MovieChat Forums > Jeopardy! (1984) Discussion > Do you think "They" will win?

Do you think "They" will win?

I suppose if a woman wants to be both a man and a woman then she is "they". JK


The blue hair is not attractive to either Men nor Women, so might as well blame your lack of attracting a partner on you being non-binary.


I have to wonder, when someone uses "they" (referring to one person) is it an offense to use a plural verb? Doesn't sound right using a singular verb.

As in "Does they need to lose weight?" also, "They is a two ton tuna"


thata always bothered me too


That's why I use It/It when it comes to this idiocy. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Ken should put his foot down and refuse to go along with it. It's bad enough (he should say) that he has to always refer to a freak show of a man as "she" and "her"---- unless that fat lady and the girl with gnarly teeth and a nose ring are standing side by side and he's saying something that applies to both of them, they each are a "she" and "her".


It's because they decided to play it all up like they were some demented marionette from a Marylin Manson video. Seriously, the creepy factor was high with that one.


The dude in the dress won the Tournament of Champions.


The one I least wanted to win it. Now we will suffer being reminded of his existance forever.


You gotta admit that Amy had some seriously huge balls to bet big on daily doubles..



I'm not into this show like I was before. I look forward to it ending when I do watch it.


The key "operative" (pun intended) is that Amy "had" balls but doesn't anymore.


"Jeopardy" died when Trebek died.


I don't like all the format changes they've done to the TOC, Especially giving the top players such an advantage over the others by letting them jump to the semi-finals.


Sadly I have to agree with you.
