MovieChat Forums > Jurassic Park III (2001) Discussion > Why is this movie so hated?

Why is this movie so hated?

Rewatching the trilogy after seeing Jurassic World made me realize how much of a fun adventure film this one is. Too me, Jurassic World was a little too nostalgic and glossy. I miss Stan Winston's creations and his animatronics. I actually do prefer this one over The Lost World because it feels a bit more like the first movie. Small group of characters, huge set pieces, and the harrowing escapes.

Also, the way they filmed the Pteranodon cage was amazing.

Jurassic World was a let down for me although I thought the acting was good, it just seemed a little too "sequel cash grab" for me. "Let's make a new dinosaur that is highly intelligent and then train raptors for possible military expeditions." Meh

Spinosaurus and I-Rex would have been a cool fight to see, especially how aggressive the Spino seems to be. No slo-mo raptor run to save the day.

Di sS Ap EAR HE rE


I always liked this movie regardless what anybody else thinks.

Friendship Is Magic


I didn't hate JPIII, but there are some things I had issues with.

Spino beating the T-Rex too fast. JP and TLW did a good job at hyping up the T-Rex, so when I watched a T-Rex go up against Spino I was very disappointed that it defeated a T-Rex quickly. The T-Rex is popular for a reason with people and this movie just made it look like a wimp.

The kid. I didn't overall hate Eric, there was just something about him that I didn't like.

Amanda Kirby. I agree with most people that don't like her. She just wasn't very likable as a character.

Billy making it out alive. When I thought he was dead, I remember feeling something for his character and thought how brave it was for him to die that way saving everyone. Then when he made it out alive, I just thought "how freaking convenient" for some reason. Ever since then, I just didn't like it. In reality, it would have been awesome for someone to survive that, but watching it in a movie I thought just it made the story weak having all the main characters survive like that.

I didn't mind that the Velociraptors communication stuff, but there were times that I thought it was too distracting.

When it comes to Jurassic World and comparing the two, I think I like both almost equally. I have nostalgic feelings for both because of Alan Grant and Rexy (the original t-rex). I really feel something for these characters, so whenever they are in danger my heart is racing.

However, I do agree with you that JW's story wasn't that appealing. Just in case this next part is spoilerish for some. I was shockingly okay with the I-Rex and it being an evil lab experiment. But that whole military plot just wasn't that great at all. The characters backgrounds felt one-dimension and paralleled too much to some of the first movie's characters. The only thing that I thoroughly enjoyed was seeing Rexy and Blue go up against the I-Rex. Funny thing is, I found myself feeling only compassion for the dinosaurs and not the humans. Well, I didn't want the kids to die, but I wouldn't have cared if anyone else did.

Edited to add spoiler tags.

Be Seeing You.


I enjoyed JW (definitely a well made sequel/quasi- remake even after 14 years), but I always found the original trilogy to be the best, as the sets, cinematography, and action sequences were all better done in each of the three others (though JW had some pretty good scenes as well). I always found JP 3 to be vastly underrated (maybe not as good as the first or LW, but still better than most people give it credit for). Also, the casts of the first three were all fun to watch (JW had good actors, but they sadly lack the chemistry that a lot of the others in the first three have).

History is written by the victor. History is full of liars.


JP3 is an absolute terrible film, TLW & JW are masterpieces compared to it. I'm baffled by the choices they made during the production of the film.

The openingcredits (JPIII slashmarks): What a cheesy way to open... this is not a cheap horror slasher. Well cheap it is...

The openingscene: If you can get past the immensly bad greenscreen work and Ben Hildebrands screeching voice it is ok... but just when things are getting excited, the openingscene ends followed by the annoying Ellie Sattler kid making over the top dino sounds. Them entering the Island and landing in the trees and Ben starting to be attacked by Raptors would have made it better.

Grant & Ellie are not together: A bold move from the filmmakers... but handled completely wrong. They seemed to care a lot for eachother in the Original, how is it possible Ellie has two kids and her husband has never ever met Alan?

Triceraplots? ReallY?: The introductions from the others are ok but Amanda Kirby starts to get extremely over the top and once they are on the Island the Amanda & Paul bickering starts. The family crap does never seem to stop from there on.

Alan!: A goofy dreamsequence with a talking feathered Raptor Alan has never even seen. No!

Spinosaurus animatronic: The combination of animatronic/cgi is very well done (when the Spino starts to crush the plane with it's foot) but the headshots of the Spinosaurus just look too fake during the plane attack.

Killing of the star of the first two films: The T-Rex. Everyone's favorite... killed off within the minute. It's ok for me to have it being killed (another one could have shown up at the end for some kind of revenge move) but this was just a slap in the face.

Ben Hildebrand: Who was he? Just a friend Amanda met on vacation? Eric never referenced him ever again and doesn't seem to be traumatized just one tiny bit.

The bio factory scene was pretty cool, but Paul's constant goofy appearance really annoyed me, the clumziness with his bag, talking about his shop, the kicking of the glass at the vendor machine etc etc it's all too much!

Recycled shots: Two Obvious shots are recycled in the film, amazing they didn't care that people would notice.

Jungle boy: Eric uses his last gasgrenades to save Alan Grant, Eric has a peculiar jungle outfit on which looks just too perfectly made and soooooo silly. He collected T-Rex pee (yeah right), Ian Malcolm's character is downgraded...

Corny reunion: The reunion scene is handled quite good but the music makes it too sobby... but it fits the rest of the film in that way. The sattelite Phone can be heard from the Spinosaurus stomach, the spinosaurus wrecks a huge fence but can't break through a small steel door? Impossible...

Only perfect scene in the film: The Pteranodon sequence is fantastic, great build up, Eric has just been reunited but swept away again... I really enjoyed that moment with Billy using the parasail to get Eric back.

Billy was right: Terrible cgi on the brachios, why they don't learn that the best looking cgi is when the flesh isn't so animated/moving so much (JW had some of this too)... it looks like a cartoon sequence.

Turd Alert, retreiving the sattelite phone: The music, the annoying ringtone, the great amounts of poop, it all feels so silly. Oh but wait, it gets more ridiculous when a Ceratosaurus comes in and finds his snacks stink too much.

Barney- This is gonna be gggguuuureaaatttt!: And here comes the most terrible scene of the film, no I'm not talking about the Spino vs boat, but that Ellie Sattler kid during it... Who the hell decided it would be great to have a kid dancing to Barney during a suspenseful scene. Helloooo? Wrawrawraaaaa! and Ellie knows exactly what to do.... whatever... at this point we don't give a sh*t anymore I guess.

The raptors leave the interior of the Island (their nests!) to retreive two stolen eggs. As if an animal like that would leave those nests unguarded. How can they count those huge amounts of eggs in the first place... the use of the prototype resonating chamber thingy was corny as sh*t too.

The megaphone thing: As if Amanda screaming through the megaphone wasn't annoying enough the suit guy does a repeat of this, how does he get noticed before the marines? How did he get on the beach? How did Billy survive that Pteranodon attack, managed to get picked up before the rest and find Alan Grants hat? Ughhhhh!

What a piece of crap, it feels like a watered down version of JP and the whole quality of it is the same as a Sunday afternoon kiddie tv film.


I've always wondered if part of it had to do with them as sequels in terms of scale being really reserved in comparison to The Lost World and Jurassic World. Both of which made clear attempts to up the ante and expand on the mythos. Not to mention having larger stakes, and body counts while we're at it. Because really, it's all about a small group of people trying to rescue a kid and get off the island. With TLW you've got them contending with an InGen mercenary group with the danger of dinosaurs being brought to the mainland that gets realized at the end, or JW you finally got to see a fully operational version of the park when things break loose with a genetically engineered super-dinosaur thrown into the mix. And so on which can make JP3 feel pretty lightweight by comparison. Though you also hear about the characters being more annoying, then again I've heard that complaint for all the sequels here and there from different people. But, I digress. Or something like the "Alan" nightmare sequence will come up, but then again TLW actually had a raptor get taken out with children's gymnastics in what is supposed to be the "real world".

Ultimately, I think each Jurassic Park movie is entertaining on some level. I don't really care how anyone ranks any series, I stand by that coming down to personal taste, but I'd rank this one lower myself. But as a simple chase/adventure film, it does its job IMO.


Isn't everything a cash grab. I mean they don't make these movies to feed starving kids in africa. Frankly i don't hate any of the Jurassic Park Movies. But i do feel like this is the weakest of the Jurassic Park Movies.


I liked JP 3 for three reasons

1) It's very nostalgic for me as I remember watching this in my dads old studio when I was about 6. Overtime i think of the memory it makes me feel good.

2) It's really not that bad. It's fun, the dinosaurs are realistic and the story is at least a little fresher. I loved the Spinosaurus and it was good to see Alan Grant back again. The plane crash was good. Udesky is also a great character , shame they killed him off really. Amanda could be a little irritating but nowhere near as irritating as the kids in jurassic world. It's the second best of the series but I do love JP 2 nearly as much as this. In my opinion it goes like this JP , JP 3 , JP 2...JW



Jurassic Park III is just a fun adventure film, nothing more, nothing less. It's not as good as the first (obviously), but it is better than The Lost World and Jurassic World, which are just bad movies. I like JP III for what it is. It's fun and entertaining, and for that reason, it's a good film.

In case I don't see ya---Good afternoon, good evening, and good night.


Jurassic Park III is just a fun adventure film, nothing more, nothing less. It's not as good as the first (obviously), but it is better than The Lost World and Jurassic World, which are just bad movies. I like JP III for what it is. It's fun and entertaining, and for that reason, it's a good film.

Care to elaborate how a film with utterly lazy and shoddy character motivation, pathetically phony family drama, a bare bones plot, a rushed ending and the weakest effects of the franchise is better than two films that feel like they actually have something to say?

TLW and JW are flawed films. But they actually have themes, idea's and messages they explore. They actually feel like genuine extensions of the first film and not a weak excuse to throw more dinosaurs on screen. JP3 comes close to expanding the mythos of the series only to have an action scene interrupt it. I could maybe except JP3 being nothing more than a simple action adventure film if I made buy into the basic conceit...but it even failed at that...something fundamental to EVERY FILM EVER MADE. This film does not exist in a vacuum. It contains characters from previous films...acting totally antithetical to the last time we saw them. Grant's arc from the first film is completely ignored and done away with. They turned him into nothing more than a bitter Malcolm clone. He's really gone get suckered into going back by money? The same thing that got him there in the first film? Really? He doesn't even bother to ask the obviously lying strangers for some kind credentials? A down payment? It's weak and stupid and unbelievable.

The little family drama between the Kirby's couldn't have felt more phoned in and corny. I didn't give a rats ass about any of them and I actively hated Amanda. Worthless, screeching annoyance incarnate. Macy, a great actor, looked like he couldn't have cared less and Eric was too much of superkid. So people are going to spit on TLW for the gymnastics scene but forgive JP3 for basically making the kid into a superhero with no set-up at all? At least Kelly's gymnastics bit was eluded to earlier in the film. As silly as that moment was, it at least had some background. Eric simply knows how to survive for over a month alone on an island filled with man-eating prehistoric beasts? Give me a damn break.

What about the raptors? Oh boy the raptors. Gone are the intelligent but vicious killing machines. Now we have full blown Bond villains with sharp teeth and feathers on their head. The amount of scheming and trickery the raptors pulled in this film jumped the shark in an extreme way. So a raptor somehow knows that buy standing still behind a glass cylinder filled with water it will look like a dead embryo and waits there for a character to walk by and look at it before it attacks? Does the utter stupidity of this scene not register? It's laughable how dumb it is. They then proceed to set a trap by crippling a guy only to snap his neck and leave him behind. They don't eat him? They don't take him back to the nest? If the raptors in this film had moustaches, they would be twirling them. They don't act like animals. They act like nefarious Bond villains.

How about the stupid as hell Spinosaurous? Nice design, but terrible execution. The transitions from animatronic to CGI for the Spino are the weakest of the whole series and the animatronic is simply too big and bulky to look convincing. In too many shots it looks like what it is...a machine on a set. How did the thing sneak up on them at the fence in broad daylight without the hearing it? Why is it just standing there brooding? How can they possibly hear the ringtone from inside the things gut while it's still standing a good distance away? Why can it bust through a metal fence but not a wooden door? like the raptors, the Spino isn't an's a monster-a slasher villain.

And do I really have to discuss how botched the fight between it and the Rex was? Fans hate that scene for a reason. Even as a 12 year old kid in the theater, that scene pissed me off and left a bad taste in my mouth.

Oh, and the film...just ends. No build up. No suspense. It just ends. Oh, and Billy survived. Yay?

The only good scene in the entire film is the Pterodon scene.

So please, go ahead and tell me how TLW and JW are somehow worse films that JP3? Because that is simply an opinion I can't tolerate. It would be different if you said "I enjoy JP3 more than TLW and JW". But you didn't say that. You said its better and that those two are simply "bad films".


Jurassic Park III is just a fun adventure film, nothing more, nothing less. It's not as good as the first (obviously), but it is better than The Lost World and Jurassic World, which are just bad movies. I like JP III for what it is. It's fun and entertaining, and for that reason, it's a good film.

Care to elaborate how a film with utterly lazy and shoddy character motivation, pathetically phony family drama, a bare bones plot, a rushed ending and the weakest effects of the franchise is better than two films that feel like they actually have something to say?

TLW and JW are flawed films. But they actually have themes, idea's and messages they explore. They actually feel like genuine extensions of the first film and not a weak excuse to throw more dinosaurs on screen. JP3 comes close to expanding the mythos of the series only to have an action scene interrupt it. I could maybe except JP3 being nothing more than a simple action adventure film if I bought into the basic conceit...but it even failed at that...something fundamental to EVERY FILM EVER MADE. This film does not exist in a vacuum. It contains characters from previous films...acting totally antithetical to the last time we saw them. Grant's arc from the first film is completely ignored and done away with. They turned him into nothing more than a bitter Malcolm clone. He's really gonna get suckered into going back by money? The same thing that got him there in the first place? Really? He doesn't even bother to ask the obviously lying strangers for some kind credentials? A down payment? It's weak and stupid and unbelievable.

The little family drama between the Kirby's couldn't have felt more phoned in and corny. I didn't give a rats ass about any of them and I actively hated Amanda-worthless, screeching annoyance incarnate. Macy, a great actor, looked like he couldn't have cared less. Billy was so boring he may as well not have been a character and Eric was too much of superkid. So people are going to spit on TLW for the gymnastics scene but forgive JP3 for basically making the kid into a superhero with no set-up at all? At least Kelly's gymnastics bit was eluded to earlier in the film. As silly as that moment was, it at least had some background. Eric simply knows how to survive for over a month alone on an island filled with man-eating prehistoric beasts? Give me a damn break.

What about the raptors? Oh boy the raptors. Gone are the intelligent but vicious killing machines. Now we have full blown Bond villains with sharp teeth and feathers on their head. The amount of scheming and trickery the raptors pulled in this film jumped the shark in an extreme way. So a raptor somehow knows that by standing still behind a glass cylinder filled with water it will look like a dead embryo and waits there for a character to walk by and look at it before it attacks? Does the utter stupidity of this scene not register? It's laughable how dumb it is. They then proceed to set a trap by crippling a guy only to snap his neck and leave him behind. They don't eat him? They don't take him back to the nest? If the raptors in this film had moustaches, they would be twirling them. They don't act like animals. They act like nefarious Bond villains.

How about the stupid as hell Spinosaurous? Nice design, but terrible execution. The transitions from animatronic to CGI for the Spino are the weakest of the whole series and the animatronic is simply too big and bulky to look convincing. In too many shots it looks like what it is...a machine on a set. How did the thing sneak up on them at the fence in broad daylight without them hearing it? Why is it just standing there brooding? How can they possibly hear the ringtone from inside the things gut while it's still standing a good distance away? Why can it bust through a metal fence but not a wooden door? Like the raptors, the Spino isn't an's a monster-a slasher villain.

And do I really have to discuss how botched the fight between it and the Rex was? Fans hate that scene for a reason. Even as a 12 year old kid in the theater, that scene pissed me off and left a bad taste in my mouth.

I don't normally like the Nostalgia Critic, but he's dead on with an observation he made about this film: It's a paint-by-numbers JP film. It has all of the pieces a JP film needs, but it just throws them onscreen without any proper execution or reason. He doesn't like TLW or JW either, but he even concedes those films have stand-out moments worthy of the franchise. No such thing is seen in JP3. It doesn't EARN anything.

Oh, and the film...just ends. No build up. No suspense. It just ends. Oh, and Billy survived. Yay?

The only good scene in the entire film is the Pterodon scene.

So please, go ahead and tell me how TLW and JW are somehow worse films that JP3? Because that is simply an opinion I can't tolerate. It would be different if you said "I enjoy JP3 more than TLW and JW". But you didn't say that. You said its better and that those two are simply "bad films".
