MovieChat Forums > Lake Placid (1999) Discussion > Did nobody care about the cow and the be...

Did nobody care about the cow and the bear?

The poor cow got eaten by the crocodile and it was well graphic, it actually made me upset!
And the bear got eaten too =[!
It was well unessecary... the movie in itself was well crap.
there is no such thing as a 30ft crocodile and if there was it wouldn't live in a lake!


No, I did not care about the fake bear or the fake cow....did the original poster not care about the fake croc that got blown all to hell? After all, crocs may be endangered.


There actually have been recordings of Crocs reaching close to 30ft. Look up 'Gustav', he was I believe 26 feet and lived in Africa... I dunno if he is still alive though.


Normally I hate seeing animals hurt in movies, but this one didn't bother me that much. I think it was because the special effects were fairly poor (I thought).

Or maybe it's b/c neither are companion animals or that both can actually be considered prey animals for a croc...added to all the facts listed above.


The cow scene was necessary to assign guilt to the female antagonist (Betty White's character). The bear was questionable. Could the croc drown the bear, probably. The attack was from behind. But the scene probably wasn't necessary. The Croc was a keynote species, changing the environment. Not sure how predators detect each other, so maybe the bear was clumsy. You would have thought that the land traps would have worked on the bear though.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


What do you think large crocodiles eat in real life? Animals. Like Wildebeast and those water adjacent buffalos, don't know the specific species name, but they sure as hell look A LOT like cows. So what you're seeing is a fake account of something that happens all the time, in the wild, and is perfectly natural. Actually you can see a lot of these attacks on regular wildlife/documentary channels.

And you're upset about it happening in a movie...

Edit: seems like the species is called "African Buffalo", logically enough.


A big croc needs a big territory. Would you rather that he live in a pond?




You need mental help.
