I was always curious if Todd really did intend to shoot Ronna in the parking lot before she was hit by the car. He cocked the gun and he was very angry about the perceived rip-off. That is what is so weird about this film, it is a comedy, but there are elements in the film that have a very serious overtone. I guess it is what we call a dark comedy?
I don't doubt for a minute that he was going to shoot her. As he said, she ripped him off for 20 lousy hits. Its a matter of principal at that point, if you are in the drug game you have to be tough and unforgiving. Also considering the fact that he did her a "favor" when he never does them for anyone.
Yes, the best way to stay in the drug game is to commit capital murder over $300 worth of pills. Because cops are really out to bust low level dealers selling pills here and there, but they totally look the other way when it comes to gunning down teenage girls in a parking lot.
I doubt that Todd was going to shoot her. He was cynical and sarcastic but far from cold blooded or hard bitten. He was just another young, middle class suburbanite playing at being a big, tough drug dealer. If he was really tough and cynical he never would have fronted Ronna the pills in the first place!
Also, consider the parking lot scene. He stood there in the parking lot with hundreds of people nearby talking to Ronna, giving her a chance to escape and making it much, much more likely that he would be seen with her holding the gun. As the local, low level X dealer, he would be a very, very familiar face at a local rave. Anyone deep enough in the criminal underworld to commit murder as retribution for a bad deal would have approached her someplace more private and simply killed her without further discussion. Think about it. There is no point in talking to someone you intend to murder. The mere fact that he wanted to discuss it with her meant that he, as much as she, was looking for a way out.
Most of you, frankly, are taking Todd's "oooh, look at me, I'm a big, mean drug dealer" act way too seriously! The notion that every small time drug dealer in America is ready and willing to kill the first person who crosses him is either the result of watching Scarface too many times or taking the Partnership for a Drug Free America way, way too seriously.
the look on his face after she was hit by the car was one of disbelief. Like he's never seen a dying/dead person before. Which means he's probably never shot anyone and wasn't quite ready to do it at that point.
The look on his face after she was hit by the car was one of disbelief. Like he's never seen a person he was about to shoot in the face get randomly hit by a car out of nowhere before.
If he was really as averse to violence as you believe, it would've been a look of horror, not disbelief. But his face was just a hilarious channeling of "are you s---ting me?"
Plus, the scene where the mob boss's son is going to shoot Simon is the arm is telling. Todd has a look of wonder in his eyes. Fascination at seeing this happen not the look of someone who has seen the horror of life.
Agreed - he and Rhonna are connected, and Manny & Claire know who he is and where he lives. Their connection could easily be traced through Simon, and most drug dealers don't want to bring any more attention to themselves from the law than they have to. I think he was going to scare her and maybe beat up on her, but not kill her. He probably WANTED to kill her - evidenced by the fact that he did not see if she was OK when the car hit her. What gets me the most is that he hangs out with Claire - her best friend - all morning knowing exactly what happened to Rhonna and (probably) where she is, and he never tells her. She could be bleeding to death or hemmorrhaging in that ditch, and finding her could be the difference between her living and dying. In that sense, he's a heartless douche, but still not a cold-blooded murderer.
Yeah, I do. Todd was going to hem Ronna into a secluded area and kill her. If he wasn't, why did he leave her for dead? As far as he was concerned, the car hitting her did the job for him. BTW, Pulp Fiction had serious overtones all over the place and still managed to be funny as s***!
I often wondered this too...but ...maybe someone can help me with this. There's deleted scenes on the DVD...one of Todd and Claire in his apartment when they're waiting. He threatens her with a gun he keeps in the cushion of his couch ...and then, I think he reveals that it's either fake or not loaded...it's the same gun he brings with him to the parking lot...
If I'm remembering this right, it would mean he was going to scare her, maybe beat up on her a bit.
Then again, maybe he loaded it befor ehe went out... so maybe he would have shot her.
I think the look on his face was more of shock that car just came out of the blue, hit her, slid her into a ditch and backed up and paused for a moment.
"When you're pushed, killing's as easy as breathing."
"There's deleted scenes on the DVD...one of Todd and Claire in his apartment when they're waiting. He threatens her with a gun he keeps in the cushion of his couch ...and then, I think he reveals that it's either fake or not loaded...it's the same gun he brings with him to the parking lot... "
Wow! That puts a whole other spin on his character. I have to assume that the scene was deleted because the film makers decided they wanted this character to be more lethal. I think the version they chose makes for a better story.
There were a couple other scenes deleted that reinforced the relationship between Todd and Claire too. They dragged a little and slowed things down, I think that's why they were cut.
"When you're pushed, killing's as easy as breathing."
Saw this on Hulu before it was pulled. I was really surprised how much of a good film this was and worth a couple of more views. Think I'll purchase the DVD and check out those extras.
Your first point is absurdly weak. There is a world of difference between leaving someone to die from an accident and executing them. People leave the scenes of accidents all the time. That does not mean that they were prepared to kill them. Todd is just a suburbanite punk playing at being a bad-ass.
No way would he have shot her - for all the reasons previous posters have said.
Although whats put a new spin on his character for me, was someon pointing out that all the time he was with katie holmes at the end he didnt mention that ronna was in a ditch.
Why would he tell her, she would have him arrested.. As for him leaving Ronna in the ditch, dead or alive, either way it would be a police case and he was smart enough to have nothing to do with it, in case he was investigated later on. Ronna to him was some stupid girl who tried to scam him for little money, so he certainly didn't have any sympathies for her.
Its amazing how far a movie can soar over people's heads. After watching and re-watching...none of you got the point?
No, Todd never intended to shoot Ronna anymore than Adam intended to hit her with the car anymore than Ronna tried to rip off Todd anymore than Zack and Adam intended for anyone to get busted anymore than the cop wanted to not be a cop anymore than he wanted to sell amway.
A brilliant character piece based on the simple notion of putting yourself in someone else's shoes...and you f@cktards are arguing semantics and facial expressions.