Allie was pretty rude

Sure, Eddie was a bit skeezy and creepy but he offered to drive her across the country and she was sooooo rude to him! Telling him she was going to "slug" him, making him sleep in the car. What a spoiled brat.


She said slug a lot.


I would be pretty upset too if my only option was a sexist perv who constantly disrespected my boyfriend


Yeah, she's really unlikable. Eddie is a creep, but he was driving her across the country. Instead of trying to be nice, she just demands a bunch of stuff and swears to hit him.

Eddie's problem was that he was mean to everybody but Allie. He should've pulled a Power Move like driving her fifteen miles or so, stopping for gas, and leaving her there. She'd be thinking about him for days, and then, when they finally met...Allie time in Eddie town, if you know what I mean.


Well from who she was talking she obviously hated him


I doubt Eddie slept in the car. He probably got his own room.
