Did he have to say precisely where on the continent he was going to? What difference does it make if he was going to Cairo, Nairobi, or Johannesburg? The point was that he was going back to the place of his roots, which I think was clearly stated.
If you think Cairo, Nairobi, or Johannesburg are all in the same, then you're sadly mistaken. If he wanted to go back to his ancestry, then at least aim for West Africa 'cause that's where almost all the American slaves were extracted from.
I hate it when, black or white, think that Africa is one. It's not. It's extremely diverse in language, culture and affluence. and politics. Do you think he wanted to go where there's genocide??? Sounds to me he wanted peace, and if that's the case he made the wrooong assumption that Africa stands and is symbolic to peace.
I'm all down for the character going back to his roots. But like any civil man, they would do a lil research before claiming to go back to a LARGE and vast continent
Once again....the writers screwed this part of the plot, along with the whole movie. Stick to videos Nas and DMX.
One destination may not have been in his plans. I believe he was not going to a vast large contininent just to visit one particular place and lay his head. More than likely he will go and enjoy majority of the nation and it's surroundings. Test it out and then where he feels fit and relax rest up there and live out his days and life... that is until DMX calls, for part 2.
Did I say they were all in the same? I must've missed that part of my post. I thought commas were supposed to connotate a difference in a sequential pattern. Perhaps I am mistaken. Would it have made you feel better if I had said "Benin, Togo, or Ghana" instead? Again, what difference does it make?
I hate to repeat it again...Africa is not only a continent...but it is VASTLY diverse. By the writers and director making him say "Africa...Africa", IMO it makes the whole dialog shallow and vauge. They could've done a better job than that.
Lets go to Africa! Indeed, so you can catch a nice case of the Ebola virus or how about a nice case of A.I.D.S? While we are at it hows about we live under genocidal and Militaristic rule where human rights abuses are so rampant that Human Rights watch has decided to leave travel warnings to the U.S. state department for American citizens testing fate?
Why don't we marvel at the prospect of living in the mostly third world where a majority of people have neither running water, sanitation facilities, or electricity?
I agree with the original poster. Lame ending and too contrived to be taken seriously.
I must also agree lame ending... Did anyone also notice the scene when Nas (Sincere) came home an 'T-Boz'(Tionne) was in African attire... HAHA come on man people Africa wear clothing just as "Americans" do. Everyone in Africa don’t walk around with head wraps and dashikis(sorry for the spelling)
"Lets go to Africa." is fine. it leads to "where do you want to go in Africa?"
"hmmm, I don't know. But I know I want to go to Africa. anywhere long as it's Africa."
Now if you had said this scene was cheesy, that's fine. But to criticize the logic of the language used during this monologue--and/or the writing (which is fine; fact)--is borderline insanity.
or ignorance. take your pick.
noone wants to hear what you dreamt about unless you dreamt about... them
funny to run across this cause I was thinking about belly and thought to myself " what was up with that lame side story line of Nas and Tboz wanting to go to Africa?" I think what the original poster is saying is that it was way to general for it to be taken seriously. Them wanting to go to Africa was almost random. I remember a scene where T-Boz got held up by a bunch of guys and when Nas came home she was like " let's just go to Africa." As if it was the answer to everything. To me Africa was used as a prop for the plot. it wasn't less go to Africa and teach english or be missionaries. Just "let's go to Africa."
Africa was the craddle of *all* civilization. The first writing, the first books, the first libraries... All from Africa.
Pretty good reason to go if you ask me.
The more I think about it, the usage also implies seeing too many countries (in Africa) to even bother listing. Say I was going to visit six African countries...
Lol. Reading your description of her being held up and then tearfully going "let's just go to Africa!" made me picture the scene and laugh all over again. I changed my mind about that being totally random and nonsensical, I've had guns pointed at me goddamit! Let's go there, where surely such a thing will not exist!
You can get guns pointed at you anywhere!! Hell it happened in her home. It wasn't a "this will never happen" idea that she had but staying in New York wasn't good for her family and sincere (nas) probably wouldn't be selling drugs and killing people over there so a fresh start in the motherland sounds like a great idea
I found nothing wrong with it. It's pretty common for people to romanticize about places that they know little about. They've got this utopian vision of Africa in their heads. What's unrealistic about people having such thoughts? In the film Revolutionary Road, Kate and Leo have the same romantic delusions about going to live in Europe.
Hell, Dave Chappelle did this in real life. When he got uncomfortable about the direction his show was going, he said *beep* it, I'm going to Africa." Specifically, he went to South Africa, but when he retells the story, he is never that specific. It's just, "I'm going to Africa."
OP is totally right. This was just some random pseudo pro-black crap, which was just a prop. I can accept the sentiment expressed by a black minister convincing a black criminal that he is propagating a negative condition of the black community, but going back to Africa? Stereotype of the silliest nature.