Favourite character?

Which one is your favourite character?
I absolutely love Ruby and Georgia. I was so happy at the end, when you see them together, having kids and all. And Renee Zellweger and Jack White were fantastic.




I can't choose! Probably Ada :D

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature


Georgia, then Ruby. But I'm prejudiced. ;)

It's not my tree.


Ruby was my favorite. But I also loved Georgia. Especially since he was kind of my whole reason for watching the movie in the first place.



Ruby, followed by Georgia. I love their ending together and Renee Zellweger was simply fantastic and stole the show, in my opinion.


Philip Seymour Hoffman acting like reverend veasey, i mean, hes also very irritating but i loved his dialoge delivery, he has a peculiar way of ending every sentence.

Actually, being an East Indian, i quite enjoyed the movie for everyones' southern accent and grammar - i havnt heard it much, and found it enjoyble. In the movie Tom sawyer - Huck says - ' this here ham ' ........same kind of language in this movie.

Another really evil looking chap was that blondie who has a gunfight in the end. Teague never looked evil, not even subtly evil, but more like a doting elder brother, i think he didnt do a very good job.

Of course, all the main characters were great. Good movie - ekdum paisa vasool !!!

even monkeys fall from trees


Georgia, then Ruby, then Stobrod. Jack White, Renee Zellweger and Brendan Gleeson were just great.



I'd have to go with Inmon. To this date, one of Jude's best roles.

Lights on or off? Kink or Vanilla? -Faith


Georgia. Jack White is totally underrated as an actor. He was great in this, despite a limited role. He is not just another singer trying to make it in Hollywood - he had a role as a child in a movie. He also isn't a materialistic guy...he performs because of his love for the craft. And it shows.

Inman was a great role as well for Jude Law.

Renee Zellweger did a great job as a spunky little spit fire that is Ruby.


I love Jack White as Georgia, but then I've loved him since I heard my first White Stripes song; he's a musical genius, and his love of the craft really shows. I loved his musical contributions to the soundtrack. He and Brendan Gleason played their own instruments, and it really makes their characters. I love that this movie brought about a resurgence in interest in American Civil-War era folk music (much like "O Brother Where Art Thou" revitalized the interest in depression era American music).

Philip Seymour Hoffman continues to amaze in everything he does, and he was great as Veasey. I think he'll end up with quite a legacy as one of the best 'character' actors of all time.

I adore Jude Law, but mostly because he's so totally gorgeous, even now that he's losing his hair.

But, I think Renee Zelwegger stole the whole movie as Ruby. She definitely deserved her Oscar.


ruby!!! renee is simply great!!!

"It only ends once. Anything that happens before that is progress!"


Charlie Hunnam did a great job here as Bosie, the albino Home Guard.
