can flying cd's really kill a person??
i dont know it just seems to unbelievable. the director shouldve had rachel burn debra or impale her some other way..
sharei dont know it just seems to unbelievable. the director shouldve had rachel burn debra or impale her some other way..
shareif they moved fast enough they probably could. The force Rachel sent them with made them sharp as knives
shareIt's not the first time it's been done either.
The potboiler sci-fi action film Dark Angel starring Dolph Lundgren had the alien drug dealer use a cd pretty much the same way Rachel did in Carrie too - but with alien tech and electromagnetic force to turn the innocuous cd into a razor sharp killing device.
If electromagnetic force can supposedly do this, why not telekinesis from a justifiably pissed off teenager?
Pinhead killed a DJ with several floating CDs slashed into his head (and one in his mouth) in Hellraiser III.
What if a squirrel wants a sausage?
I don't see why not. with enough force behind it, it could certainly pierce flesh. look how small the slug of a bullet is, but it's propelled with such a tremendous force it can do much more damage than it looks like it could. also the "deadly flying cd's" thing was done in "hellraiser 3" long before this film. in dark angel (also a great underrated film) it was not really a flying cd but an alien weapon, kind of like a magnetic circular saw blade.I enjoyed this film BTW. a better than average sequel to a great original.
shareMy brother had a karate class long ago. They had some items to use (other than just your hands and feet). Num-chuks (probably spelled it wrong) - wooden things connected by a long rope. There was also a "flying star" - round with some sharp edges, and it could impale someone if thrown out extreme speed. I guess the CD's were Rachel's version of flying stars.
shareI think that the show MythBusters did an episode about deadly flying CDs.
<<(When there is no more room in Hell, the dead will walk the Earth.)>>
i dont know it just seems to unbelievable.
The writers were just trying to be cool. CDs were really popular then, now they'd have to kill you with a bunch of iPods. That was only 10 years ago and see how different things were? Kids weren't texting and I didn't see any of them with cell phones. Makes you wonder what we will be using on a daily basis 10 years from now.
shareActually, it's quite possible. I have a friend who got into a really bad car accident, and the force of the impact (going 60+ miles per hour) launched the CDs he had in his visor, and they pierced CLEAN THROUGH the head rest of the passenger seat. True story.
shareWith sufficient propulsion they could could do this.
shareAs if CDs are not popular now? Several hundred million of them are still sold every year in the US alone. Sales of physical albums are still far greater than legal downloads of albums.
shareYes, I know this is old...
Yes that is "unbelievable"...but a teenage girl with telekinetic powers is not. []
I guess you did not notice the film was NOT a documentary?
i know they did the same thing in hellraiser III: hell on earth.
"he is like a peice of iron"
Hard to believe, but it´s only a movie! i remember the same cd thing in Dolph Lundgren's "Dark Angel" if i´m not wrong...
Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.
lol it was funny when he put a big black box into a bigger black machine and it played a movie
shareIt made more sense than exploding glasses killing a person
Death Awaits (Horror forum)
I'm surprised the CD's went deep enough to actually kill her. The glasses thing doesn't make any sense either since it would just blind the person.
shareAnother film that had killer CDs was the Dolph Lundren vehicle "I Come In Peace" (AKA Dark Angel)
shareWith telekinesis, I can kinda look past the CDs, though they are indeed stupid (most the kills in the party scene were dumb and OTT, actually) The glasses, on the other hand, make absolutely no sense in any context.
Death Awaits (Horror forum)
It's fun to think about. If the CDs didn't collapse on impact and they were moving with sufficient speed, I imagine they could pierce--or at least cut--flesh in a glancing blow...if not becoming embedded. Haven't checked the "Mythbusters" link someone posted, but I'd put money on actually being able to lodge cannon blasted compact discs into a test ham any day.
I know it sounds more brutal to say but I was hoping that Rachel would had made the cds slice Debra's hands,arms, or head instead of her body. That would had been more bloodier yes more more cooler and vengeful.