MovieChat Forums > The King of Queens (1998) Discussion > When Arthur had to move up stairs becaus...

When Arthur had to move up stairs because the basement was too cold

So a big cold wave hit the city and Arthur was freezing in the basement, Carrie invited him to stay in her office across the hall from their bedroom until it got warmer, and Doug absolutely hated it. But i really didn't understand why, why didn't he look at it like he could get his man cave basement back with Arthur upstairs?

He always dreamed of having the basement as his man cave, this was his chance, Arthur loved it upstairs. Yeah i get they could hear Arthur from across the hall but they could've solved that problem by telling him no phone calls at night. I really didn't see the reason for Doug being so upset by him being across the hall, he could've turned the negative into a positive by getting his basement back.

And really how much time did Doug and Carrie spend in their bedroom? They was only in there just to sleep, its not like they hung out in there during the day.


Good points but I doubt Doug ever thought about anything that rationally. I personally liked seeing Arthur upstairs. He seemed genuinely happy there.


Way off


Nobody wants to fuck with their dad a door away.


In real life, Carrie wouldn't have been with Doug
