Something's wrong with all of the haters. They seem to spend all of their time talking about how stupid the show is! Uh, okay, you hate it. Quit writing about how much you hate it. WE GET IT.
I have to say that those who think it's stupid are the ones who really haven't given it a chance. Even if they've sat down to watch it, they're probably telling themselves to hate it the whole time, so they're not even giving it a chance while watching it!
The characters are actually very complex. Cat can seem conceited, but he's really very insecure. Dog might seem like he's just stupid, but he can be very observative and is always empathetic to others' needs (except when he's in an instinctive trance, like when he's chasing the garbage truck!) I think Dog shows he's not ignorant very often; a character in tune to others' feelings like Dog is cannot be called a genuine "dope". Cat isn't always courageous, but there are many times when he steps up to the plate. He can be a strong individual when a cause motivates him.
You're saying the animation sucks, but I don't see how.
And just because a cat and a dog were attached in an old cartoon doesn't mean OMG THE WHOLE THING IS UNORIGINAL. Wtf, that cat and dog being attacked lasted for what, a second? And just because of that one second, the concept of CatDog is unoriginal? The plots are creative! Really, they are. So creative. Spongebob and CatDog both have creative plots; you don't see that much.