I mean good god people! This was the most disturbing movie I have ever seen! The whole thing was either scream-in-revulsion violent, cry-your-eyes-out depressing or turn-away-and-blush sexy! I begged my friends the whole time to turn it off, all the while she assured me that he lived at the end, so i agreed and continued to watch the agony. Then in that last scene when Inman shoots the bad guy (whatever his name is) then he coughs up blood I knew she had lied and I got out of there as fast as I could! OMG IT WAS TERRIBLE!

Mrs. Emily Cullen
Co-President of the I Love Edward Cullen Club
Becker devision


Man, people are so rude on IMDB!

The OP is just displaying an honest reaction to the film (I think one that majority of viewers have shared), and people mock and make fun of her for it.

How fitting that the subject of Southern hardship and ignorance would be commented on by equally ignorant people.

And yes, this movie is disturbing and sad. All the better for it. Btw, I wonder if the OP has seen Million Dollar Baby?

A movie is not about what it's about; it's about how it's about it. - Roger Ebert


Its a bleak story that takes place at a bleak time.
Sorry, but not all romances end well, nor do the true undead glitter.


Everyone should get off the OP. This movie WAS disturbing. I've read war histories and war horrors and thought, "Man, Americans would never do that to each other." Then I started reading about the Civil War. You want to get disillusioned, read stories about POWs and such. Scary. I don't ever want this country to get into a civil war again, and every day we're closer to it thanks to the Great Uniter, our Lord and Savior Obama, President not of the Red States or the Blue States, but of the United States!

Please put some dashes above your sig line so I won't think it's part of your dumb post.


It was an emotional roller coaster; one which i will never watch again.

SPOILER (is it still a spoiler 10 years later??? Maybe not)

When the ethan suplee's character was told to put his hat over his face right before they got shot was one of the saddest things i have seen in a movie in a long time. I cried for days :(


I found the ending absolutely heart-breaking. Was this scenerio repeated over and over ad-nuaseim? Sure. It just means more instances of absolute heart break.

I have to wonder why I 'enjoy' watching these types of films (Mystic River also tore at my heart, and will foreever do so. Incredible sadness forever robs from the soul. <sigh>


you need to change your avatar to head in the sand.
