I'm very confuse, how come they said it was real when it said they were played by actors? was it because there were parts that were acted to fill out the movie because it was a bit boring in most places or was it just fake? I want to believe it's not fake because it scared the **** out of me and it was so good. But I kinda wish it wasn't real because it actually happened
Heyy.. it was so in the dictunary the last time u told me to look.. and it was still ther just now... on the same page too, and didnt have changed !!
why r u making lies to people when aliens aer landing in america ?? dont u think that is a bad things to do ? I mean, think about what u r doing !!
Thats just wrong and cruel..
stop it.. it is so in the dictunary..
btw, dos anyone know if this video is real or not ? Im scared of it if it's real, but it looks real.. I think is real, no one can act thats good and scared like they are.
I can't help it if i'm gullible (ha, what do you know, it IS in the dictionary right under *beep* I'll put my mind at rest and aceept that it is fake. But im still confused. always will be.
My name is Sarah, and I recently took several days off work with the flu. I live in Brisbane, the capital city of Queensland, Australia and this film was played on Channel 7 as the midday movie. I saw this movie on my third day away from the office, and it terrified me. Not because of the scenes portrayed, but because of the terrible acting. On the other hand, I laughed myself silly. That they tried to pull this off as real was very amusing to me. I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Ok, so let us put this to rest.
The movie was a fake. A total fake. I know it states at the beginning of the film that the video was taken by "a 16 year old boy that wanted to record his family's thanksgiving dinner" in 1996 but at the end, the credits clearly state that the characters were played by other people. Also, the credits clearly state that aliens 1, 2, 3 and 4 were played by [insert actors names here].
Personally, during the film I found it very obvious that the film was scripted and acted out. The very first give away was when the sister introduced her new boyfriend 'Matthew'. The eldest brother 'Kurt' immediately refused to shake his hand, and glared at him with much hate and distrust. When they walk outside to investigate the power failure, you can clearly hear him grumbling that the sister "should have told us he was black". This was so obviously scripted - they needed to build some sort of conflict within the family, some kind of sterotypical mistrust.
The second thing was the aliens themselves and I don't mean just their shoddy appearance. Their actions were very cliché and predictable. One of the first things you see the aliens do, is walk over to a cow and point its laser instrument at the cow, (it's just one of those silly hand held laser pointers) holding the instrument steady as though gathering some sort of data from the instrument(although you cannot clearly see the cow, you can gather from the dialogue that it's supposed to be a cow). When the family sits down to dinner later after much yelling, screaming, panic and confusion, we see an alien walk very calmly right past one of the glass doors where the camera just HAPPENS to be pointed. Later, when everyone hears the aliens are on the roof, the boy filming just HAPPENS to get outside in time to see a leg slowly withdrawn into the upstairs bathroom window. The scene in the bedroom when the boy is changing his pants is really quite off putting, but fairly obvious. The alien appears to be curious about the camera and its function, yet later in the movie, they seem to know exactly the function of it and they turn it off with a wave of the hand.
Other obvious signs include the fact that all the males go outside, for whatever reason and don't come back. The little girl taking on the role of the reassuring parent is a bit much, as is her calm and knowledge of what is going to happen. That she, a child of no more than 6, takes two shells out of the shotgun while everyone else is out of the room, while the camera is resting there and just HAPPENS to be pointed directly at her, wathcing her easily disarming the firearm, only makes you wonder how the writers thought this script could possibly be passed off as 'real events recorded in 1996'. Everyone having physical symptoms of something strange simultaneously - another give away. Another thing - supposedly the little girl goes into another room while everyone else is trying to be calm in the dining room and plays the piano while the adults tell her to stop, they have headaches - only in the film you hear nothing. No piano playing. "Did you teach her to play that song?" LOL. Gimme a break. I wonder if they simply forgot to edit in the piano music, or if it was supposed to symbolise something else. Oh well.
There is a lot more to the movie, but all of it very obvious.
Anyways, if you're looking for a laugh, WATCH THIS MOVIE!!
Please note: where I've 'quoted' dialogue, please bear in mind that I was just going from my memory and it may not be exactly what the script said.
"Build your castles in the air. That is where they should be. Now put foundations under them"
Hey I started watching this midday movie on Aussie tv before I went to work. For all it's obvious flaws I felt compelled to tape it to watch after work.
I don't think the producers seriously wanted us to believe it was authentic, seems just a cheap carbon copy of Blair Witch project with aliens.
Come on Sarah Jayne for all it's flaws it had you compelled to write a short essay about it on imdb.com!!
I enjoyed it for what it was - Good trashy midday movie entertainment.
i watched this movie when i was 14/15 with a mate the same age, it was on sky movies at roughly 1/2 am, we had a house to ourselfs at the time and it was PROPPAAA SCARY! so i watched it again recently 5 years lata and i found it hil-ar-ir-ous. good film tho respect to the makers
I'm surprised no one pointed out the 555 number at the end of the tape. There's another reason why it's fake. All 555 numbers are used in movies so people don't actually call someone up. So ya if you did find these actors walking around on the streets and tried to call that number you'd get nothing. :P
Hey Mikesnaps - I do agree with you, it was very good trashy midday movie fun. That is part of the reason that I put up my post - as I said, I just laughed myself silly watching this film. The reason I pointed out it's flaws was to educate those that were 'confused' and not sure if the movie was real or just acted. I just wanted to point out the major give aways so they could put their minds at ease. LOL. Be not afraid my people, for there is no longer anything to be afraid of. LOL. To me, this was not a scary movie, just something to crack you up while you're huddled on the couch, under half a ton of blankets and doonah's and feeling miserably sick. Oh yeah, and don't forget your fave flannel P.J's with teeny teddy bears on them plus giant fluffy bunny slippers too. LOL.
I do hope that no-one was upset by what I said - If you're a big fan of the movie, I say good for you. It just really tickled me in just the right place. LOL.
wow you really wrote a lot Sarah Jayne Pearce, did you really have to write that much to say it was a fake?. I can take your point on some of the actors (not all but some of them did a pretty good job i thought especially the little girl) but i really dont share your views on this film is good for a laugh!?. I thought it was fairly well done and if you compare it to the Blair Witch which grossed over 100 million worldwide and is of a similar style. Maybe if they had dropped the scipt and told the actors to just react and marketted the film a little better then it would have grossed a hell of a lot more but i still rate films like this better than most of the big budget hollywood horrors, not sure why but theres something inherently more scary when you cant quite see the thing thats coming to get you than having Hollywood shove a movie monster in your face, Best way to watch movies like this is to put yourselves in the characters situation instead of armchair cynicism
i got rid of my teeth at a young age coz im straight teeth are for gay people - Master Shake
"This movie was awful. Its one of those movies where you force yourself to watch it and then wish you could get that time back. The worst part was the script. Why would they be worrying about Mum's drinking, or playing cards when the aliens are closing in? Why were they arguing with their wives and partners over what they had seen just over the hill? Anyone with half a brain would have used *any* means to get the women into the car and then driven away."
because they were American! christ im just shocked that y'all didnt break out shotguns and just shoot at em for the whole movie
i got rid of my teeth at a young age coz im straight teeth are for gay people - Master Shake
I saw this movie when i was about six, people everywhere thought it was fake and some people still weren't sure....i being a child believed it whole heatedly. I now understand it was fake, but i don't think any of the bullcrap u pointed out really designated it as fake....your obviously not a movie critic and u dont know whats real or fake....your post was unnecessary you haven't been thru an abduction before, right? So you wouldn't know what really takes place or doesn't take place during an abduction to compare or call it fake.....what proved it was fake was the fact THEY STATED IT IN THE ENDING WITH THE CREDITS. And when i watched it , it was aired on TV on discovery ch or something similar. And they weren't calling it fake, they were comparing opinions from skeptics and believers while they aired the film, there were no credits either. So depending on which version you watched it could be deceiving.
Thanks for hating, I needed to get to 214 haters before the summer.
I always thought it would have had a better reception if they had played it from the start as a 'reenactment' of the 'abduction. Then, announce that "Experts are examining the original tape, and we will have their results at the end of the film."
At the end, as they do the 'big reveal' either have a "network executive" break in, proclaiming the whole program a hoax engineered by some disgruntled staffers, or the'aliens' somehow monkey with the reveal, and the show's "hosts" are left with nothing but questions.
Or, the hosts, guests, and mybe the crew are all abducted!
"Yes, it's the Apocalypse alright. I always thought I'd have a hand in it."
You can tell it's a fake because the camera guy leaves his camera on, when he could have turned it off. It was deliberately left on so you could see the little girl taking the bullets out of the rifle. And if I was that camera guy, I wouldn't leave the camera on and point it in the direction of me changing my trousers. And also by the fact that the credits list all the actors and the set design crew.
If you search the internet you will see there's actually a bit of controversy regarding the claim that the Blair Witch Project stole the real/candid video recording theme for their film from this one and others made before it, right down to the ‘call us if you have any info’ bit at the end.
I agree with you Sarah Jayne, but as regards the little girl I think the idea was that the aliens were controlling or confusing the people at various times and the little girl completely to the point that she was in effect working for them. Hence the unloading of the gun (helpful for them at the end), the bit when she’s trying to move the bookcase away from the door where the ‘dead’ alien is, the creepy calming comments, the bits when they all think she’s playing music but its all in their heads… (and the two who aren’t together start making out). And of course the bit at the end when she says ‘I have to go and take care of something now’ and then goes and lets the aliens in.
Although the film is made for TV and is obviously scripted with all that coincidental pointing of the camera etc – it wouldn’t be a film otherwise - some hammy acting (and I was wondering if the aliens had fused that wine glass to the mothers hand as part of their general jiggery pokery) I did actually find it a bit unnerving in places, basically just down to the 1st person point of view and the instinctive reaction of seeing people suddenly panic in what’s supposed to be a natural situation.
ahh im confused did anyone actually say this was real footage what makes u think this isnt based on an actual account and that it was acted i mean there not gonna show the real footage on tv
What I found very funny was right at the end when the girl went to let the aliens in. They can travel light years across space and time and land on a strange planet, yet they cannot seem to open a door or have any idea as to getting inside, TYPICAL!
I first saw this on tv some years ago...it was really realistic and scary except for that alcoholic mother and little girl the actors were very good, but at the end of the movie/documentary they showed the actor names of every person who was in it, that's kinda stupid if you want people to believe that it really happened...it would have been cool if it was based on true events that took place in Lake County, but it just isn't. But it was very enjoyable cause I am interested in this kinda stuff.
I get so aggravated by films like this because it is trying to convince me that lies are truth when it is clear to even the dumbest people that it is not the case.
I've seen better acting in commercials.
This is the dullest film i've seen in a long long time.
I would continue to review but i'm just wasting my time typing about this crap.