MovieChat Forums > Barney & Friends (1992) Discussion > *ESSAY* My Problems with Barney

*ESSAY* My Problems with Barney

My Problems with Barney

Just to let you know, I have nothing against most children’s shows, just this one.

Barney is what I think is wrong with the world today. Some of you may ask “What is wrong with a kiddy friendly and educational show?” Well, I can list a few things.

First off Barney is said to be an educational show that helps aid children in development. However, if you watch further, not only is Barney just made for “selling out” to little ones, it also teaches some rather harzardous lessons. These hazardous lessons are the way that the Lyon’s Group does not deliver a realistic view of life, but with a sugar coated, politically correct view of life, where negativity and problems should not exist. This also leads to the sugar coating of fairy tales and history as well, which is very unhealthy indeed. Now G Rated means “Barney rated”. That is sad, isn’t it. It is almost like telling kids that the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki has never happened. And the sad thing is, kids are eating up all of that. Protecting kids is good, but giving them only a PC and sugar coated view of life is unhealthy.

Dr. Lisa Korman, a child psychologist researches the fact that ‘Using denial as a primary coping strategy, means in stark contrasts to PBS classics like “Sesame Street”, “Lambchop’s Play Along” and “Mr Roger’s Neighborhood”, “Barney” does NOT help children learn to tolerate sorrowful or stressful situations’.

And she is right. Before you flame me, here are some example of the situations handled on the show:

• Kathy is feeling sad and jealous because, unlike her friends, she has no siblings or father (perhaps she mentioned that her dad has died). "Oh, Kathy," Barney promptly responds in a loving yet chiding voice, "you have a mother and grandmother who love you very much. That’s a wonderful-size family!"

• Tina woefully announces, "I’m having a really bad day." Immediately, Barney replies, "Well, I think your day will get much better now that we’re all together!" And her older sister Luci says just moments later, "Try not to worry..., Tina. Maybe if we sang a happy song, you’d feel better!"

• Barney trips on a toy and crashes to the floor. He is down on the ground, but still is laughing and is happy as if nothing has happened.

• Kathy is scared to visit the doctor and get a shot. Barney immediately tries to convince her that there’s nothing to be afraid of. He becomes "Dr. Barney" and when Kathy gets her make-believe shot, she exclaims, "You’re right! That didn’t hurt too much!" As the show concludes, Barney asks, "Now, are you still scared to visit the real doctor?" When a jubilant, incredulous Kathy replies, "I’m not scared!", Barney and gang explode with cheers.

• Shawn looks at his easel in dismay and says, "I’m not a very good painter." Luci replies, "Oh, I wouldn’t say that, Shawn." Moments later, Barney says, "Luci’s right, Shawn. Your painting of me is terrific! You’re a wonderful artist!"

• Tina accidentally drops some records and they shatter on the floor. "I’m sorry!" she exclaims. "That’s okay," says Barney, "I’ll take care of it." "But how?" Tina asks woefully. "With a little imagination..." he replies, and the broken pieces magically become one big record.

Here is how it really should be handled (as is handled on most good children’s shows):

• When Kathy is depressed about her family, Barney can say, "I guess it’s lonely without a Dad or a brother or sister."

• When Tina announces, "I’m having a really bad day," Barney can say, "Please tell me about it."

• When Kathy is afraid to visit her doctor, Barney can say, "Thank you for telling me. What scares you the most?" And when Kathy gets her make-believe shot, she can say, "Barney, it did hurt, but only for a second."

• When Shawn says, "I’m not a very good painter," he can be told, "You know, sometimes we don’t like our picture but we can still like painting."

• When Tina accidentally broke the records, Barney could have helped in a creative manner, you know, without magic.

• Last but not least, when Barney crashes to the floor, he can say, "That really hurt!" without smiling and laughing. At least it shows that he is really hurt and not just joking about it.

Barney could have been a good and believable show for both children and adults to watch, but it wasn’t. Its purpose was just for merchandising reasons and covering up reality. There are much better programs for children out there, if you look hard enough. Or better yet, read to your children. Read them stories how they originally were, instead of giving them the syndicated “sugar-coated” material.

In other words, do not give into Barney or any show imitating it. It will not do you nor your kids any good. You will probably thankful for it once you open your eyes and get a better view of things. Life is lovely, and importantly, life is too short to give into a TV company that pretends to care about children, but really care about money and encourages the use of TV and computers as a babysitter (Which we know is not right).


I don't really get the point of all the people here blaming Barney for their failures in life. Yes, it is true that Barney shows an idealized world, in which there are no problems. I however don't see a problem in this. A TV-show like this can offer children an escape from the reality, and at the same time teach them something usefull. Coping with problems, failure, pain, bullies etc. is something everybody learns the hard way, by dealing with them in real life. The only thing Barney tries to do is bring some love and respect back into this world, and I personally can't see anything wrong with that. Children will themselves when the time comes discover how everything really works, but why should you start bothering them with this in their childhood. Same goes for Raffi-songs, thanks to these and Barney my childhood was a lot happier.


I see your point

"Reality is merely an illusion,albeit a very persistent one."
- Albert Einstein


this is the dumbest thing ive ever heard. this is like 54 year olds we're talking about. we arent going to tell them that the world is at war or that theyre going to die eventually. THEY ARE KIDS of course you sugar coat it.


But when it comes to sugar coating, it only has to be done to an extent. Otherwise you start to treat them like idiots, thinking that they would never understand anything more complex than simple fractions.



The examples are all from Season 1. And I think if people rewatched them, they would get a different idea. It's kind of like the "stranger is a friend you've never met" thing (except there, Barney said something completely different ("Never talk to strangers," and in song too)).

*Anything can happen, if you let it. Life is out there waiting, so go and get it.*


Wow you're retarded
all kid shows "sugar coat" things
just watch one sometime

I do not like to repeat successes, I like to go on to other things.
-Walt Disney


they're kids what real harsh "problems" do they have? I mean sure parents divorce and there's sickness and death in families, but all of that should be taken as a Parent's job to explain to their kids not some TV show. It is the TV show's job to entertain and teach basic things like being polite, and doing homework and staying active. With a good family structure and some kiddy entertainment the child should have it well rounded. I grew up on Barney and I am a college student now, with a great love for God. But I also have a grip on reality. This essay makes it seem like Barney will turn your kids into mindless "life is nothing but sugar and happiness" and I don't think ( well hope) that it doesn't



I am in complete agreement with phillygirl_pdm. I laughed all the way through the OP's rant, it was ridiculous. As Philly mentioned, children should be taught respect, manners, to be active and how to have fun. You have the weight of the world on your shoulders when you get older, so at that age you should just enjoy your childhood and be a kid. I grew up watching Barney yet I'm not living in lala land with floating gumdrops and lollipops. There's a thing called common sense and experience that kind of overrides Barney, you know.


I am not a Barney fan and I dislike listening to the music and terrible acting on the show. However, there is nothing wrong with a show, for children, that sugar coats the world of problems. You have a life time to learn all of the horrible things in life and dwell in them if you choose but let a child be a child. Let them live simple and not have those worries at such a small age.

As far as the psychologist theory on children having life sugar coated for them... I, too, can quote many to dispute their quotes. I, also, can quote the many qualified psychiatrists and scientists that believe that it is okay to molest, have sex with their children because children are born wanting it. According to them, it bonds them to the parent and they even wrote books about it for children to read. I had to study this in Psychology in college and it made me sick but I had to learn every side of psychology.

The point is, the reason that so many toddler shows are filled with the good is because they have 70 plus years of the bad to deal with. Give them a few years of red roses and rainbows. There is nothing wrong with it psychologically. It gives them a more positive attitude because I have seen those kids that were not shielded and they are so negative and hateful. Everything in life is grim... it is sad that they were not given the opportunity to see the beautiful things in life first because now, they will never see it. It is hidden behind all of the crap that will forever be there.


ur probably right. but when i was a child i loved it. i loved the songs i loved the kids! i loved the happy atmosphere. but when i got older i realised it was all fake. i reckon the kids werent even happy acting.

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Kayleigh N.

