I couldn't finish this

Did anyone else have a hard time watching this? After almost an hour into the movie, I just deleted it which I don't usually do to movies. It just dragged with uninteresting and annoying characters, especially the main character, Rob.


I felt like I should have been rewarded a trophy for sitting through until the end.


No, not at all. But, that is exactly how I felt about Say Anything.



To the OP, yeah, same, couldn't finish it. There was just nothing about Rob that would convince me that a woman like Laura would come back to an a-hole like that, I don't know of any woman that would have stuck around for half of his bull and it was science fiction for her to just go running back when Rob didn't do jack to win her affection back, he just acted like a 3 year old the whole time. Maybe the movie should have just focused on records and people that buy records.

Life is always intense for a repo man.


The day a woman like Catherine Zeta Jones would bother with a schmuck
like john cusack is the day hell freezes over.


It pays off for me in the end, but the buildup is horribly blurred. The first hour is pretty dreadful, and then suddenly he isn't a total dick. I gave it a 7, but only for the ending. The first hour sucks.

Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.


just stayed for the music, man, this movie sucks!


Not at all.

"Why couldn't the monkey arrange this from INSIDE the garbage can?"


Yea this breaking the 3rd wall stuff isn't for me. I am a music lover and I found this very boring and I couldn't relate.
