Don't you just love this film?

It's my favourite film EVER and Jonathan Taylor Thomas is very fit!


Its a great christmas movie always one i love to dust of the shelves when ever the holiday season comes around. One of my favourite christmas movies


Brilliant christmas film!

Phil: I'm gonna be on you like a shadow!
Will: but with you it's more like an eclipse right?


I bought this on video from e-bay a few weeks ago and just got around to watching it as we speak. I love Xmas movies, I watched Santa Who? a few days ago(which surprised me, it was a fantastic film) and to be honest I originally got this not only because of the Xmas feeling but also Jessica Biel and I have to admit, this has risen to one of my top Xmas movies.

I was wondering though if anybody knows of any more Xmas family movies.

I currently own....

Home Alone 1,2,3,4
Santa Who?
Miracle on 34th Street
Jingle All the Way

I only axed ya for a smoke - Jack Frost


I love this movie.

Instant human just add coffee.


Every Christmas Eve since I was about 11 I watch it. It has become somewhat of a tradition, and I adore this film!

I Hate U Because I Love U. But I Can't Love U Because I Hate U


I watch this every year at christmas, it isn't a 'Hahaha reproductive organ joke, lets all ROFL' but its really good to get into the christmas spirit.


this is such an amazing movie.. my favorite christmas.. i watch it year round



I loved this movie a very good holiday movie

Go for Gold- The Ringer

Last movie Bought- Clerks 2



It's on TV every year and I watched it every year too :D

It was on yesterday so it might be on again in the coming weeks


I don't understand why this movie is so lowrated, it's a fun family movie, I watch this movie every year and I love this christmasmovie, maybe also because it's a roadtrip movie.


I had never seen this movie untill a few days ago, and I really like it. I don;t get why it's rated so low. the cast was good too (and I think it's sad that a talent like Jonathan Taylor Thomas hasn't done much lately...but a comeback is coming)

anyway, great movie, one of the better christmas movies out there


I love this movie. I don't think it's the best Christmas movie ever but it is definitely enjoyable and I watch it every year even if it isn't Christmas time. I think it deserves a higher rating on here. And it sad that Jonathan Taylor Thomas hasn't really done much for a while.


Ever since I was 7 I watched this movie at Christmas and absolutely LOVE it. I am shocked it got such a low rating, sure, it's not a masterpiece, but it's a cute little movie to watch to get into the spirit of chrismas:)

"You can come to my birthday too. I don't know who you are, but you can come" -Arnie Grape


I first saw this movie when it was released to VHS, during Christmas Break when I was 12; in a 4 foot snow piled covered house in Utah. All of our family loved it. Hilarious: Hey, Jingle Balls, move it. Lol.

I haven't seen it since then, but my outlook on humor hasn't changed. I'll be watching all the good Christmas Comedies this year, yah!


I watched this movie in the hospital (had an awful flu) and I thought it was an enjoyable holiday movie. I especially liked all those Santas running in a marathon, way funny!



You people are mad. It might have a few laughs but there's no way in hell you could say its brilliant!

One toke? You poor fool! Wait till you see those goddamn bats.


I just saw it on TV. I thought it was surprisingly funny. I don't think it's a masterpiece or anything, but I don't understand the 4.1 rating.



I just got this movie, it is a lot better than I thought it would be.


I have to agree. This movie is severely underrated and I watch it once or twice every Christmas. Highly overlooked classic.
My Movie List



I saw it 3 times with my 7 and 9 year old kids-a boy and a girl- the year it came out! Now of course we own the movie!




I love it. I watch it every year near christmas and I'm 18!

A kid? I smoke, I snort. I've killed and robbed. I'm a man.
