Thanks to those that chimed in with proof also, I don't normally respond to morons but CGSAILOR you win the prize. I said military historian not naval historian, and have been so since 1968. Where were you in 1968 ? You respond to people with abuse; you're informed of something you don't know & call that person an idiot and stupid - a great definition of a troll. I said do your own research, and meet some ex-servicemen who know. Your opinion and knowledge is limited, yet you view & attack everyone else from your own infinitesimal insight, which you asset is "right" because you said it.
The men I initially learned from are now all unfortunately dead; do you read German accounts, in German, and understand German military technology ? No I thought not. You also did not at any time acknowledge the presence of political informants planted amongst German military, who informed on & caused execution of servicemen that did not "comply" or carry out with "full enthusiasm" Nazi doctrine.
It appears to me you feel if you don't know about something, it didn't happen. many German atrocities were hidden and many are only now coming to light, especially with a flood of German books from ex-servicemen, their diaries, their notes, their confessions as elderly men facing the end.
Do you understand the word "euphemism" ? No, I thought not. A report stating the enemy vessel was sunk with loss of all hands, and despatched according to all requirements, means a lot more than you may think. How many eyewitnesses from an Allied vessel would report an unlawful killing, when they are all dead ? Do you understand how political terrorism worked in WW2 Nazi Germany ? No, I thought not. If any rating on board a vessel reported a Captain, you can be sure not only that rating would disappear, but also his family & relatives. The name would be stamped as PU, politically undesirable, and those relatives remaining would lose ration cards, housing rights, have military exemptions cancelled, be arrested & executed on trumped up charges, & so on. People lived in absolute fear of almost everything in WW2 Nazi Germany; even to voice a "doubt the Final Victory" was punishable with death - the way to avoid being arrested by the Gestapo, it was thought, was to denounce before YOU were denounced.
Many files found after East Germany collapsed show how extensive denouncing was in the Third Reich; Gestapo files captured by the Soviets were kept & passed on to the Stasi, some Stasi were even ex-Gestapo. Neighbours denounced each other, family denounced other family members, Hitler Youth children denounced their parents and so on.
Nobody knows everything about the past, it's impossible. Yet you have the unmitigated gall & temerity to abuse people when they don't agree with your opinion. Unless you have a time machine and can transport yourself back to every action worldwide across the entirety of WW2 (& not just the part after the US finally got off it's backside & joined the fight) then you are speaking from a very small amount of your own reading & knowledge.
You're a perfect example of the pests that litter this site, last word merchants & pompous Richard Craniums that react with infantile hubris when their narrow view is questioned.
Piss off would you & leave us in peace.