Jesus, Mary and Joseph does anyone ever look up and research stuff before they start posting random answers like this? The Southerners do not hate Northern Irish, its just a divide was made. Northern Ireland and the South have NEVER been at war. There are protestants and catholics living in both the North AND the South, in fact some protestants have enough wit to realise this never started off as a religeous war and were actually in the IRA fighting for a free Ireland. The religeon thing was just a spin by England which idiots started to believe. As for the comment "no wonder with this class of feckin ignorance the USA didn't do feck all against funding the IRA blowing the arms and legs off of kids until Clinton" Ireland neither asked for nor wanted outside help, as for the thing about the IRA there was plenty of things done by the other side that were just as bad....except IRA were fighting for freedom and equality, not to pander to a crown that neither wants them or gives a flying *beep* about them. I often wonder why protestants cant just be happy being Irish protestants. *beep* things happened but it was more *beep* if you were Catholic, police not exactly wanting to be bothered with Catholics etc when things were happening, but this whole circle of hatred thing is exhausting, Ireland needs to cut it the *beep* out so we can move our own country.