MovieChat Forums > Rules of Engagement (2000) Discussion > The most racist movie of all time toward...

The most racist movie of all time towards Arabs

The film was written by former secretary of the Navy, James Webb.

The action takes place in Yemen, a real country in the middle east.
There are violent demonstrations that the American imbecile and the marines lead by Samuel L Jackson, they're called in to evacuate the American employees. And as they try to do so, the marines open fire on the crowd and kills scores of the enemy, including women and children.

And in the investigation that follows Tommy Lee Jones, the lawyer that represents the Samuel L Jackson character goes to Yemen to investigate.
The movie leads us to believe what seems honest. That the Marines committed the massacre.

During his investigation Tommy Lee Jones character sees a little girl, with only one leg. He follows her, comes upon a hospital ward full of civilian victims.
He finds an audio tape, by the bed of one of the victims. And when the tape get translated in court, we immediately beginning changing our mind of who is responsibly for this massacre.

We discover that the Yemen's civilians aren't so innocent after all. It turns out they fire on the Marines first.

And in a moment that will live in Hollywood goofeny, we suddenly learn that the little girl and sympathizing with, the very girl who's humanity and innocence may have broken down our stereo types, well, she's no better than those other Yemeni terrorists.

As a result, Samuel L Jackson delivers the key-line: "Waste the mother *beep* , are now on his side.

Why does this matter? Because in the enemy, the massacre of even women and children has been justified, and applauded. It's a slaughter yes, but it's a righteous slaughter.

The humanity is not there. And if we cannot see the Arab humanity, what's left?
If we feel nothing, if we feel that Arabs are not like us, or not like anyone else, then let's kill them all? Then they deserve to die, right?

What's the outcome? What do Arabs think of us that sees these movies? Because these type of movies are rendered all the time. Movies showing us killing them. What do they walk away with? Does this bring us closer together? This is advance peace? Or does this separate us?

Islamophobia now is a part of our psyche. Words such as Arab's and Muslim are proceeded as threatening words. And if the words are threatening, what about the images we see in the cinema and on our television screens? We are at war with Iraq. Once a war in march 2003. But didn't our entrance to the war, wasn't that made a lot easier primary because for more of a century that we have been vilifies all things Arabs. And now, given what happened at 9/11, the tragic events that took place on that day where 19 Arab/Muslim terrorists were responsibly for the deaths of nearly 3000 people. Now instead of saying that's the lunatic fringe, we say "no, no, no", the actions reflect the actions of 1,3 billion people. Now that's dangerous. We don't say that the actions of Ku Klux Klan (KKK) members, who are Christians represents Christianity do we? Look at Oklahoma city, Timothy McVeigh, good Irish catholic boy. Do we say all Irish Catholics are terrorists? No one knew McVeigh's religious believes as part of the story. Yet of course have that been an American with Arab roots or an American Muslim, it would have been a part of the story. Remember when the news of the bombing took? Reporters and politicians, nearly everybody rushed to judgment. Without any proof whatsoever. Because the bombing was so destructive they believed that it must have had middle-eastern roots all over it.

The stereo type has become so widespread, that it has become invisible to some people. And the reason being is that we've all grown up with these images. Just take a look at the series "24" and many, many other films/series.

Dr. Jack Shaheen quote



maybe cuz 90% (OMG GENERALIZATION) of terrorist attacks occuring this day in age are islamic in nature


Racist film? Aren't you exaggerating. Probably. Not racist.

They went on a mission to bring back the ambassador has his family back, but the civilians were attacking with weapons and so the captain decided to take action against them.


Well... I will concede that if I myself were a Arab, I might look at this movie differently. Thing is, though, everybody in this movie is evil in some way -- including the white people. So I have a hard time buying into all the racism nonsense.

For the record, there's at least one good Arab in this movie: the doctor who's looking after all the injured children. He's being betrayed by his own totalitarian government so, logically, he has every reason to assume Childers behaved in the wrong. But he's looking after the injured all the same, which makes him even more of a hero than Childers in my book.

"What I don't understand is how we're going to stay alive this winter."



Yes I believe they were right to go into Afghanistan and Iraq. We need to get out asap but we were right to go in.

Um, it's been pretty much proven that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Only reason the troops were sent to Iraq was because they have the most oil under their feet than most of the middle east, in terms of Iraq being pretty much 'disposable' as a country to Western culture, reason being is because they had a mass murderer as a president. So it kind of made things 'ok' through the eyes of the media and brainwashed imbeciles as yourself to kill thousands of people who were innocent and had nothing to do with it because they're like, different and stuff.

Where were those weapons of mass destruction that the U.S. was so certain that existed?

Even bush ADMITS that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, and just 'supposed' they had weapons of mass destruction'. Well, alot of innocent peoples lives were lost as a result, more so than 9/11, but I guess people don't care so much because they're like, different and stuff.

The result? Well, go figure.

