MovieChat Forums > Pi (1998) Discussion > I am a mathematician, and ...

I am a mathematician, and ...

... I watched this movie because I had noticed many favorable comments.

While I don't consider it a waste of my time, I found this movie to be mostly boring and bland. It tries to be hard-hitting but misses the mark most of the time. A 216-digit number that gives the name of God, and meaning of life? Come on, that borders on silliness.

I would not recommend it to any of my friends, but I can imagine its audience. The grainy, high-contrast B&W cinematography is quite good, and interesting, and fits the mood of a man seemingly always on the verge of a massive mental break-down. For those who like startlingly "different" movies, gritty, artistic movies for the sake of being different, gritty, and artistic, it is quite well made.

For most fans of good, enjoyable movies, I'd say very few would enjoy this one.

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


Dear txmike

I can accept your opinion regarding the fact you find this movie boring. I consider boring Hollywood action movies or industrial trillers. I can see art in this movie and I like it very much. You, as the character mathematician do in this movie forget to see other factors like visual and musics which in IMHO are outstanding. Bye


I am a mathematician

I believe you, thousands wouldn't. Care to list some papers you've had published?

"It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations" Winston Churchill (1874-1965)


The movie is about mental illness, not mathematics. I would have thought a mathematician, or anyone remotely intelligent, would be able to grasp this. The entire movie is shot to re-create the paranoia and insanity of the main character, it isn't subtle at all. It's not a study of mathematics.

"Hey everyone, I'm a real mathematician, and I'm here to tell you that a 216 digit number can't actually predict the future!"

