I'm working on a book that's vaguely related. (Like "End of Days was completely incorrect"/Satan-chasing-after-innocent-woman-related.) Obviously, one of the first things that comes to the forefront of my mind is fixing plot holes. I know it's not possible to have a perfect story (and some people may eventually complain that even my book has holes), but I'd like to fix some of the more glaring errors.
I know one of the biggest complaints is that Satan is supposed to have all sorts of power, so why didn't he just zap over to Christine's apartment, pin her down and get it over with? (Kind of paraphrasing there.) What are some of the other plot holes that should to be addressed?
You can think I'm wrong, but that's no reason to quit thinking.
It's been five years, so hopefully you've managed to get your book started.
I think if you're going to write a book along these lines you've got to make up your rules and stick to them. For example: IS God in charge, or are they equally powerful, or is Satan in charge. Personally, I go toward the 'God's in charge, but allows Satan some rope so that he THINKS he's in with a chance'. If you put Satan in charge, well, why didn't he win when Michael cast him out of heaven yadda yadda. These are questions which you HAVE to answer in yourself first. They may not necessarily come out in the book, but they have to be answered so that you know how things are going to go.
So, lets say you go with 'God and Satan are equal in power', well, God's minions on earth would also be trying to protect the 'innocent girl'. Satan may not know where 'the innocent girl' IS. He's powerful, but isn't all knowing. Something that would have to be explained. Maybe the "Gabriel Byrne" Satan isn't Satan, but a powerful demon that is doing Satan's dirty work, and so Satan can't communicate directly with him (see Warlock for example (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098622/). If he DOES know where she is, maybe there is a reason that he can't just 'fly over'. Maybe she has to give herself willingly, and so has to be coaxed. Maybe only ONE ovum will cause the anti-Christ to be born, and ONLY when that ovum is released on 31st December, 1999, will she be able to be impregnated, and it MUST be done at 'x location'.
All this is stuff that you can fit into a book, but is hard to fit into a movie - especially one that is angled toward an audience that really only want to see fancy explosions and chase scenes.
There is really no such thing as a plot hole. Every 'plot hole' can be covered by good writing, but the questions have to be answered for the audience either directly or indirectly. So, a plot hole in a movie is due to sloppy writing, and movies these days a rife with them. When they have their entire imagination to use, why do writers resort to sloppy writing? Because we're conditioned these days to only have the memory of a goldfish. "Oh look, bit explosion... I don't remember what happened before that...".
I'm waffling a bit here, but what I guess I'm trying to say is if you want a story to be tight, you have to think about it from top to bottom. You have to KNOW what's happening with backstory of your characters. And I don't mean a George Lucas "I knew Episode 1, 2 and 3 before I wrote episode 4" (talk about plot holes!) kind of *beep* I mean really actually know, not say that after your book is successful.
Take my brief bits above.
Does your Christine character have to be a virgin? If so why? IF she can only be impregnated by Satan on the 31st December, 1999 why does it matter? Maybe it DOES, but if it does, then you've got to work out why. Why was it important for Mary to be a virgin with Christ? Because then there is no way she could have been a natural birth. Christ had to be conceived of the holy spirit... in this instance Satan isn't 'creating life in Christine's womb' he's literally 'doing it the old fashioned way' - so does it matter?
So, let's say you think it does matter... this has to be answered... at least in your head. It has to be answered because if Christine is 24 years old, why is she still a virgin? Isn't it rare these days for women to be virgins at that age? It's not impossible, just highly unlikely. If she is, then that's going to affect her entire character background. Has she lived a sheltered life? Then she's not going to be streetwise.
A lot of waffle above. Just food for thought. I hope you do write your book. There is a lot of crap out there, so it wouldn't be hard to write better than the crap that is out there - but you're allowed to aim higher than the crap. Why not aim at a really good quality piece of literature instead :).
*gives a low whistle, then furiously copies this all down, so that she can file it away with her "story seeds"*
Wow. Wow. Wow. Thank you so much. That is magnificent advice. Perhaps some of the best writing advice I've ever gotten.
Yes, I've started Back from the Edge, and restarted it several times. And then I went off and wrote three other books (seen here: http://dayanararyelle.yolasite.com). While I'm currently working on my third novel, it recently came to mind that I should make Back from the Edge my fourth, despite the fact that I'd planned on a completely different aim for the next. I've merged the original concept for the book with that of another, so it should be interesting when I finally get back to it. (In fact, now I have to go back and read my first post to see what the initial idea was!)
Thank you once again for the wonderful advice. Would you please send me your real name in a private message? I would like to properly credit you in the acknowledgements when I finally get around to writing the book.
===== Who needs Jack Sparrow? Jonah Prowse is my pirate of choice.
I agree. He seems to know everything and everyone he uses. Like when he comes to Christine's house and snarls to her dying stepmother "You had ONE job and you failed!" (May not be 100% accurate quote). If he knew her and knew what her assignment was why not "fly" there (when he was in that "invisible swishing" form), grab a nearby male body and do the John Cassavetes thing right then and there? Oh, right, there'd be no point in making a movie. Duh!
If he knew her and knew what her assignment was why not "fly" there...*snip*...grab a nearby male body and do the John Cassavetes thing right then and there?
When Jericho and Christine first talk to the priest, he says that a male body was chosen to be the host for Satan at the same time as Christine was chosen to bear fruit. The beginning of the movie just chose to put emphasis on her birth, rather than showing something happening to both of them.
===== Who needs Jack Sparrow? Jonah Prowse is my pirate of choice.
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