MovieChat Forums > Charmed (1998) Discussion > What got you into Charmed?

What got you into Charmed?

I'd never seen the series before. I watched Buffy and Angel but not this. Not sure why. Anyway, early last year, I got into Wicca, and I've been reading up on it. Earlier this year, I decided to check out Charmed on Netflix, because I wanted to see a portrayal of witches (I've been into Bewitched and The Craft for a while). I haven't exactly been impressed with it. I knew it was gonna be a Hollywood take on witches with flashy magic and stuff like that, but the series just feels...juvenile to me (and woefully inaccurate to real Witchcraft). But I just started season 8 last night, so I might as well see it through to the end.

Mark Moore

The Unofficial Captain N Home Page
Online since 02/27/97


I think it depends on how old you are, or what stage in life you're at when you start watching it, as well as when during the series you start watching it. I first saw it in season 3 when I was 11, so I was hooked immediately. It was everything I wanted that I couldn't get at that point in life. I didn't have a lot of self-esteem and I hated the small town I lived in, and here were three women who could not have been cooler to me who lived in San Francisco. The magical aspects were secondary to me.

I never expected it to be a realistic portrayal of witchcraft. I've always seen it as an alternate reality's take on the subject matter, and that doesn't matter to me.

Overall, there's something about it that's always been familiar and comforting to me. As bad as the second half of the series is to me, as dated as the early seasons now appear, and as many mistakes as they made, I can still see through it to something that I'll always love.


Funny it was Alyssa Milano. She had left Melrose Place and later in an interview talked about her new show charmed. I then checked it out. Became my second best show after Buffy at the time followed by Angel in third that came a year later.


It appealed to me more than Harry Potter did at the time.




I basically decided to check it out, because i already knew Holly from Picket Fences and liked her character in that show.
Must have been in 1999 or 2000 i watched my first Charmed episode, when they began airing it in my country.


The love of witches, fan of Alyssa, knew Shannen from 90210, trust of CW and Mr Spelling to do another show I know am going to enjoy.


Shannon really brought me to the show. Knew her from heathers. Also it looked fun and original in season three when i caught it


For a while there Charmed was on at the same time as Friends. And Friends was (and still is) my favorite show. I got so mad at one of my friends who stopped watching Friends so she could watch Charmed at that time instead. But I was already a huge fan of Buffy so I decided to give Charmed a chance. I knew that all I (and my friend) had to do was watch one show while it was on and record the other show on the VCR. (This was, of course, back in 'ancient times' before shows were online and even before the DVR and Tivo.) While I don't think Charmed is as good as Buffy and Angel, I still became a big fan.

America is doomed!


I too got into Charmed in "ancient times" with the VCR. lol A penpal of mine sent me a copy of a Charmed episode. It was a fourth season episode, Y Tu Mummy Tambien.

I had heard about the show but never watched it. I am way out of the teen demographics who the WSB network targeted. But my friend thought I'd like it. I watched it and really enjoyed it. Had NO idea what some things were about, such as Leo and his powers.

I started to watch the older episodes on TNT to catch up with the series. At first I wondered, "So who is Prue?" A few years later I bought the first three seasons on DVD so I could get up to speed on all the episodes that I missed. It's become a favorite show of mine.


I on there with you purple I caught the show around season three look who's barking and watched it going forward. So I didn't get to know Prue to well. Paige became my instant fave. I loved the stories, creature designs and props. Later on I became a mega fan. Now I think Buffy is better, but this show still is special to me.


missed Shannen from 90210 had stopped watching when she left. Stopped watching when she left Charmed too.


I got into Charmed when I saw the promo for the premier episode. I was already a fan of Buffy, so I decided to give this show a try because it looked interesting.
