MovieChat Forums > The Beach (2000) Discussion > Did Leonardo deserved to be nominated fo...

Did Leonardo deserved to be nominated for Worst Actor?

He was just good, but I don't think he deserved. His character wasn't that nice at all.


Don't think so.
The movie did well and is still popular. He is a major reason for it.
Instead of praising him for taking a risk they bash him for not going after the big money stupid movie types. Quite stupid.


No I don't think he's bad in this, I just don't think he was right for the role. In the book Richard is pretty much seen as a loser and doesn't score with the character played by Virginie Ledoyen. I think Leo could have done it but the studios wouldn't have allowed it at that time as he was the heartthrob.

I love to see Alex Garland (the author) who's now himself a top director. Go back and redo this himself. A good 19 years have gone by, so it could do with a retelling as the book is bonkers and Danny Boyle film left a ton of that out. I think someone like a Domhnall Gleeson would be perfect for Richard.


Agree with everything except Domhnall Gleeson - the guy is a creepy as hell albino weirdo, plus he’d be too old.
