1. Despite the boy holding the camera being absolutely terrified, he manages to film throughout and catch everything...is it just me or if this was really happening, there would be nothing less important than the damn camera...
2. The mum manages to keep hold of her glass of wine despite everything going on around her...
3. When one of the sisters is giving the dead sister CPR, everyone else is completely unfazed and then the little girl shows her tremendous acting skills...ahem...
4. The Infrared light of course!
5. The fact that I just wasted an hour and a half on this pile of festuring dog turd...
6. The fact that there is a goddamn fan club on possibly the worst movie possible!
7. Some idiot is trying to sell this waste of space on DVD on eBay and expecting people to buy it!
How can no one else have commented on the fact that the little girl is apparently playing the piano like a genius but there is actually no piano sound! How does an error like that make it through editing!? My goodness!
The glass of wine thing irritated the crap out of me especially when they were running outside and she still had it. I know it's supposed to remind the audience that she's got a drinking problem but I think even an alcoholic would be sh*t scared enough to drop the drink. And every other scene in the house she's holding the glass. I think an alien visitation would take my mind off the red for a while don't you? It's either bad direction or bad acting or both.
lol, I saw this last nite on Aussie tele, I just found it to be such a LOLfest, but some parts were kinda creepy. And I thought there was just something wrong with my TV, when she was supposed to be playing the piano, guess not.
Also, this was pre Blair Witch (AND a tv movie), so you've gotta give it a bit of credit, haha.
I'm watching it right now. And I'm incredulous. I had to come on here to see if it was a comedy or not. It appears it is not. I found your thread and agree with it.
This is either a genius comedy or the worst film I think I've ever seen. As one of the 'interviewees' says: "These people are clearly not actors."
This much is true.
The grandmother in particular is showboating some of the worst acting I've ever endured. And I did a drama degree so I've endured plenty. Plus the whole sound-bite with the musician who kept trying to channel 'Withnail and I' by saying things like "It gave me the proper fear, d'you know what I mean?" then popping his fag in his mouth. Innit.
I watched a film the other day which I really thought was good - called 'Frozen'. There is a scene where a girl has to piss herself, she's absolutely mortified about it and starts to weep. When I went on the IMDB boards everybody was saying 'Urgh - that was sooo unbelievable that she would be that upset when she's in such danger' - and yet. And yet this film shows a bloke piss himself because he is being attacked by aliens (so far, so fair) then, after witnessing said aliens climbing in through the upstairs windows of his house...he decides to take five to get a fresh pair of strides.
And no one is saying anything about it!!!
It's rare I use more than one exclamation mark, so this is indicative of my extreme frustration.
In short - what a pile of festering crap.
Anyway, got the film on pause. I'm going to go watch the rest now because my life really is that empty.