According to a post on Youtube the scene where Beverly D'Angelo tries to sell off her cheating husband's 45's is a deleted scene that never made the final cut.
Can anybody shed any light on this? I watched the UK VHS version, DVD & BBC broadcast & I'm 100% positive that scene was in all of them.
It is a great scene. But i think it would have slowed down the pacing of the film. You can see where it would have been, Rob is on the phone and says that he would be really interested.
I saw the film in the cinema in the UK when it first came out and this scene was in the theatrical cut. Years later, when I bought the DVD, I was surprised to find it excised to the additional scenes menu.
I didn't see it in the US theater version, but did see it on TV here when it first came on cable. They really should have left it in from the beginning. Not just because it's a great scene--it is--but because it shows a different side of Rob than we've seen up until then. Here's this flawed, troubled, often unlikable guy showing empathy out of nowhere for someone he's never met because some weird guy code of of not wanting to mess with another man's collection. When all he has to do is say "yes" and he can (assuming the singles collection is as great as he says) both get out of debt to his girlfriend and put his store in the black all at once.
I'm glad to hear they shot this scene and that it conveys that well because it was an incredibly standout scene in the book. I'm going to find it on YouTube or something now