm in the country because we have so many animals. We had Boomer and Shyla when we lived in the city. I got Storm for my birthday when he was 1 month old and that was right after we moved to my aunt's farm. Now I have Rivers too. I have two cats named Dekota and Quince that I had when I lived in the city too.


wow, you sure have a lot of animals! its fantastic!
I adore your names. Storm, Rivers, Dekota, Shyla. beautiful!

You used to live in a city?


Well not exactly in the city but in the suburbs of a city.


oh right. I used to live in Milton Keyens, then we moved to the country. its so much more peaceful.


Yea it is nicer. Well I'm leaving today for my trip, so I won't be on until probably Thursday. Bye!


ok! i'm away for two weeks so i'll talk to you then!


Hello everyone! Mind if I join this thread?

I have two horses, Shiloh (Shi) and Turbo.
Shiloh is my 20-year-old mare whom I still use for barrel racing, though I'm giving her a break right now because she's starting to get sour and tired of it. I actually do Gymkhana with her, which has 12 other patterns to run other then barrels. It's a lot of fun. She doesn't let her age slow her down one bit. I've won match races with her, lots of firsts over all, saddles, blankets, halters and other different tack. She is my pride and joy. Sorry if it seems like I'm bragging. I don't mean to, I always get kind of carried away when I start talking about her because she has just made me so proud over the years.

She is a Quarter horse/Arabian and she is roan/chestnut-stocking paint and she adores little kids. Sometimes she can be stubborn and high-strung, but put her around a little kid, and she's as calm and as harmless as a newborn kitten. If she's eating, she'll stop and just hang her head low to the ground and just stand there quietly. It's so weird.

Then there's Turbo, my little 4-year-old, overweight pony. I got him while he was four months old and have trained him myself. His original owners told us he's Quarter Horse/ Egyptian Arab, but now that he's grown it's kind of obvious that they lied. Oh well.

His color is blue roan. He changes colors year-round; it's pretty weird. In the winter his coat comes in black and he turns into a little black puffball. When spring rolls around he's all white with the exception of his face, legs, mane and tail, which always stay black. Then finally, in the summer he actually looks like a blue roan with a silvery hair.

As for my riding level, I wouldn't call myself an expert. I've been riding for 10 years, but I still have a lot to learn before I can really call myself an expert. I'm going to try to get into dressage for the discipline. When I think about it, when I'm on Shiloh is when I would call myself a good rider, but mostly because she's adapted to me so well over the years that, I guess she makes me look good. I give her full credit for all the stuff we've won, but I have to learn to be able to be a good rider on OTHER horses. Not just Shi and Turbo who, like I said, have adapted to me.

I, TurboTehe, love and support the troops 100% And proud of it :)


of course you can! :~)

WOW! your two horses sound amazing! i'm mega jelous of all you horse owners!
aww! little black puffball! LOL.

I know what you mean, I kept riding the same riding school horse every lesson, she was wonderful and I got so used to the way she felt and moved, the I fell of her and I decided to change horses, but this horse felt so awquard and uncomfortable, I felt like such a novice on her!


Well I'm back early!!! I had fun, but I missed my pets and reality. It rained almost every day, but it was nice almost everyday too. Your horses sound cute!



"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


HEY! How was your trip?


it was pretty fun but i'm glad to be home. those plane trips tire me out :)

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


Yea I don't like planes very much. I get very bored on them.


its better sometimes when you get a few seats to your self though. on my way up there me and my sis had 4 seats in a row to ourselves so we got to stretch out. but on the way back we didn't. its so uncomfortable especially the head rest. it hurts my neck. its great when the seats each have a small tv on the thats great..i can never fall asleep on those darn things..everytime i try theres turbulance or a shrieking baby..ohhh we had one that cried 8 out of the 9 hour flight..i was about to cuss that mom out. lolol

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


LoL I woulda been mad too. I haven't been on a plane in a long time, but I do remember being really bored. I hate turbulance and I hate it when my ears get plugged up from high altitude.


i'm back. and i'm depressed, I hate it when holidays end! I swear someone pressed a fast foward button and sped it all up. grr.

how was all of your holidays?


Yea they do go by very fast. I hate it when they end too, but then I'm happy because I get to see my animals and friends that I missed. My holiday was good. Kind of rainy, but warm too. We swam almost everyday. How was yours?


Yea, I'm happy to see my dog, but I still want to turn back time! lol.
awesome! shame about the rain.
it was sooo cool!!! really relaxing and exciting!


My trip was very relaxing too. It wasn't all that exciting because it was very quiet where we were, but fun all the same.


awesome stuff, where did you go again?

I went to stay with my aunt and uncle for a few days, and had a great surprise, they owned a gorgeous little plump black shetland! she was completly unbroken, has never had a bit of tack on her except a bridle and lives practically wild, she has a huge field to live in and they barely see her, she doen't allow you to get to close and when you do she gives a little rear and canters in a circle then carries on grazing where she was. she is very intelligent, there was a boundry that she allowed you, and she when she cantered she looked beautiful. lol. they've always had a pony, they used to buy them cheap at auction then break them themselves to pull carts. Lottie is their last pony.


I went to my uncle's cabin up on the border of Canada. Oh! I love Shetlands. We used to have one, but my aunt gave it to the neighbors for their grandchildren. We have Miniature horses though.


Canada! awesome! it sounds great staying in a cabin, really peaceful, and yes, relaxing! I would asume.

cool, miniature horses. i'd love to have a little pony, just to have and to take care of, oh well.


i remember when i sat on a shetland gosh do they bounce! i remember when this 300 pound rider sat on one..i was suprised she didn't break his looked so funny though XD

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


They are really strong and hardy. Poor pony though!!! lol I bet it was a sight to see. We have the pony and miniatures for my little cousins and all the other little kids in my family. We only have one pony. She is a Welsh Pony. She is very pretty and gentle.


geez, a person that size sitting on a shetland? poor little thing. were you younger when you rode the shetland?
I love welsh ponies, I also love Exmoor ponies, they have these lovely cream muzzles, lol.


I love New Forest, Chincoteague, and Fell ponies. I love Fell ponies because they remind me of Friesians and I love Freisians almost as much as I love Arabians.


oh yes, new forest ponies are gorgeous, and I love friesians. I went to a show a while back called "The Spirit of the horse" it included 30 horses, and a bit where there were friesian stallions galloping bareback, wonderful.


Oh I want to see that. It sounds really nice. A couple summers ago I went to a show that showed Monty Roberts joining up with a few horses. It was wonderful because I love Monty. I have his book called, "Shy Boy". I've seen the film of when he was first catching Shy Boy and joining up with him because of the people that thought Monty was a fake.


cool, but, if you dont mind me asking, whos Monty Roberts and Shy Boy?


He's a famous horse whisperer here in the States. You should look him up cause he is really interesting. Well I think he is.


oh wow, a horse whisperer? a real one? I will look him up, I wish I could do that. sigh.


There are lots of horse whisperers out there. I think anyone could be one if they really wanted.


wow, but I think you need a certain talent to be a real one, it would be amazing.


I think you just need to have patience, know something about training, and be able to not only listen to yourself but the horse too.


definatly. how about you? have you ever wanted to be one?


I think it would be fun, but I'd rather own a horse sanctuary or boarding stable.


oh I would love to own a horse sanctuary! I want to visit redwings, but I havn't yet. it gets me all misty eyed though thinking of horse abuse.


What is Redwings? There is a horse sanctuary in South Dakota and I used to sponsor a horse that lives there. I want to go visit it someday soon. If I opened a sanctuary I would have abused and unwanted horses there. It would be so fun to have one and be able to know that I'm helping the horses.


Redwings is a horse sanctuary where I live.

really? cool. I would sponser a horse if I could pay!

definatly, to know that your helping horses and giving them a second chance to enjoy life.


I would also love being a horse breeder. I don't know if I would breed just one type of horse though.


a horse breeder? that would be cool, but I wouldn't know what to do.
what kind of horse would you breed?


Arabians, Mustangs, Friesians. I'm not quite sure though.


those are all my fav breeds! I also like Camargues and Lippazaners, if I spelt that right!


Here I'll list off all the breeds I like:
American Mustang
Kiger Mustang
Paso Fino
American Paint
American Bashkir Curly
American Quarter Horse
Cleveland Bay
Chincoteauge Pony
Gypsy Vanner
Spanish Mustang

All of these breeds I would be willing to breed, but I don't know what one to do.


whoa, you like a lot of breeds! LOL.
well I like 'em all! but the few I mentioned especially.


LoL I like all horse breeds, but those are the ones I'm really in love with.



what about dogs? whats your fav dog breeds?


German Shepherd
Siberian Husky
Bernese Mountain Dog
American Pit Bull
French Bulldog
Mixed Breed
Golden Retriever
Miniature Pinscher
Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Welsh Corgi

How about you?



Cavaleir King Charles Spaniel!!!!****
Siberian husky
Alaskan Malaumte
german and belgian shepherd dog
Pyrenean mountain dog

oh loads!!!!!!!!!


It's really hard to choose my favorite breed of dog, but my top four are: German Shepherd, Siberian Husky, Pit Bull, and Corgi.
For horses my top four are: Arabian, Kiger Mustang, Appaloosa, and Friesian.


mine for dog: cavaleir king charles spaniel, alaskan malamute and labrador.

horse: Camargue, kiger mustang and arab.


So how is your riding going? Have you been going lately? I've been really busy getting ready for school to start again that I haven't really had that much time to ride. Tomorrow I'm hoping to go though.


not very good, i've been to busy to go as well. I had one really bad lesson before my holiday, and I went horse trekking, but apart from that I havn't been.
I hope you have a good ride tomorrow!


I just got in from my ride and it went nicely. Shadow, my horse, was very frisky but I had a good time and so did he.


aww, Shawdow, lovely horse name. he he, frisky, I feel unsettled when a horse i'm riding gets like that! it unsettles me. but i'm glad you both had a good time!


Taking care of frisky horses gets easier with time and practice. I'm used to him being frisky because he is an Arabian and they can be like that a lot.



do you prefer riding uphill or downhill? weird question I know, but, I had a trek all downhill and I hated it.


I don't have a preference. I don't mind doing it if it isn't constant.


oh I dont mind if its a small slope, but the whole thing was down hill, and very steep! I felt, the whole way, that I was going to slip over the horses head! every time he stumbeled I went cold, it felt like he would go down on his kness, it was horrible.


Yea thats how I feel too. When I was younger I was terrified of going down hills, but now I don't mind it as much. I don't like uphill that much either. I feel like I'm going to slip off the horses back and down off onto the ground from the back and I don't like have to lean forward the whole time.


I quite like going uphill for some reason, dont know why.


LoL everyone has their favorite thing to do.



do you draw?


Yea I do, but I'm not very good at it. Do you?


oh awesome! I bet your better then you think. I draw a lot! me and pooky are both on fanart central, she is amazing at drawing horses! you should join!


I'm better at music than at art, but maybe I will join. What is the website link?


oh, what music do you play?

give it a try!


I play the piano and drums.


cool! I play piano, have we already had this conversation? :~'


LoL Yea I think so! I used to play the flute too, but I didn't like playing it that much.


lol, I thought so, I had a serious case of de ja vou (incredibly badly spelled!)

flutes are cool, I had that with the cello, I played for ages, but I didn't really enjoy it. I especially didn't enjoy dragging it on the school bus every school morning! especially when I was late and I had to run with it to the bus stop! lol.


I'm glad that I've never had to carry an instrument to school. I took private lessons for flute and my dad taught me how to play the piano and drums. I looked on that fanart central website. You and pooky can really draw. I really can't draw that good, especially horses. I wish I could though cause it would be really cool and fun.


yea, I had private piano lessons, but cello at school.

your dad taught you? is he a "music man" like mine?

oh cool! thank you! Pooky is just incredible, I can only copy.

drawing is fun, it doesn't matter if your not phenominal, its just fun doddling! lol.


Yea my dad is in a band and he has his own recording studio. I love to doodle. I do it all the time at school. lol


he has his own recording studio!!!!? cool!!! thats awesome!

oh doodleing saves my life at school, stops me from being painfully bored. lol.


Oh I know! I get in trouble for not paying attention, but I still do it. lol


nobody pays attention to me so I just doddle away! I come home with pages and pages of the stuff! lol.


LoL Well I doodle and talk at the same time, so that's why I get in trouble. Maybe I should stop talking and just doodle. lol


he he, probably!


When does school start for you? I start on September 5th. This is my last year of high school and I can't wait for it to be over.


I start a bit later then that, the 9th, I think! :~'

this upcoming year is your last, or are you going to college in September? cause this upcoming year is my last! then i'm going to college next September. how old are you again?


This is my last year and then I think I'm going to college next Sepetmeber. I might take a year off though. I'm not sure yet. I'm 17, gonna be 18 in December.


thats weird, cause just like you, this year is my last and then i'm going into college next September, but i'm 15. oh well. and I can't wait to leave as well! I can't stand school, i've had enough of it.

is it possible to take a year off?


I can't stand school either. College is optional, but if I want a good job I have to go and I am going to. I don't know what I want to do yet though.


oh, it is the best thing to go to college, even though i'd prefer not to, i'm going. i'm not going to university though.

i'm doing drama in college, and if that doesn't work out then i'm doing horse care.


Yea I want to do something with horses, dogs, or culinary arts. I have no idea yet though.


culinary arts?


i do western pleasure but i don't gallop or jump. my favourite colour would have to be a sorrel. the first horse i rode was a sorrel


cool! Sorrel is a lovely colour.


Culinary arts is training to become a chef. Yea sorrels are beautiful.


ahhh, cool!

I always thought Sorrel was a blue roan kind of colour, then I found out it was chestnut. I was like "oh" '~)


That reminds me...I have another color to add to my favorites: Grulla! I love that color. Also, I love bucksin.


that sounds cool! what colour is Grulla?
oh I love buckskin, reminds me of Spirit!

have you ever seen the film "The man from snowy river?"


Here are a few links to pics of a grulla:

Yes I've seen it. It's one of my favorite horse movies.


that is a gorgeous colour! really beautiful. that foal was precious! lol.

My mum just recorded it for me and i'm going to watch it tonight. I looked it up on IMDB and it sounded pretty good! its one of your favourites?


Yea it is. The second movie isn't as good and it's really sad.


I just watched it! it was awesome. well the horse scenes were awesome, the talking bits were a bit boring. loved it when they all galloped down that huge slope. but when he captured all those wild horses I kept saying "LET THEM GO!!!" lol.

whats the sequel about?


He does let them go. You see it in the second movie. Here is a summary of the movie, but you should really try to see it.

Jim goes away for a while and then he comes back with a whole bunch of horses that he bought. Spur had died within that time and where he had lived is now a colony of people. Harrison still doesn't want Jim around. Jessica is supposed to marry some other guy and he really hates Jim when Jim comes around. The guy and some people that work for him steal Jim's horses, so Jim tries to save them. He goes down the famous slope again and the guy shoots Denny. Denny dies and the wild stallion from the first movie lets Jim finally ride him. So Jim and the men from the colony where Spur lived and *surprise* Harrison finally gives in and accepts Jim, so he helps too. They catch the men that stole Jim's horses. Jim and Jessica get to be together finally.

I left a lot out, but that's the stuff I usually look forward to in the movie. A different guy plays Harrison and the aunt isn't in this one, but it's a good sequal. Unlike some sequals that suck.


sounds awesome! no! Spur dies? but yay! Jim lets them go! i'll look out for it.

yea, most sequels are awful. except x-men 2 and Pirates of the Caribbean 2, and Toy story 2! lol.


LoL Yea


I went to a circus today, and there was this insanely tiny pony! I think they said he was 27 cm! we saw him at the end and his legs were stumps! it was a hoof directly connected to a knee directly connected to his shoulder basically. but he was beautiful, I think he was a fallabella miniature.


Yea I love fallabellas they are so cute!


lol. they had this bit with a shire and a shetland trotting together, they were both black and white, so it looked really cool! they were both gorgeous. and two appalosa's, they were just beautiful.


Thats awesome! I'm going to our state fair on Saturday and Sunday, so I'll be seeing lots of horses. It'll be fun.


cool! what else is in a state fair?


Rides, food, music, other animals, agriculture buildings, lots of stuff. It's huge!


cool! sounds awesome!!! wish I could go to one of those. we dont have state fairs in Britain obviously.


I bet you would really enjoy it. I love going to the horse shows that they have.


wish I could go. what are the horse shows like?
My sister went to the county fair, I didn't, but she said that there were loads of horse shows, and show jumping and stuff, I should have gone. lol.


They have western and english shows. They also have special shows. Do you have an account on HorseLand?


no I dont, but I have heard of the site, whats it like?


You can buy horses and dogs. It's like a role playing game. I love it. If you decide to join add me. My user name is saragurl19.


sounds cool! I might join, whats the website link?
i'll add you! :~)


That is the page where you sign up. I just started a new account. My old one got shut down because I didn't check it for a while.


thanks for the link! i'll have a look.

oh no! how annoying!


Yea I was mad when it was shut off, but now I can start all over with a whole new thing.



I signed up, but i'm very lost and confused, i'm not sure about the money and the stables and stuff, so i dont know. :~?


It's pretty easy to get into. What is your name on there?


Anna. my real name. lol. so far i've bidded for a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Cherry. thats it. LOL.


I have two horses so far. One named Spirit and one named Varsity Player. My name on there is Meadow Brook Farms.


aww! Spirit! Varsity player, cool! how do you get a stable?

Meadow Brook farm, i'll have a look for it.


You have the stable. That's what your homepage is. If you become a premuim player and pay a monthly thing, then you can get an arena and train your animals.


ohhhhh. but it said that untill you get a stable you must board your animals with other people? or was that a totally different thing?


Until you become a premium player you have to board at someone's stable that is a premium player, otherwise your animals won't get fed. You have a stable, but it isn't one that you can feed your animals with.


thats the thing, I would have to board all my animals with someone else for them to get fed. i'm a little unsure.


Board here: Cholula's Stable-Low Price-Will Feed

When you search for a new place to board your animal type in that and go there. I know they will feed your animals.


oh cool. i'll try there. I havn't got any animals yet though, i'm waiting to see if I get my dog. lol.


LoL I hate having to wait and see if I get the animal that I bidded on. I get really impatient.


he he, what price do you usually bid with?


Depends on the age and how many points it has.


ohhh. I'm not very good at it, I bidded ÂŁ100. thats probably laughable, right?


Don't worry I wasn't good at it at first either. Once you get used to the whole concept it gets easier. No, that's not a laughable price. Some of the animals are worth that.


yea, when you do something over and over you get more used to it.

oh good! I thought I was really cheap. lol.


LoL When I first started HorseLand I didn't know what to do at all. You get to go to the bank every week on there, so that's a good thing.


finally! this thread so big it took me awhile to open it...other times i couldn't..yeah i'm so far outta of what you guys talking
DID YOU HEAR? THE CROCODILE HUNTER GOT KILLED!!*CRIES* i'm so devastated...and shocked..he was a cool guy. :( :(

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


LoL Yea it did get pretty big! I can't believe he died! I loved his show. I feel so bad for his wife and children.


heh Pooky!

I know! I just read today, its so sad! I was wacthing his show just a couple of days ago, he had such a good life. Everyone there must be devestated, and poor Bindy, shes only young. :~(


They have a son too. It's really sad.


do they? I didn't know, its so horrible when people die.


Especially when they are so young. He was only 44.


hmn. in his line of work though you have to expect things like that happening, with crocodiles, sharks, and stingrays.


Don't forget......Poisonous snakes! I hate snakes! LoL


of coarse! I forgot. oh snakes are alright, but I doubt i'd be saying that if one was on me! lol.


lol snakes..i just saw snakes on a plane..freaky as hell. poor'd kinda think he'd get killed by a croc but a stingray??? i hear its extremely rare ..and they got footage of his death too..i hope they burn it or something because i kinda want to see and and don't. wierd huh? i just hope they never air it least he got killed instantly..enjoying the thing he loves most..RIP steve :(

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


I'm gonna miss his shows. Yea I always thought he would get killed by a croc or alligator, if he ever did get killed by an animal.


yea, a stingray is unusual, they got footage of him being killed? how awful! they should get rid of it. I saw a broadcast on the news and it said the stingray peirced his heart, the creature was huge! bigger then a man.

oh and on a completley inapropriate note to what I just said, don't you think that snakes on a plane is a pretty bad title for a film, I don't know about the film itself.


They also have a movie called Snakes on a Train. We saw it when we were at the video store. I don't want to see either Snakes movies. They sound completely stupid to me. Well today is my first day back to school. Did you get that dog you bidded on?


snakes on a train! oh dear. lol.

Tomorrow is my first day back, oh am I dreading it.

I havn't been told yet, I need to check it again.

and just to say my internet is going crazy and I might be diconected for a while, its not definate but if i'm not on for a while its cause of that. :~)


I sent you a buddy request on there.


oh cool! thank you! i'll go check it.


Ok...LoL Today was so boring. All my classes suck and I have like no friends in them.


oh, how awful! tomorrow's my dooms day. I know how you feel, I hardly have any friends in my classes. I feel like an outcast. :( thats why I hate school.

On a lighter note! your now my buddy on horseland! :~) and I didn't get the dog, it turns out she bought him for 10 000 or something. I was outbid as well. oh well.

I loved your stables! it was a beautiful page, that horse picture was stunning, and your horses are gorgeous, I love Spirit, he's the real Spirit! running free on your lands. lol.


That sucks that you didn't get the dog, but I'm pretty sure you'll find another one that you like. LoL Yea I wanted Spirit to be like the Spirit from the movie.


lol, i'll try again, get the price up a bit. lol.

well he was gorgeous! are you going to get any dogs?


Yea I probably will. I am gonna wait until I get some more money though. Tomorrow I can add more money to my account from the "bank". We get 10,000 HorseLand dollars every week.


really?!!!! I didn't know that!! every user does? well thats good! I was worried about money! cool.

reply I usually have issues with money even without the money every week. I like to spend, spend, spend. lol


he he! wish it was real money! lol.


lol I really do!


lol. do you have a job?


Yea I have two jobs. One is a job at a store and the other is babysitting.


cool! i'm a papergirl. lol. very bad pay. :( he he. what do you get payed?


Well for babysitting it depends on how many kids and how long I'm gonna be doing it for.


yea, of coarse. I couldn't babysit, I wouldn't have the patience. lol.


LoL I love kids, so I'm really good at it.


i'm not good with kids, I don't like it when they stare at you. lol.


lol I love playing with them. The only thing I'm not to fond of about them is how they always ask questions.


yea! that to! and I have no idea how to answer! then when I do they stare at as if i'm crazy! lol. and when your walking in a crowded place they always bump into you. oh well, i'm sounding cruel! their young, they can't help it.


lol They can be very entertaining sometimes though.



do you play computer games?


What kind? Online or ones that have to be put on the computer?


ones that have to be put on the computer.


Yea I do.


have you got Theme Hospital?


No, I've never heard of it. I play The Sims 2, Championship Season, Doom, Zoo Tycoon, and Spy Hunter.


oh i'm addicted! you have to bulid and run a hospital, its awesome!
I've played roller coaster tycoon, but not zoo tycon, I wanted to buy it though, whats it like?


It's really fun. You get to make your own zoo and choose what animals to put in it. It's really fun when you get the expanded editions too. There is a dinosaur and marine one to go along with the origional.


oh how cool! wish I had bought it now! lol. maybe if I see it again.


Yea it's a great game!


how about theme park?


Yea I like game.


cool! i've got a play station game called "Riding star" you get a horse and you have to look after it and train it, and then you have competitions like dressage, cross country and show jumping. quite good. i'm not to good at it though!


I never knew that there was a horse game for playstation! I'm gonna have to look around for it. lol


yep! its pretty cool. I like galloping! I always fall off though. lol. in the multi player games I always choose the dun horse and call it "spirit" lol.

yea, have a look for it!


LoL I'm going to the next time I get some money.


i'm going to town tomorrow! i'm going to speeeeeeeeend!!!!!!!! lol.


LoL I want to! I was in town today, but I didn't have that much money to spend.


I don't usually have much money, but it just slowly built up, so i'm taking advantage of it!


Yea I usually put all of my money in the bank, but when I save up or get money that I am gonna keep to myself....I SPEND IT!!!! LoL


he he, oh yes!

I've finished my spree, and I didn't get much. lol. I got a calender, a DVD and something I really wanted, the Smallville season 5 boxset!!! Woot!!!


LoL I want to get the old Roswell box sets...I loved that show so frickin much!


Roswell high? I havn't seen that, it sounds like my thing though, I should give it a go.


Yea you should. It's about aliens that are high school students on Roswell, New Mexico. It was the best show ever.


cool! you may find me weird, but I believe in aliens! how about you?


I believe in all that weird kinda stuff. Aliens, ghosts, etc.


oh yay! me to! has any wierd ghostly stuff ever happend to you?


Yes a few times!


wow, really?! you don't mind telling me what happened, do you?


Well once me and my friend were out in my dad's studio. We were singing and playing the instruments in there. I left to get some water and as I came back in I saw a microphone in the air. Then it went fell to the ground and the stereo turned on by itself so we went running outside.


wow, really!? man, thats freaky!!!

i've had loads of things like that, but not as scary. I woke up once and all the books that were on my side table were spread around my head, whether that was my sister playing a trick I don't know, but she sounded as shocked as me. :~!


That would scare me really badly!


lol! i mean it has to be something, the books didn't jump up and splay themmselves on the bed! ghosts have to excist one way or another. and aliens. :)


Yea they do and I really don't care what other people think about it! lol


lol, me to. :)

do you watch afterlife?


No I've never heard of it.


I just wondered. a new series is starting, its a good program, bit freaky. lol.


LoL I love scary shows and movies. I like it around the time of Halloween because there are shows about haunted places on tv and they are really interesting and fun to watch.


yea! all those shows like "most haunted" and stuff, some are quite funny cause the poeple are obviously making it up. lol. but some can be real.


I just like laughing at people who get super scared. The looks they make are hilarious! lol


ha ha ha! me to!! faces that make me laugh is when someone is falling over, on you've been framed or something. I know I shouldn't laugh, but I can't help it! they lose control of their facial features and just look hilarious!!!


I know! It's like I wish I could have been there to actually witness what happened. I love watching Funniest Home Videos.


me to! its more funnier when it happens to your self, or myself in this case. lol. cause I can't control myself with laughing! LOL.

oh me to, I don't like the ones where people crash motorbikes and stuff, only when people fall over. lol. did you see the winner of you've been framed where that lady was in a crazy house and she fell over on a moving floor, that was sooooooooo funny!!!


No I haven't seen that one! LoL That sounds like it was hilarious. I like animal ones and baby/little kids. They are super funny!


aww! yea, I love ones with cute little puppies, or gorgeous kittens! I like the horse ones as well!


Yea I just love all the animal ones in general.



do you like Johnny Depp? (what a strange change of conversation. lol.)


lol Yea I like him a lot..He's very interesting.


yay! I love him! he is really interesting, he plays all these great roles, really different. like Edward Scissor hands and Jack Sparrow couldn't be more different!! he is a great actor! and very hot. lol.


He looks the hottest in Pirate of the Caribbean. I loved him in Secret Window too. It was such a strange movie.


ohhh yes!!! LOL. cute pirate boy. lol. but he was just gorgeous in Edward Scissor hands, so sweet. I also loved him Charlie and the chocolate factory, he was so funny. I havn't seen that film, i've seen pictures and adverts and stuff, it does look odd, but thats his specialty! :)


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a really good movie! I saw it when it first came out in the theater with my cousin. She is in love with him. She has all his movies. lol


I loved that film! I watched it three times in the cinema, then I got the soundtrack! lol. oh, me and your cousin have something in common then! i love him!!!! *aherm* sorry about that! lol. :D shes got all of them? i've got quite a few, but not all. :)


Well she has mostly all his movies. Her walls in her room are covered with his pictures and everything like that.


wow, really? cool! lol. i've got one pirates poster that I ripped out of the radio times and a small CatCF pic that I ripped out of a magazine. lol.

its funny isn't it, Johnny Depp is an ordinary man just like all the others, yet we love him so much, and think he's special in a way! its just strange. lol.


LoL It's like that with a lot of other actors.


of coarse, with all of them! all actors have their fans who think their amazing. i've love plenty of actors! who's your fav actors?


Rupert Grint, David Wenham, Wesley Snipes, Adam Sandler, Orlando Bloom, Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, Halle Berry, Sandra Bullock, and Johnny Depp.


oh wow! you've got almost my whole list! mine is Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Daniel Radcliff, Tom Felton, Rupert Grint, Adam Sandler, James Marsters, Micheal Rosenbaum, Alan Rickman, Alan Cummings, Jack Black, Rowan Atkinson, Dakota Fanning, Halle Berry, Keira Knightly, Maggie Smith, Emma Watson and way more! LOL!


Yea I have lots more too, but that was all I could think of at the time! lol


lol, me to! I looooooooooooooooooooove films and actors and stuff. :D


Movies and all that is a big part of my life, but music is first for me. I have to listen to music otherwise I feel all sad and depressed. lol


really? you feel depressed? I do love listening to music, only when i'm traveling or going to bed though. what music do you listen to? and another question I ask people, what do you think of when you listen to music? like do you imagine the person singing or something?


I don't feel like really depressed, but I get sad. I listen to Rap, R&B, and Rock. I don't really think of anything when I listen to music. I just like to listen to what the words they are saying mean and come together.


hmn. cool. I like almost all kinds of music, just all kinds. :)
cool, I always make up stories, like movies playing in my mind that play what the words are saying. is that weird?


No it's not weird cause I do that kinda stuff too.


oh good! its nice just getting lost in a song. lol.


lol Yea it is. Have you been going on HorseLand lately?


to be honest I havn't, I really should have a look at that again, I guess I never get round to it, sorry.


Oh thats cool. They came out with a new type of game. It's pretty cool. They also have a cartoon now. I watched the first episode last Saturday. It was pretty good.


really? cool! i'll check that out. oh wow! a cartoon?! i'll check that out to!! :D


It's called HorseLand..It's on Saturday mornings. I'm not sure what time it's on and what channel, but it was really cool.


cool! i'll have a look for it. :)

do you ever get worried that this thread is going to get to big for this site to handle? LOL. : D


Yes I get a little worried about what's going to happen with this thread. lol


lol, do you know where pooky went?


No I've been wondering that too...She just disappeared.


she came back for a bit then left again, she must be busy. cause I was thinking about exchanging e-mail addresess, then I thought that Pooky would be left out and I don't want her to be left out.


Yea I've been wondering about her too. Well all Pooky has to do is come on to the board and start talking again. Then we can talk to her on here again. My email address is [email protected]...You can send me a message or if you have MSN messanger you can add me on that.


good point! i'll e-mail you then we can carry on talking there, if you want! :)



I have a brown quarter horse, and I ride western. Galloping feels wonderful, it is so fun. My fav colour would have to be palomino also.


fantastic! whats your horse's name? I so can't wait till I gallop, every one says its wonderful, and it does look amazing! yay! Palominos are awesome! :D


His name is Dillinger. I love taking him on trail rides. He is such a sweet horse.


oh wow! what an original name! I love it!
your so lucky! I want one! lol. :)


It sort of wierd I was reading your comments above and we have a lot of stuff in common. I love Johhnny Depp and movies too!


really? thats awesome! yay! Johnny Depp rocks! :D which of his films are your fav?


I love both the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Charlie and the chocolate factory, Secret Window and Edward Scisor hands. He is my favorite actor


oh wow! those are all of my fav Johnny Depp films! except i've never seen Secret Window.


Where do you live? I live in Wisconsin.


Norfolk. wheres Wisconsin? to be honest i've never heard of it. :)


Its in the United states, I have never herd of Norfolk either where is that?


ahh, America, cool! lol, Norfolk is in England, by the coast.


That is so cool. I always wanted to go to England! Wisconisn is in the Nothern Middle part of America.


cool! but England is so cold! lol. :)
awesome! I always wanted to go to America! :D


We have cold winters, and hot summers. I gets pretty cold here too. I love it when it snows, but it gets annoying after a while.:)


cool, lol, we have freezing winters and cold summers. lol. no, we can have pretty boiling summer days.

oh, I love it when it snows to, it hardly ever does, but when it does its great, we go sledding and stuff. :)



cool! Simba! I love that name, it really suits a horse I think. and laughing in the face of danger is awesome! you must have gotten those from the lion king? Oooo, blood bay, I love that colour.
everyone seems to have a horse but me! *pout* lol.

ouch! he stepped on it? that must have hurt! get better soon!

I would love to canter out! but I only canter in the riding school at the moment.


The weather here right now is pretty good. The trees are really pretty because there leaves are changing. I love sleding and also skiing it is so fun. :)


my penpal in America is saying that, that the leaves are changing, it must be a quite a beautiful thing.

oh cool! i've never been skiing, whats it like?


Where does your penpal live? Yes the leaves are very beautiful fall is a pretty season.

Skiing is hard at first but once you get the hang of it, it becomes quiet fun.


i'm not sure, I just know shes in America. lol.

hmn, just like everything I guess! lol.


In my World Cultures Class at school we are learning about Europe. lol

My Day was pretty boring but I am looking forward to going riding tonight.


really? cool! :D

your going riding? awesome! tell me how it goes! :)


Riding went good last night, but it was very cold. Dllinger is all ready starting to get his winter coat.


good! yea, its getting much colder, but I always get much hotter when i'm riding, so its not to bad.

awwww! how cute! horses coats can change colour when they get a winter coat, can't they?


Yea when you riding you get warmed up pretty fast.

I think they can turn colour, but I am not positive. I love it when he gets his winter coat because it is very soft. Have you been riding latley?


oh right, awww! soft coat! :D I like the feel of a foals coat.

I went last Sunday, which was good, and I've got the next one booked in a couple of weeks, at the end of half term. I love it that i'm finally progressing!


Thats cool:D what are you learning right now and what is the name of the horse you ride?


i'm learning to control the speed of trotting, so I would trot very fast then very slow, then go across the school and speed up in the middle then slow at the corner. its really fun! i'm also learning how to perfect my cantering. and how to trot without styrups (sp?) those are the main areas i'm doing.
and i'm riding a gorgeous chestnut mare named Copper. shes wonderful, she listens to you all the time and is very entusiastic. but I did fall off her once. lol.


I remeber learning that, it is fun. I fell off a horse named Lilly, a tractor went by and she spooked and took off. I lost my balance and fell, it knocked the wind out of me but I was okay.



ouch! thats scary, I just fell in the school. its good that you were ok. I damaged my back and could barely walk. lol. took quite a while to recover.


Wow it must have hurt really bad. I was sore for a few days after too. Do you want my email address?


it did. lol. i'm not surprised! :)

yea! definatly!


O.K its [email protected]. I check it evryday so you can write me there.


Hi i can ride a horse and i would say i am good at it i hav'nt galloped or jumped yet but i am looking forward to learning how to do them :-) I have been riding since i was small and i have falling off a few times but i was fine! I am going 2 be getting a horses sooner or later and i am lookin forward to getting one to ride and look after! I have had 2 horses before but 1 of them was 2 small and the next one was spooked by lots of things!

I would say my fave colour horses is either gorgeous dapple grey or a shiny black or palomino but all colour horses are gorgeous!


cool! your pretty much at my level, but I bet your better then me. lol. wow, lucky you!! I can't beleive how many people have or have had horses but me! arrgh! :)

those are my fav colours! I love black and palomino, but yes, every collour is beautiful!


hi u will probably get a horse sooner or later coz i had 2 wait then i got 1! I ain't got a horse at the moment but i think i am getting 1 lol! We are propbabaly both the same at riding lol cya!


I show class A circuit arabian horses in canada. Myfavorite colour is a red chestnut


heyya PP!! XD sorry i haven't been on here ;) its just gotten such a huge thread and its takes so long to open it lol. i was wondering..could you open a "part two" thread for this..i dunno why but i kinda naturally steer clear of really huge threads..i have like a big thread phobia XD LOL..hey have you checked out the "flicka" board yet..XD i'm over there fighting with the dogs..their all yipping about boycotting this and that for the death of two horse..i do feel sorry for them but these people just go around yelling "BOYCOTT THIS MOVIE! BOYCOTT!" its not going to bring dead horses to live XD well if you do decide to check it out..its a war over there XD *puts on helmet*

"hey howdy hey! thats me on a yoyo!"


hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I know what you mean, this thread it huge! I think I may have to open a "who else can ride, part 2" lol.

oh man! i'll have a look over there! but I don't like internet fights *hides in a hole* lol. what do you mean the death of two horses? what happened?

arabian circuit riding? sounds cool!


This thread is massive! I can ride a little. I have learnt to trot again as I haven't been riding for weeks :) Spirit rules!


haha! ^^ I know, it did get a little too big! :D I started a "who else here can ride? fav colour horse? 2" ^^
awesome! ^^ keep at it, cause I used to be just like that, riding weeks at a time and the instructors put me down and made me learn the basics all over again! ^^; have you had that problem? cause I now ride once a fortnight and am finally starting to progress! but its sooo pricey!
oh yea! it sure does! :D
