Oh my word, Keanu Reeves could outshine these guys. Just awful.


I actually thought they were all very convincing in their roles, and the guy that played Cobb, and his character reminded me of Robert Walker as Bruno Anthony in Strangers on a Train, and that was a brilliant performance.


I thought Bill was amazing, in a subtle sort of way. Cobb, on the other hand, did that "eyebrow thing" when expressing emotions which nobody does in real life. Underacting is much better than overacting, at least movie-wise.


It was made on a $5 budget. Nothing wrong with performances that aren't top rate. Keanu Reeves gets paid millions to act poorly. That is what makes it so horrible.


I didn't notice anything bad about the acting. Alex Haw's Cobb did a terrific job in my opinion. It's almost a no budget movie to begin with.
