So, I seem to be the only one who likes this movie ... again! There's something about me which always makes me hate what others love and love what others hate...
I'm very into sad stories, and this movie gives us lots of them. You see the DJ and the station owner and the 4 people / groups who are travelling, each and every one with his own story, and every story could make me think and dream away for hours.
That the travellers all meet each other so suddenly was an interesting twist, although I didn't think it really necessary for the movie. Hell, even the murderer story is kind of unimportant - but I don't care, the characters just made me like this movie that much and worth its time from start to finish. This is the kind of emotional movies I love.
hey daniel.....well i totally agree with u - this is one of those obscure little gems that no one sees, but a handful of people (it may be only u and me, kid!?) do appreciate.....
i'm not so much into sad stories, but i concur that these characters are well-developed; the story flows well and keeps u intrigued, so what's not to like? sidebar: i discovered one of my [now] fave tunes from this movie ("machete", by BROTHER CANE), so it's a sentimental fave as well!
i'm a huge FORSTER fan - another quirky little film of his that i love is AMERICAN PERFEKT (1997, just before JACKIE BROWN) - didja see that one? AMANDA PLUMMER is her usual bizarre self....
i can relate completely with something u said.....i'm gonna guess u are an aquarian, as am i - aquarians have a reputation for eccentricity, which probably comes from the fact that what most people find normal, we find odd, and what we find normal, most people find odd....of course we don't understand most people, consequently! lol.....
i'd be interested at knowing what other indie-type movies u like....have u ever seen BOX OF MOONLIGHT, with SAM ROCKWELL and JOHN TURTURRO?
I love Outside Ozona. Great movie with a ton of atmosphere and character development. It's a shame that most people never heard of this movie. I have a VHS of it and watch it once in a while. I'd love to see it on DVD someday.
Me too. I have recorded my own DVD on my PVR, but only with the German synchronization... I'd love to hear the original voices of Meat Loaf and Taj Mahal
You are not alone. It is a rich great little movie done by truly decent actors I've met and known. I watch this at least once a year and always see something new.
I just watched this last night on cable and thought it was a decent movie. It had some slow moments but overall I really enjoyed the suspense. I got into the character and cared about them and to me that is the sign of a good to great character driven script, which this is. It's also a shame that JT Walsh did not get to be in this movie, it would have been a wonderful part for him. I like a good character driven movie now and then and this definitely satiated me, at least for a while.
I liked the movie very much. However, I think it suffered from a "dual personality". The movie couldn't figure out whether it was a horror movie or a drama about peoples' lives. It tried to do both. But as always happens, when a movie tries to be 2 different things, it falls a little short in both.
Still, I would recommend it be seen, it's well worth the 2 hours. Robert Forster always gives a top-class performance, and so does the rest of the cast.
I knew both Robert Forster and Kevin Pollack, but I wasn't really a big fan of either one of them. I decided to watch it because the description on TV sounded so strange that I had to watch it:
"A trucker, clown, stripper, mourners, and others travel a Texas road also travelled by a serial killer."
I didn't have high hopes, but to just be amused for a few hours. However I was pleasantly surprised by it and started to like both Forster and Pollack.
"Starting tonight people will die. I'm a man of my word. Hahaha!"
I just caught the last hour of it and hope it will come on again soon so I can watch the first hour! I liked what I saw, but did anyone else think David Paymer (the killer) and Kevin Pollack (the out of work clown) looked so much alike? I don't know either one of them very well so I kept getting them confused, haha!
I know what you mean! That's why I said that I felt like the murder/thriller part of the story would not have been necessary at all. I think it would have worked well enough without that additional plot, and just concentrating fully on being a character-driven movie. Still, the murder plot did not ruin the movie for me. I see it as a character drama, and I love it.
As I said, I love sad and sentimental dramas, so I see and have seen a lot of them. But many of those overemotionalised, hyper-dramatic flicks are in the end so forgettable. In contrast, the characters and stories in this obscure little B movie felt so believable that I could really relate to them, and even after years of not having seen the film I remember them quite well.
It's a sign of real talent and immense devotion that such a small project can stay in one's head for so long. A piece of art, I would argue.
It's been years since anyone's commented on this film, but it's now on pay TV, so perhaps there will be more action on here. I'm afraid I have to disagree with everyone else on here who liked the movie. I found it boring, and was completely distracted by the DJ storyline. Yes, I realize it's just a movie, but in any real radio station, he'd have been fired and yanked off the air as soon as he said *beep* and changed the format, then the ball-less manager would have gotten on the air himself until another announcer could come in. No matter how small a station it is, there are going to be more than two announcers who work there. And as it is listed as a horror movie, I kept waiting for it to be scary but it never was. One person stated it didn't seem to know what it wanted to be and I agree.
" this is one of those obscure little gems that no one sees, but a handful of people .....appreciate.."
I'M LOVING IT. Im watching it right now. REALLY WELL MADE. (slow yes) but also there is the murder thing going on? Hmmm? Im still watching it so I dont know how it ends. Its pretty un-known and thats surprising.?!
I'm a big fan of this movie and I really don't care what other people say. The plot isn't what makes this movie so's the direction, the acting and the most of all the characters and the story they bring with them. Like many of you who've posted I can also related to them.