Kevin: "Is there really a kid there or is this like the time you told me my parents were dead?"

Teacher: "Yes I've had some smelly ones but Julian is by far the smelliest"

In the courtroom when Steve Buscemi starts to cry and the black guy starts laughin real loud


Having that pasty white wrinkly body on top of you and his old...Balls! Its Gross!
LMAO! That scene cracks me up!


italian guy sees the social services guy.

italian guy: oh, i've delivered to you. You always order piece of cheesecake.

the look the social services guy gives is priceless


Owww! Scuba Steve! Damn you! You like that? You think that's funny, me gettin' hurt? Uh-huh.


Hooters! Hooters! Hooters!

What do you have in the bag Corinne? Chicken wings? Booby tassles?

Pulp can move, baby!
