The Income levels.
35 minuts in to the film they mention the income levels. That were in average 810 marks for Germans and 10000 marks for Jews. Now I wonder. In which year do they mean and is it monthly or yearly.
share35 minuts in to the film they mention the income levels. That were in average 810 marks for Germans and 10000 marks for Jews. Now I wonder. In which year do they mean and is it monthly or yearly.
shareIt's the average capital, not income levels.
What does that prove (considering it's even true)? Let's also consider other income levels. People in Norway make more money than people in eastern Europe. What can be drawn from this? Not that people in Norway are evil, but rather they are successful, intelligent and a hard-working people. It also demonstrates that not everyone in Europe is as advantaged as Norwegians. Certain ethnic groups have different virtues. Certainly Jews value diligence as a people. This could stem from the fact that in the past they have not always had the same opportunities as they have today. Jewish descendants certainly have more opportunities in the United States than their ancestors from old-world Israel. The Chinese and Indians are much the same. They have emigrated in search of new opportunities, and when they get here they take advantage of it. They should be commended. I see the same in Hispanic nations.
Americans, on the other hand, are lazy. We have been spoiled to the point at which we want everyone to give us everything on a silver platter. What adverse consequences these "national values" have had/will have.
"People in Norway make more money than people in eastern Europe. What can be drawn from this? Not that people in Norway are evil, but rather they are successful, intelligent and a hard-working people."
So you say that way that people in other countries are allegedly less intelligent or hard working? Learn some history and facts first, before reaching such false conclusions. Norwegians were not under Soviet influence, if they were they would be in the same situation like the former Soviet block countries. It's all about politics. Politics has the biggest influence on economy whether we like it or not. It can destroy it like in the Soviet block countries or let it thrive like in many other countries.
For example, Poland before the Second World War was much more developed (in every respect, e.g. economically and culturally) than Portugal, Spain and Greece, but the war and then the Soviet influence slowed down considerably its development, so that it became less developed than those countries.
I do not know any indisputable evidence, which would prove that Norwegians are more intelligent or hard-working than any other nation in Europe. They are a small nation with huge resources of crude oil in the Northern Sea, hence their wealth.
I love the point you made which is irrefutable. Also note that pre World War 2 Poland territory was German territory. Adolf Hitler fought against Jewish Bolshevists occupying the East :
Communism was invented by an old family of Rabbis and Talmudic scholars known as the "Marxist Agenda" of which ( 85% of the USSR government were Jewish). Bolshevik Revolution, funded by Jacob Schiff (Jewish), January 10, 1847 - September 25, 1920 consisted :
Karl Marx (Jewish) was actually Moses Mordecai Marx Levy
Maxim Maximovich Litvinov (Jewish) was actually Meir Henoch Wallach-Finkelstein
Vladimir Lenin (Jewish) was actually Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, a Freemason who led workers party in Red October 1917, Kicked off communist revolution in Russia
Leon Trotsky (Jewish) was actually Lev Davidovich Bronstein, Red army torture squad leader, ordered the 'Permanent Revolution' that killed 30 million Christian Russians
Genrikh Yagoda (Jewish) was actually Yenokh Gershevich Iyeguda, was head of NKVD in 1930's who oversaw 100's of thousands arrested, sent to Gulags and killed
Joseph Stalin, a Freemason, was actually Losid Dzhugashvilli, married a Jewish women, with Jewish kids, made antisemitism illegal and punishable by death
Lazar Kaganovich (Jewish), main associates of Joseph Stalin and helped him to seize power, responsible for the 1932-1933 famine
Grigory Kaminsky (Jewish)
Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov (Jewish)
How the Jewish rulers caused the Holodomor genocide in Soviet Ukraine
The death of victims sent to Gulags ranged from 2.3 to 17.6 million during the period from 1918 to 1956. Anti semitism was punishable by death in the USSR
Bolshevism CCCP death toll was approximately 60 million
1918 killing Tsar Nicholas II was a "ritual murder" by Jews
Bolshevism responsible for the Holodomor (Ukrainian genocide) 7 Million. A man-made famine .
Bigot! If a Jew makes more than ten times the average citizen, then it is because of creative talent or because of business acumen. Both are precious. Honor them or fail as a nation.
Jews get blamed for everything
Jews get held to a different standard than other countries
Jews have higher IQ's
Jews have the right to the land of Palestine and beyond
Not enough people are aware of the Holocaust
Asking any questions of 6 million Jews systematically killed by gas is evidence of Antisemitism
Hatred of the Jews has been around since the conception of their religion
The Israeli colony is the only democracy in the middle east
The Israeli colony is the biggest ally to the West
I think it might be naive to assume that these statistics are based on anything real and substantive.
shareIt might be naive to assume they're not. Verifying facts would probably help here.
"Den Gleichen Gleiches, den Ungleichen Ungleiches."
True. Nazi leaders were pathological liars.
sharehahaha idk i meet a lot of jews here is usa but no poor jews. they got the loot
shareha !
shareJudaism is a man made cult focused on creating a mating pool and economic unit for the members.
If you drop the supernatural nonsense that's what it is.
Jews have some excellent ethics for people in their group though.
Anyway, I read a giant collection of pre-WWII Nazi publications. They were correct about what they said. The common stuff we hear about genetics and all of that stuff wasn't talked about.
Also, youtube had AI translated Hitler speeches and they were all rational topics most would agree with today.
The moronic part of Nazism was trying to get rid of negative people through negativity.