I'm working on a book that's vaguely related. (Like "End of Days was completely incorrect"/Satan-chasing-after-innocent-woman-related.) Obviously, one of the first things that comes to the forefront of my mind is fixing plot holes. I know it's not possible to have a perfect story (and some people may eventually complain that even my book has holes), but I'd like to fix some of the more glaring errors.
I know one of the biggest complaints is that Satan is supposed to have all sorts of power, so why didn't he just zap over to Christine's apartment, pin her down and get it over with? (Kind of paraphrasing there.) What are some of the other plot holes that should to be addressed?
You can think I'm wrong, but that's no reason to quit thinking.
Don't shoot the messenger...I'm just repeating the complaints of others.
I'll get back to you with names of people who have said this (or similar) and links to their reviews shortly. (Up to my eyeballs in projects right this second.)
You can think I'm wrong, but that's no reason to quit thinking.
This review doesn’t suggest that Satan should have zapped over to Christine’s apartment to get the job done, but it is one of those reviews that infers that Satan should have had power enough to make the job of catching Christine easier than it was.
Called ``The Man'' in the credits, he is Satan himself, for my money, yet seems to have variable powers. [*small cut*] What are the rules here? Is he issued only so much anti-injury mojo per millennium? (http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/19991124/REV IEWS/911240301/1023)
Ah, there we go! I’m not the only one that seems to think Satan still has some form of power while in the banker’s body…Roger Ebert sees it too.
But perhaps more important from a storytelling standpoint, it provides a half-baked reason why Satan doesn't just snap Arnie's neck or ram a crucifix into his skull, the way he dispatches a couple of the priests. Satan keeps him alive so that he can try to capture his soul. Otherwise, the movie would've lasted maybe 15 minutes. (http://www.calendarlive.com/movies/reviews/cl-movie000406-123,0,680634 6.story)
Yet another reviewer (Eric Harrison) who thinks that Satan’s job should have been easier than it was.
Let me take this very short commercial break to remind you that I am not one of those who thinks that The Man should have had it easier. I just brought it up as one of the most commonly mentioned plot holes.
And actually, now that I’ve provided these three, I’m going to leave it here.
For the moment.
Until I can find something more substantial.
You can think I'm wrong, but that's no reason to quit thinking.
I'm working on a book that's vaguely related. *clip* Obviously, one of the first things that comes to the forefront of my mind is fixing plot holes. *clip* ...but I'd like to fix some of the more glaring errors.
That sounds like complaining to you?
Does the city, county or state complain when they send people out to fix holes and cracks in the road? Because that's basically what I'm trying to do here.
I honestly don't understand what it is that you are having trouble comprehending. I asked for help in fixing problems with my ideas before they became plot holes in a book (which is very loosely based on a pre-existing movie). You asked me to prove that people actually said that. I did, providing both quotes and links to the reviews. I said twice that these are not my feelings, but the feelings of others. Nevertheless, you come back and bitch that I'm complaining about the movie and I'm NOT!!!
Let me get one thing clear here: I LOVEEnd of Days. It is my absolute favorite movie. I merely came here looking for help in writing a book so that I don't make the same errors that people say occur in the movie. If you don't understand that I'm trying to write a book that will be more liked than hated, then I'm sorry. But please do not continue making baseless accusations. They are not helping me in my quest to write a good book and they are discouraging possible contributors from posting their input.
Thanks for your intelligent posts on the topic regarding plot holes and criticism. I cannot understand the likes of trolls like x_gemme_x who think that discussing plot holes or criticism of a movie is unwarranted in the movie's IMDB forum and thinks so highly of his opinion to claim you came here to complain and to go and get a life. If he doesn't find your thread topic interesting, why is he putting in all the energy reading it, then demanding that you go get a life and that you should try to post something interesting? He should look in the mirror since he has posted absolutely nothing of interest, and unless this is his own private message board, which it isn't, his stance is ridiculously superficial if not purely absurd. Ah, it looks like the IMDB admins agreed with me and deleted one of his trollish posts I complained about. Trolls will be trolls.
Anyway, to reply to your larger question, I just finished watching it for the first time and agree with you that it does seem to contain a lot of unexplainable behavior, as it's naturally a foray into the supernatural and biblical, which often cannot entirely be explained and make perfect sense ... but even exerting the common 'suspension of belief' necessary to enjoy a movie based on such pretenses was not enough for not to notice some plot holes.
For instance, it was explained by character of Christine York that she had dreams since birth of 'making love' to the Satan character, as she explained in the graveyard with Arnie and mentioned that if she were in his presence that it would be difficult to impossible for her to resist him (can't remember exact semantics, but this is what she implied), yet she then seems to go too willingly with Arnie "Jericho" whenever he appears to rescue her, even when she's being mesmerized in the ritual as part of the Satanic Mass where he is leaning directly over her getting ready to consummate the relationship. I kept expecting her to begin wanting to follow him, (The Man), that she would fall head over heels in love with him on sight because of that conversation. I found it odd that she would use the word 'make love' when referring to her dreams of Satan instead of the more vulgar four letter word unless it were to be mean in the literal. Yet she had no real internal conflict when Jericho would jump in for the rescue.
Which of course gets to the larger issue of the symbolism of Jericho as Christ. I would have to assume for consistency sake that the reason why Satan was unable to just ZAP and kill Jericho was because he was in fact the second coming, in flesh incarnation of Christ. This was practically spelled out with all the very overblown overt symbolism (his crucification on the cross, being resurrected, sacrificing his life in order to save mankind at the end by SAVING her life rather than taking it like the Priests had attempted to do, realizing that was the wrong method by which to save man as it just repeated the cycle of violence) of Arnie's character. This is why he had to resort to things like trickery (providing his best friend a second chance at life if he agreed to betray Arnie), and temptation (hallucinations of having his family back) while making him suffer, very much like the biblical parable of Jesus in the desert fatigued, famished, and dehydrated and Satan attempting various methods of deceiving Christ, saying he would give him the entire world if he were to bow down to him, etc. Jericho, meanwhile, didn't finally understand who he really was until the very end when utters to the effigy of Christ on the crucifix "You died for nothing!" or something to that effect, at which point he finally understands who he is and jumps on the sword to save mankind from itself.
Anyway, I'll post more as I have some more time to reflect on the movie and what issues arise. I appreciate the intelligence behind your points.
The idea of a personal God is quite alien to me and seems even naive. - Albert Einstein
Wow, wow, wow! I never thought about the whole Jericho-as-Christ thing until now (probably because I was too busy being googly-eyed at Gabriel Byrne), but upon reviewing the movie in my mind (haven't yet had a chance to go back and watch it), I see the connections you made.
You also made a good point about the complete lack of magnetism between Christine and The Man. Was it the script, do you suppose, or was it the actual chemistry between Robin and Gabriel? (If it was the latter, I should think it would've been fixed by using one of the many women who auditioned for the restaurant scene. Or--as Peter Hyams put it--"lined up to kiss Gabriel Byrne"! ^_^)
I look forward to reading your future posts.
You can think I'm wrong, but that's no reason to quit thinking.
Sorry for the lag Dryelle, I was too busy dealing with the troll. I'll respond to your posts in sequence and add my insight where appropriate.
As to the magnetism, I'm a firm believer that an actor bears SOME responsibility if the scripted contains inconsistencies in the character that make them less convincing. Particularly from a lead character, I think it would be irresponsible NOT to confront the writers and directors about the holes in the character they were consigned to play. From the reviews, it seems a lot of critics dogged on Robin Tunney's portrayal of Christine York, but as far as the lack of magnetism I would place more fault on the writers for not making any effort at all to have Christine drawn to Satan.
More in my next reply, which you'll find at the very bottom of this thread.
"But, but, but, CLINTON!!!" ~Any reich-winger when confronted with their miserable failures
The only serious plot hole that this movie seems to have is the whole millenium thing with the millenium somehow occuring at midnight Eastern Time.
This should've been addressed by the priest at some point to make it plausible that although Christ was born in Jerusalem 2000 years ago, the real time he was born in was the equivalent of US Eastern Time. There's probably no way of knowing if Jesus was even born on December 25 (even most biblical scholars disagree with that assumption), but the movie's script should've found a way around it and it wouldn't have been too hard to do.
I know it has been awhile since this post but a little thing to help support that. (J)esus (C)hrist = J.C. (J)ericho (C)ane = J.C. when i saw the similiar initials that when i kinda got the idea that he was the second comming in the movie
x_gemma_x, why don't YOU get a life. This forum is like all others on IMDB, to discuss a film whether that includes criticism or not. If you can't handle it, don't read the thread.
It should be obvious that there's a whole lot of people that don't agree with your view that it's a 'damn good movie', given its weak rating if you didn't notice of '5.3' and it's relatively weak assessment at the box office.
So do us all a favor troll, look up the word and realize that you're exactly what it means to be one since telling someone that doesn't agree with your opinion that it's a 'damn good movie' to get a life is precisely what arrogant, self righteous, pr1cks do that can't handle any criticism because it's too complex a concept for you to understand. IMDB is not your own private fiefdom where anyone with dissenting views than yours aren't allowed to post.
The idea of a personal God is quite alien to me and seems even naive. - Albert Einstein
I'm also toying with an idea on why Satan would have limited powers on earth.
But first, I think I ought to get into the premise of my book...
In short form, Satan isn't chasing after a Christian this time (to which the church says, "Good! Maybe they'll kill each other off!), it's not new years and there is no guarantee that the world will end after sex (even though leaving out the latter kind of leaves out the suspense).
What's so scary about it?
Well, wouldn't you freak out if a human you saved turned out to be the devil incarnate and he started stalking you and messing with your head...among other things?
Anyway, the idea is that during the time of the "heavenly war" (if you want to call it that), Yahweh made a mandate about Satan copulating with humans (and the latter totally missed it because he was in a towering rage about being thrown down to hell). The other gods found out about the mandate through some gossipy angels and they wanted to protect their female worshipers too...so over the course of a millennia, the mandate turned into a book of law that covers Christians, Pagans and even Atheists. Which means that if Satan wants to do a mortal, he has to play fair.
At first I liked the idea, but then it became a little inane. After all, what fun is a satanic thriller if the Prince of Darkness has to play by the rules? :D
You didn't take my advice and look it up did you? Why don't you do the considerate thing and go to the top right hand corner of your screen and click on 'terms & conditions' and find the link describing what a troll is instead of wasting my time asking me? Ah, it's because you're a troll, circular reasoning.
x_gemma_x trollishly blurts:
Just because I didnt want to discuss the plot holes which has been done a million times before on this board! It just makes room for more critism!
Hey, check it out, two of your messages were deleted in this thread when I reported them to the admins with the reasoning that "this user is a troll". Your messages were deleted, so they in fact agree with me. If you had intelligence, at some point you might come around to looking at the mirror and ask yourself "Wow, if the IMDB admins are deleting my messages in agreement that I'm a troll, maybe because that's actually what I am.". That might be giving you too much credit though.
x_gemma_x rather densely claims:
"Calling someone a troll for having a different opinion is stupid and pathetic."
Oh really, and calling someone that has posted intelligent questions asking about plot holes stupid because it's a 'damn good movie' and to demand they stop complaining and get a life using expletives, followed by a one line post suggesting that in the future they should try posting something interesting isn't? This sentence seals how incognizant of your own hypocrisy you are even as you might finally have a point. A troll seems to at least have some semblance of awareness. You, on the other hand, expect a million times more courtesy extended to you than you're willing to extend to anyone else, yet seem completely ignorant of how full of BS you are; what you call "stupid and pathetic" only extends to yourself.
As I don't want to get into a habit of feeding trolls, this is the last message that I'll address you. Think of it as my final attempt to help you recognize and embrace what you really are.
The idea of a personal God is quite alien to me and seems even naive. - Albert Einstein
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Wow, the administrators nuked the reply of the troll known as x_gemma_x before I could even read it. I applaud their preemptive measure. Trolls will be trolls.
"But, but, but, CLINTON!!!" ~Any reich-winger when confronted with their miserable failures
Before replying to the meat of your post, I'll begin on what I've additionally gained from reflecting on the movie. The more I reflect, the more holes I find.
First, the whole episode at the beginning with Satan hiring Arnie's security firm to protect him was a complete farce. Satan told Arnie in his apartment that he hired him to protect his in flesh body. But it's obvious that bullets at worst temporarily stun him depending on the firepower. For the most part, bullets seemed to be nothing more than a nuisance like some pesky mosquitoes. So the whole business of hiring him to protect him was a sham since he was MORE capable and equipped to protect himself than Arnie and Pollack.
Next, was when Arnie and Robin were running down the alley to escape Satan and were confronted with a suddenly evil detective (played by CCH Pounder) who had the child molesting police security guard at the hospital in tow. She orders him to come out with his hands up, then tells her sidekick that she wants just the girl and to kill Jericho. At what point did CCH Pounder get clued in on everything and turn into one of Satan's minions? At every point before that scene she seemed like a normal detective, trying to piece together the whole mystery of Thomas Aquinas and was following the same leads Arnie and Kevin Pollack were tracking down. That scene made absolutely no sense to me. Am I missing something?
Also the command center that appears out of nowhere behind the clothing store where Arnie loads up on firepower before the finale was sort of cheesy and unexplained. He even had a cohort telling him the cops were looking for him while he was looking up on a computer the location of the Satanic temple where Christine was held. What was THAT all about? They obviously wanted some way for Arnie to load up on high caliber weapons and a way to convey how Arnie figured out the location of Christine, but the vehicle the writers used to provide them seemed awkward and clumsy.
And finally, I couldn't figure out exactly whether the writers intended Thomas Aquinas to represent the REAL Thomas Aquinas that we know from history as the Catholic theologian that is respected by many to be one of the greatest philosophers of all time (he would definitely make my top five list) or named that priest Thomas Aquinas in tribute to the great Thomas Aquinas. I wonder because it was repeated often that he was alive for 1000 years, whereas the real Aquinas was born in the 13th century so that's hardly 1000 years. The movie made him and the group of homicidal minded priests that have lived for 1000 years to be part of a masonic order in a former sub-herald of the Vatican knights which turned out to be the knights of the Holy See. This secret group of knights, whose corpses just disappear when they are killed, are alive for a millennium for what reason? For the sole purpose of ensuring that the end of days doesn't occur by killing Satan's bride? The REAL Aquinas was part of nothing of the sort and would likely view the Masons as fools if not heretics. He was a part of the Dominican Order, but that has nothing to do with the knights of the Holy See, and he would never join and engage in the barbarism of the crusading Teutonic Knights of the time.
And one more plot hole I just thought of. I thought it was mentioned somewhere that the killing the girl would also bring about the wrath of God where fire would rain from the heavens and spell the end of mankind, which was a big reason Jericho tried to keep her alive from the knights. So why does Satan need to mate with the bride at all? Why not just kill her or if that's against the rules, have her killed since that was a way to bring about the End of Days just as much as mating with her at the ritualistic hour would.
Okay then, on to your post.
I'm also toying with an idea on why Satan would have limited powers on earth.
But first, I think I ought to get into the premise of my book...
In short form, Satan isn't chasing after a Christian this time (to which the church says, "Good! Maybe they'll kill each other off!), it's not new years and there is no guarantee that the world will end after sex (even though leaving out the latter kind of leaves out the suspense).
What's so scary about it?
Well, wouldn't you freak out if a human you saved turned out to be the devil incarnate and he started stalking you and messing with your head...among other things?
So far so good. Sounds like a workable plot. ~)~
Anyway, the idea is that during the time of the "heavenly war" (if you want to call it that), Yahweh made a mandate about Satan copulating with humans (and the latter totally missed it because he was in a towering rage about being thrown down to hell). The other gods found out about the mandate through some gossipy angels and they wanted to protect their female worshipers too...so over the course of a millennia, the mandate turned into a book of law that covers Christians, Pagans and even Atheists. Which means that if Satan wants to do a mortal, he has to play fair.
Hm. Interesting concept. You mention "other gods", which makes me think that it's premises is not based on Christian doctrine, but a Pagan or Neo-Pagan one? If this is the case, then you would need to explain the concept of God is in detail, since the average reader is familiar with Christianity there's not the need for as much backgrounding in a storyline. But the average individual knows very little about Paganism, or the many flavors of Neo-Paganism. You would need to explain the polytheistic aspect and how it is consistent with the Christian understanding of God and Satan.
At first I liked the idea, but then it became a little inane. After all, what fun is a satanic thriller if the Prince of Darkness has to play by the rules? :D
I think the first quote that I provided from you above has potential. But the background information in the second quote needs some polishing to be coherent. Following a specific religious doctrine might help provide some structure if you don't care to invent one. Just so you know, I'm an atheist but I have some theological background after studying the various religions of the world before coming to my conclusion. So I'm not at all trying to push you toward one doctrine or another. Just trying to insure consistency and credibility to your storyline.
"But, but, but, CLINTON!!!" ~Any reich-winger when confronted with their miserable failures
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I'm glad I have you here to help me think things through. :)
I thought about what you said (which is a feat in itself, since I'm 50-60% tired) and it took a few minutes to get there, but I think I caught on.
The trouble I have with your reasoning (and it's a shame that I do), is that Pagans don't follow doctrine--or at least Witches don't and that's what Sable is. The idea of establishing doctrine for a faith that does not (and never will) have one seems like a difficult task to me and I know that I would get flak for portraying Witches incorrectly--especially since I am one (in a roundabout sort of way).
Nevertheless, if you have ideas on how to work around this, I'd be happy to hear them. I think my email address is in my profile, and if it's not, send me a private message and I'll give it to you.
Have a good weekend!
P.S.: I blocked the troll before the admins started keeping track of this thread...but it's nice that they're keeping it clean for the rest of us.
This year, I am thankful that IMDb has great administrators. </unintentional tush kissing>
You can think I'm wrong, but that's no reason to quit thinking.
Sorry for the lag in getting back to you. You're right that Paganism has no doctrine. What I really had in mind was Gnosticism, since you mentioned "other gods" along with other rules implied by Christian theology. There was definitely a Gnostic doctrine of some sort even though not all of it has been recovered, and what we know of Gnosticism itself is fascinating as the antithesis of Christine doctrine in the early centuries after Christ and the intellectual wars they fought over hearts and minds until the Roman Catholic church emerged with its various orders of priests aligned with them as the dominant doctrine of the day and wiped most of what we know about the Gnostics off the face of the earth.
"But, but, but, CLINTON!!!" ~Any reich-winger when confronted with their miserable failures
Good thing that book got tossed onto the back burner while you were busy with RL, because otherwise, I would've had to have said, "That was absolutely no help whatsoever!" ;)
You can think I'm wrong, but that's no reason to quit thinking.
Next, was when Arnie and Robin were running down the alley to escape Satan and were confronted with a suddenly evil detective (played by CCH Pounder) who had the child molesting police security guard at the hospital in tow. She orders him to come out with his hands up, then tells her sidekick that she wants just the girl and to kill Jericho. At what point did CCH Pounder get clued in on everything and turn into one of Satan's minions? At every point before that scene she seemed like a normal detective, trying to piece together the whole mystery of Thomas Aquinas and was following the same leads Arnie and Kevin Pollack were tracking down. That scene made absolutely no sense to me. Am I missing something?
That would be the director trying to throw a suspenseful twist into the movie. At first, you believe the detective is there to help Arnie and Robin, but then uh oh, she's now in Satan's pocket.
Also the command center that appears out of nowhere behind the clothing store where Arnie loads up on firepower before the finale was sort of cheesy and unexplained. He even had a cohort telling him the cops were looking for him while he was looking up on a computer the location of the Satanic temple where Christine was held. What was THAT all about? They obviously wanted some way for Arnie to load up on high caliber weapons and a way to convey how Arnie figured out the location of Christine, but the vehicle the writers used to provide them seemed awkward and clumsy.
I took that to be the headquarters of the security firm Arnie and Kevin worked for, and the older associate letting him know that the police were after him would be his boss.
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Next, was when Arnie and Robin were running down the alley to escape Satan and were confronted with a suddenly evil detective (played by CCH Pounder) who had the child molesting police security guard at the hospital in tow. She orders him to come out with his hands up, then tells her sidekick that she wants just the girl and to kill Jericho. At what point did CCH Pounder get clued in on everything and turn into one of Satan's minions? At every point before that scene she seemed like a normal detective, trying to piece together the whole mystery of Thomas Aquinas and was following the same leads Arnie and Kevin Pollack were tracking down. That scene made absolutely no sense to me. Am I missing something? [/i}
When was it mentioned that the police officer (the "security guard" at the hospital) was a child molester?
I got one-why does Jericho wear a bullet proof vest if all he wants to do is die?When we first see him,he puts a gun to his temple,preparing to commit suicide.
^ I have no idea. Perhaps his job was the only thing he didn't want to screw up, if a person wanted him to protect him, he was not going out easily.
One thing I always wondered about was the church scene, where Satan beats down the bald priest, but leaves him alive, and then proceeds to kill the other order members in the room. Never understood why he cared about them, or if it was some message in this scene. "Follow the purpose, and you're safe?" Since the priest comes to find Arnie all shackled up the next day. _____________________________________ "Hello, God. It is I.. Doctor Frasier Crane."
Satan's job is way too easy. That's the point, He doing the same as a kid playing with his food. The kid can eat the food, but decides to play with it instead until his parents get mad at him for it. Yes Satan could just zap the guy and get the girl, but decides to cause chaos instead but he should have just gone with the easy way.
Well, it's kind of trivial to get someone un-pregnant again. What, Satan wouldn't stoop to that? Also, since Satan can possess people, picking someone would be pretty risky.
On the other hand (assuming biology matters here), it's also pretty trivial to render someone sterile.
Well, it's kind of trivial to get someone un-pregnant again. What, Satan wouldn't stoop to that? Also, since Satan can possess people, picking someone would be pretty risky.
On the other hand (assuming biology matters here), it's also pretty trivial to render someone sterile.
Very true...personally, knowing the prophecy, I'd be paranoid to ever have sex! Then again, Christine didn't know the prophecy...that was half the battle! Regardless of what she managed to do with human, Christine couldn't stay pregnant her whole life. Even if Satan didn't interfere with parturition, there would always be the opportunity to get her pregnant at some later point.
But we're going way off course here...as good as all our ideas happen to be, there's the small fact that Satan had to get her pregnant between 11:00p and 11:59p eastern standard time.
Furthermore, I know the Christian god has/had a non-interference policy, but wouldn't he get pissed if Satan rendered every male on earth sterile? And what good is the non-interference policy, anyway, if it allows Satan the potential to wipe out all humankind? How are we supposed to believe that the Christian god is a benevolent, loving deity if he leaves us to fend for ourselves when the ultimate evil comes to call?
I haven't seen this movie, but the whole entire plot looks pretty absurd to me. I believe in both God and Satan, but I don't think that I could take this movie seriously.
That's because it's not meant to be taken seriously, silly! Do you take The Craft seriously? If you do, let me be the first to tell you that you shouldn't--magick is NOT that easy!
----- The next time you intend to blow up my route into town, give me a heads-up first!
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The only reason I think he couldn't just rape her was that maybe she had to submit and willingly make love to him. By the end time was almost up and he figured he may as well give rape a shot.
I like your idea, Caprica. I'll have to remember that.
As I mentioned when I started the thread, I wanted to know what the plotholes were besides Satan being unable to get Christine pregnant when it should have been very easy. My hope is that by setting down a stringent list of rules (that Satan will do everything to try to get around, of course), the Prince of Darkness's "second chance" (at a woman other than Christine, I might add) goes a little more smoothly.
--------- Who needs Jack Sparrow? Jonah Prowse is my pirate of choice.
I love movies and books of this genre, you you'll have to let me know when you are published so I can pick up a copy.
Another source of material or information you might find helpful is the previous and current season of Supernatural (I think it's 4 and 5 but am too lazy to open another window and check). Also Stigmata, which isn't about Satan rising or the Antichrist, but has the same religious storyline to it. Ooo, and The Mephisto Club by Tess Gerritsen gets really into Watchers, which I found to be a fasinating branch of not well known religious content.
Oh, and the Dread Pirate Roberts is my pirate of choice. I felt that needed to be said.
Wow...thanks for being the first reader of a book that I've barely started drafting! Back from the Edge will be my second novel...right after I get a publisher for the first.
I started watching Stigmata once during my Gabriel phase and I got nauseous from the sight of so much blood. O.o (Yet felt surprisingly un-nauseous after EoD. Go figure.)
I don't know about Watchers or anything like that...right now, I'm focusing on Satan and his (former-human-turned-super-weapon) personal assistant, Dawn and how they plan to do what they do. Or I will...just as soon as I finish that all-important first novel.
P.S.: The last time I saw Mandy Patinkin in concert, he did the whole, "My name is Inigo Montoya...prepare to die!" thing. I about died alright...from mortification!
----------- Who needs Jack Sparrow? Jonah Prowse is my pirate of choice.
According to the book Watchers are the decendants of angels and the daughters of either Lilith or Eve, I can't remember which. They sort of travel the world spreading evil and chaos. It's a good read even if you have no intention of ever using the mythology.
The main plot hole for me has always been - why didn't the satanists bring up Christine into their faith. If she'd been brought up as a satanist and had accepted (even looked forward) to her 'destiny' then things would have been a whole lot easier. Unless it wasn't just her body that Satan wanted, it was her innocence as well.
And all the omens and portents that's she'd experienced (the dreams, the visions, etc) throughout her life were only going to instill fear into her. Unless Satan wanted the chase.
And why (apart for plot convenience) was she in the middle of a large city and not hidden away in the middle of no-where? It implied that they killed her mother as a way of getting to her father, so why couldn't they have killed her father and moved her away to somewhere where she could be protected?
Apart from these, I thought this was a pretty decent film.