At risk of being torpedoed, I'll wade into the fray. I think the reason plenty of feathers have been ruffled here is simply because the subject matter touches home to just about everyone on the planet. The backdrop being World War II with all the countries involved, national pride, millions dead, atrocities, winners, losers, he said, she said etc. it doesn't take much for anyone to get their nose out of joint if anything isn't spot on.
It's kind of like watching a tragic TV news story which involves someone you know. If the reporter gets something wrong, big or small, you're outraged and let the station know about it. If it's a big mistake sometimes they'll offer a retraction. If it's small they might offer an apology and hang up.
It seems in this movie they sort of offered an apology or explanation in the ending credits by listing some dates and statistics without much context. I find it interesting that the British ships were listed with the acronym "HMS" while the American ones were spelled out "US Navy..." (or equivalent. I couldn't back up the PVR far enough to get the exact phrasing). I'm sure someone will clarify the exact terminology, font and type size.
Anyways, back to my main point. I don't think any of us, myself included, can watch this dispassionately. If you're American: "Hey, we won. Great movie. Get over it." If you're British: "Good movie, but you got it wrong. You're taking credit for something you didn't do." If you're Canadian like me: "Hey Britain, get used to it. We live in the apartment right above them and they still portray us as living in igloos, some even with wifi."
Don't even get me started about Argo.