Alex and his French categories
"Le mouton...le loup..."
He never gets tired of pointing out how superior he is to non French speakers!
For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood... (;-p)
Sometimes , I can barely watch the show because Alex is so annoying - he gets on my nerves - wish they would replace him.
shareI have this love/hate thing with Alex. I like him but he gets on my nerves sometimes! It happens a lot when he is pronouncing foreign words and phrases.
He is great when saying French words. But almost every other language. Sheesh! He seems to pride himself on his pronunciation. But really, aside from French, he sounds the same no matter what language he is reading. He always sounds like Count Dracula. Ha!
There was one episode where one of the contestants was an expert linguist - It was great - he corrected Alex's pronunciations and accents several times.
shareDarn it! I missed that episode. ha! Alex is able to pronounce French, but he really overdoes it with other languages. His Polish pronunciations make him sound like Bela Lugosi (who was Hungarian!)