I'm very confuse, how come they said it was real when it said they were played by actors? was it because there were parts that were acted to fill out the movie because it was a bit boring in most places or was it just fake? I want to believe it's not fake because it scared the **** out of me and it was so good. But I kinda wish it wasn't real because it actually happened
To me the acting was believable and it was more the commentary from the so called movie makers or disbelievers during certain parts which gave it away. If this was based on fact then then wouldn't it be globally broadcasted by now!
Obviously the film isnt real footage, but it's not meant to be. I think it's a reenactment of the actual video footage which obviously wouldn't get aired on TV.
It is too obvious when it is starting that the dialogue is scripted(that or everyone in that family watch too many movies).
I quickly picked up the "interferece" in the camera as a computer manipulation, because
First: I haven't seen a tape doing that. Second: It was too uniform and. Third: The audio wasn't getting screwed at the same time as the video.
If you are going trough all the trouble of changing your pants while a band of aliens is trying to kill you, just so your family doesn't see you peed your pants... are you gonna leave the camera pointing at you??(no it wasn't for the light because you can see the light is bright enough to iluminate the room).
ok, the "dead" alien opened the door (after cutting the rope) pushed the cellar and then?? he turned around and went out tough the window he used to come in!!!!
Let's say aliens can travel trough space but can't brake a door, even though they can melt car batteries and fuse boxes... Why didn't they come in through the 1rst floor window again?(yes the black dude closed it, but the alien went out again...)
Well those are some things that give it away... no I'm not a skeptic, yes I almost believed it, partly because I want to have proof...
If I had time I'm sure I could find some continuity mistakes... like objects missplaced or that kind of things that happen in any movie, I mean they didn't shoot this thing in a single shot!!
I found it hilarious how the scene after the kid changes his pants (cause he peed them) the alien in the room gets close to him, grabs the camera and records the kid's face expression (obviously to show us that he is stiff) and then walks away out of the room.. yet seconds after the kid runs out of the same door and SCREAMS to his dad and the dad is lile ' I GOT ONE!!' omg..
It's based on a movie from 1989 where only a few copies remained and were sold at Mom and Pop type movie stores. The guy made it on a budget of $6,700 as his first film. Fox got ahold of it and contacted him so they remade it.
Well... i saw the movie some time ago when i was 12y( 7 years ago?), im from portugal and when it was transmited it appeared some testemonials of people talking about the abduct of a family, i saw the whole movie and even recorded it, at the end of it, it appeared the typical "missing person warn thing" with phone number and stuff... i actually called up the number it appeared and it was working, altought i didnt finished that call. I really thought it was real, now i saw some comments saying that it appeared the movie role list with the actor's names at its end but it didnt appeared when i watched it, so for many years i tought it was real but with time i realize that a thing like this would hav generated controversy - so it only could be a fake home movie. At last i found that confirmation at this website, lol.
There really was an "incident" in Carlton county in northern Minnesota ( about 20 miles outside of Duluth) in 1987. A high school buddy of mine, Bobby Sassoon went missing in sept. The local police/sheriffs assumed it was a runaway-suicide thing because he was gone for days until he was found on chub lake road naked around 2am screaming his lungs out. From what's known, he was totally out of his mind, covered in mud and was saying words that had no known language.When the sheriffs showed up, it took 4 of em to cuff him and get him chilled out. His claim is that he was "taken" and "destroyed" and subjected to all kinds of crazy sh*t. He says that they're not from another planet, that they're actually the evolution of the human race from earth coming back to harvest DNA and to watch our nuclear programs. Bobby's still around but he's all kinds of *beep* up and probably gonna kick the bucket soon.
^ on the note of the poster above me i've read about that it seems.. interesting ( i was raised in saint paul) but on a diffrent note: I saw this on upn 9 back when it first ared it was ok.. not the greatest thing on earth but ok after rewatching it i think that its possible that is a reenactment of something that hppened but not in the 90's or 80's but in the late 70's there were reports of aliens attacking a farm house and the people inside and 3/4 of the people went missing tha were at the house terest of them were found "catonic" and within 3 weeks passed away due to severe anemia. to the lady from australia... ( whatever her name is i think it's sarah) in america racial tensions are high and they always have been the oldest brother not shaking matthew's hand ( and the cntinueing dialouge while they are examining the power outtage) indicates a felling of racism running through the older brother. If I was around to watch the gods dance i'd be a much more depressed person....
Do you know of any articles or anything on the Bobby Sassoon incident that I could read? I tried looking up "Bobby Sassoon alien" on Google and got nothing relevant.
i watched it with my older sister a few years ago, and she used to say it was real because of the people 'missing' at the end, but on the version we watched the credits didn't come up.
People should watch this at midday, it ruins the effect. Watch it with a friend at 1am. strangely, despite it's horrific acting and lack of a budget, it is one of the few horror films that had me frozen in fear.
I caught this late one night and though it was suspenseful it didn't scare me. Prior to this, I'd never heard of it before so I wasn't aware of claims being made about it being real or not, like The Blair Witch Project (which was silly). Paranormal Activity never claimed to be real but it was much scarier than both this and Blair Witch. Obviously, the film itself isn't real as there are actors in it (Emanuelle Chriqui who played the girl who passed away is on Entourage) but was this based on a real life incident?
Feels so good to read these comments in 2017.. 12 years hence and literally every other horror film is found footage or tagged 'based on a true story'.