MovieChat Forums > The Sopranos (1999) Discussion > just lol if you think tony dident die

just lol if you think tony dident die

Season 6 episode 13

"you probably dont even hear that when it happens"

You think chase will just put those lines with no meaning?

Its obvious tony got shot and died otherwise the camera wouldent focus on that guy with the brown jacket

Tony is dead. Deal with it. And its not paulie or anyone else. Its new york. Butchie is too hardcore to forgive tony. He set him up to know his location


It's a cliff hanger, folks. The director wanted it that way.


A hundred years from now, when folks are discussing great story tellers, Chase won't be among them.

I'm sure he's gotten a big laugh from those who definitively say that Tony is either alive or dead - since he didn't film either...


So what if he didn't film either? Or else we would've heard about a found film by now for one more final final episode. The idea is for you to figure it out yourself. From all the hints and clues. Soprano got hit. Fade to black.

Besides, RIP James Gandofini. We're not going to get him back so may as well pack it in and ride off into the sunset.


Have to add the ending and The Sopranos was neo-noir to distinuguish itself from the Godfather.


Forget him Jasonbourne. He can't comprehend a simple ending so it must mean Chase is an asshole.


He can't comprehend a simple ending

It's getting to where we are reduced to questioning intelligence?


No one will *ever* compare The Sopranos to the Godfather. Chase is a hack, Puzo was a brilliant and compelling story teller. Some of the best Soprano episodes were ones Chase didn't write.


You can compare on IMDB and also their ratings. They're both 9.2, but The Sopranos is trending up while The Godfather is trending down. David Chase isn't a hack. He won a prime time Emmy for the series. You're just a sh*tter because it's TV.



Yes, one can comb for evidence that says Tony died and make it fit, there are several other possibilities where other clues can be made to fit.

Maybe Tony saw the guy in the Members Only jacket reach to scratch his nuts and Tony thought he was going for a weapon and had another panic attack and fainted. There's plenty of evidence about Tony having panic attacks and fainting.

Or, we can use the evidence those who favor the Tony being killed by an assassin use: maybe Tony did get shot but was not killed. There would be NO difference between him being shot and killed and him being shot and surviving. Many survivors of such gunshots to the head awaken weeks later and have zero memory of being shot.

Or, no less likely, Chase threw together a scene with all sorts of shots and camera angles and clues that had everyone scrambling to figure out what was about to happen (particularly when we all knew there were literally seconds left to the program), then just pulled the plug leaving everyone to scratch their heads and wonder what the F just happened.

IMO, Chase didn't really have a satisfactory ending. By doing it this way, anyone can make up their own and be happy with it. It also left open the possibility of a movie. Face it, would anyone have screamed bullshit if Tony was still alive for a movie?


Tony and Bobby allude to death as a sudden blackness that you don't hear coming. This scene is also repeated again. When it looks like Tony is about to be whacked it cuts to a sudden and silent blackness...It's pretty self explanatory. Enough said. That's the end. It's only your choice if you choose to ignore the set up that's clearly spelled out.

What if Tony was brought back is not evidence since it never happened and there was never any intention of doing so.


"I'm sure he's gotten a big laugh from those who definitively say that Tony is either alive or dead - since he didn't film either..."

Yes, he did. He filmed Tony being alive and well at the point where the episode, and series as a whole, ended, therefore he is definitively alive when the episode/series ended. Any talk about what happened to Tony or any other character after the episode/series ended inherently falls into the category of fan theories.


I was referring to what happened at the point of the blackout.


"I was referring to what happened at the point of the blackout."

At the point of the black screen Tony is still alive and well. When the black screen actually starts, the story is over, since no information pertaining to the story is being given (no picture, no sound, and no information following the black screen aside from the end credits, which have nothing to do with the story either). The same applies to pretty much any other TV show or movie (fading or cutting to black and then rolling credits is the de facto standard way of ending a movie or TV show).


One obscure line is somehow proof Tony was shot? I guess you missed where the camera was also focusing on those suspicious gangbangers in the final scene. Face it; the ending is ambiguous.
