A question for fans

What drew you to the show in the first place? I liked the sisterly bond and the different personalities right off the bat. The 90s feel to it and best costume designs.



Who's Melissa?


Shannon working with Aaron again, Alyssa, and the sister witches story line got me.

Black men and a whole lot of *beep* white men have had plenty fun adoring my ass!


I loved everything supernatural, so when I was a kid and started watching, that, the suspense and the action got me hooked. Later I realized that it also was a great drama series overall, with good characters and the sisterly bond especially


The first episode I ever watched was Oh My Goddess when i was 8 years old.

I've always been interested in magic and that's what instantly drew me to the show. But it was the funny and relatable characters that made me stay.

With other shows it's the storylines that I love but while Charmed really wasn't very cohersnt in it's storylines, I didn't care.


I knew Alyssa from "Who's the Boss?" and Holly from "Picket Fences", so I was very excited to see a show that had both of them together. I watched it from the start - but only the second half. It was on Wednesdays and I volunteer at a cat shelter on Wednesdays. So I'd come back in time to see that second half - but still totally loved the sisterly bond - the magic stuff was (and always was) secondary for me, part of why I like the first three seasons best, before their men became more important than their sisters and before having a whitelighter for a father was more important than having a Warren for your mother.

For the second season, the show switched to Thursdays so I was able to watch the whole thing. I also got to see reruns of the first season, so I got to see the parts I missed the previous season.



Only watched Buffy a couple of times and didn't care for it. Too scary for me and the parts that weren't were too much teenaged angst. Since I was in my 40's-50's at the time, just not my cup of tea.

Definitely prefer Charmed, especially when they concentrated on the sisterly bond and not the scarier part of the magical part of the show.



Nope. Just love cats and can't have any in my apartment building, so the shelter fills that need.


First of all, to the OP, Ellie Cornell...nice!

Second, back when the show was on, my girlfriend at the time I was into it, so I ended up seeing a few episodes for myself. They were always on TNT or TBS or some show like that. Seemed like they were always Prue episodes though...

Anyway, the concept of three attractive witches appealed to me, so there ya go. I know that must sound shallow, but yeah...three sexy, ass-kicking, witch chicks appealed to me as a concept.

Still does.



I was only 11 when I saw my first episode at a friend's house. My parents never would have let me watch it otherwise. As a kid who was growing up and wanting to be more independent, it was perfect. I thought the sisters were so cool.


The magic and magical items.


For a while there Charmed was on at the same time as Friends. And Friends was (and still is) my favorite show. I got so mad at one of my friends who stopped watching Friends so she could watch Charmed at that time instead. But I was already a huge fan of Buffy so I decided to give Charmed a chance. I knew that all I (and my friend) had to do was watch one show while it was on and record the other show on the VCR. (This was, of course, back in 'ancient times' before shows were online and even before the DVR.) While I don't think Charmed is as good as Buffy and Angel, I still became a big fan.

A woman who supports Donald Trump is like a chicken who supports Colonel Sanders
