MovieChat Forums > U-571 (2000) Discussion > Re:how do u think the germans feel

Re:how do u think the germans feel

How do u think the germans feel???

Not only did they lose ww2 they get humiliated afterwards by movies and video games.
Medal of honor,call of duty,many,many video games out their were u get to play as an allied solider and who do u get to kill over and over again. U guessed right germans.
Were the nazis bad yes,but not all germans who fought in ww2 were nazis,alot of the german navy were not nazis. How do u think these people feel who were just fighting for their homeland get defeated and then have to see things like this.

Don't ever try and learn history from hollywood.All movie makers are concerned about is making the almighty dollar the more money they can make off a movie by changing the characters or setting or whatever they need to do to make an extra dollar their gonna do it.
If u wanna learn how ww2 really went down go to the library and grab a history book,sit down and read I know its boring but u can learn something from it.

Or if u would have paid attention in high school during history class instead of flirting or sleeping u would already know what really happened.

Have a nice day!



Vi sink eats veddy intalestink.

Don't bring nothing to a gunfight.


And? That's what happens when you lose! The END!
