Tony Soprano is a fictional character that lives and dies according to the writer and film makers who created the scene. His death was left up to the beholder. People talk like David Chase is trying to cover up a real persons death and should be charged with Obstruction of Justice.
shareI don't know if Tony died right then and there, but I don't think he lived that much longer.
shareWhatever Chase said there was no good way to end this series - you couldn't have Tony killed, he couldn't go to jail but it had to end - it was done - S6 was too long and lurched. The fade to black was a McGuffin. This was the best way and served to underline the pressure our hero was living under; Carlo had flipped, Tony, Sil and Bobby were all dead and Paulie was about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike in anything other than an earning role. Tony junior had just tried to off himself and Meadow was looking for half a brick for her wedding - so what's new? No one knew they planned to go to Holsten's and Tony was pretty relaxed with AJ over their menus and planning a steak. Phil was gone but their remained the potential of a double cross but he knew the second in commands couldn't organize a drunk in a beer pub and it all might have been a double-double cross anyway by little Carmine but Tony figured he was too deep into his movies and besides, a wimp. Meadow's parking was just to ramp up the tension. A normal day in T's life.
We just screened all 6 over Christmas and it is as good now as ever - it's just the technology that looks old and no one is staring into their phone all the time. What a great series (we couldn't make it all the way thru the Wire again and I loved that). As a prequel to the Sopranos we screened the Irishman, the GF trilogy, Goodfellas, Casino and the Irishman again. It was a great Christmas!!