Propaganda at its best

I am sure that Hitler would be proud to have Hollywood instead of his Propaganda Office. When a movie where "good" armed-to-the-teeth marines execute "evil" citizens throwing stones and wielding 2 AK-47s, gets a warm welcoming, then hell, everything is permitted on this planet as long as it's the US troops getting killed. It's a movie to justify soldiers killing people defending their lands, something that happens every day.
When we were fighting against the Nazis, they were the criminals and we were the heros. Now thanks to Hollywood, the ones invading are the Heros and the defenders are conviniently renamed to terrorists. Replace "Arian Race" with "Need more Oil" and "Preemptive War" and there you have it.

What a total piece of crap.

WMD anyone?



Your topic is kind of what your post is...





"This is about the working class attitude.I can see how this is propaganda."

What the hell is that supposed to mean? Working class is stupid or misguided? Do you understand that officers have 4 year degrees? They are not what I'd consider working class. Regardless, even the enlisted side isn't stupid simply because it is made up mostly of the blue collar community. I myself am enlisted and that seriously insults me.

His point was that he didnt want some guy with no combat experience defending him in court.



well not as bad as any MM (M. Moore)crap propaganda of lies and manipulations (that guy should apply for a job at al jazeera or he may already be on their payroll)


Movie is obvious Propaganda. I mean a disabled Evil arab kid is even shooting at the Brave innocent American Soldiers?

i mean come on people, think about it !!


Um..yeah i have thought about it. It makes sense and happens all the time in middle eastern nations. Children and women are used to take advantage of western nations' aversion to engaging women and children. And you sarcastically say "brave innocent American soldiers" as if you assume the American military is guilty of something automatically.


I wonder how Distinguishly dumb and idiot some people can be .. NEWSFLASH : the scene in the movie, that was NOT OF A WAR .. stop giving *beep* example of Vietnam or any other war ... if today u were a kid and Arab people would invade USA and raped ur mom near ur eyes, you WOULD take a gun, you WOULD become a bomber .. so DONT blame on Kids in Arab countries .. just becouse your government has made your life easier where you can eat, sleep, *beep* and party and are too ignorant about the harsh reality that kids in middle east are facing doesnt mean you can talk out of your a$$ ... and for your KIND INFORMATION .. what they SHOWED IT WASNT EVEN A WAR .. there is NO reason for a 5 year old girl to all of a sudden become a terrorist ....

Grow up man .. god give you brain, don't talk out of ur a$$es .. that makes no difference between you and a stinking donkey ...


There are so many idiotic anti american and anti military posts on this forum from semi retarted liberals who sound like they haven't even seen this movie before judging by thier comments yet they still think they can call the movie propaganda. This isn't We are here to talk about a movie.


well said bro.



I see that the arrogance of the entire Bush's cabinet has permeated american thought in general. God help the rest of us! Now you will all think that you're saving the world and "sending the devil back to hell"... It's getting quite boring actually.

Every creature on this earth dies alone.



Sorry, wrong on this one. The man who wrote it was in the military. He has the experience. He told a story that holds true to this day. Basically, yes, not everyone is evil. But what the hell are you supposed to do when there are a tone of them firing on you, some of them children. You think this is propaganda? Hate to break it to ya, hun, but this has happened. It's called terrorism. This story is about the brutal decisions our soldiers have to make in the heat of battle and that often times those decisions don't mesh well with politically-correct washington. Most of all, however, it was about the bond between our military soldiers and what we will do to protect the man/woman next to us.


gothic - did you even watch this f'in movie? or did your liberal brain manage to project different images into your eyes? "2 ak-47s". The majority of the crowd was armed..they shot the sh!t out of the marines. That was the whole point. The rules these brave marines are supposed to follow are absurd at times. Would you sit there and let a crowd of people shoot at you and your friends?

You and the others in your dipsh!t cause love to talk bad about the U.S. military until you realize you need them..then they are your best friend.

Just a side note for your WMD bullsh!t. If Bush made that up as an excuse to go to war then why not make up fake evidence so at the end of the day he would be right?

War for oil? Iraq just rewarded out its oil contracts..almost all to foreign firms. We aren't getting oil nor are we asking to be repayed for the debt the war has caused. Gas prices are at a all time high due to crude costs. Read a *beep* newspaper.


Agreed, fakeuser83. I'd say that about sums it up.


Well maybe we should send a few billion in foreign aid to Al Qaeda so that it will be closer to a fair fight. After all, Bush only sent $125 million to the Taliban in his (roughly) 7 months in office before 9/11.

How fair is it that they have to figure out how to kill a few thousand people with mere box cutters while we spend so much on our military?

Bush was teh evil I tell ya' - if he had any sense of fair play he would have loaned them at least one branch of our military.

In fact, the next time I get mugged, I'm going to be sure to not even report it to the police lest the muggers get arrested and they might be inconvenienced by prison.

/You've gone Godwin in the first post in this thread
//only terrorists and people living in their mama's basements can get away with that - congratulations.

