
Do you find the portrayal of women in this film to have a misogynistic quality to it?

Proud of their jewelry, money, mansions but of nothing else. Not willing to accept the consequence of their actions, as seen with the couple at the beginning where she will lie, though we never see the outcome of that case. They're always willing to only want money they don't have to earn, seems to be the norm in the typical female demographic.

Just what I saw. Am I wrong? Or maybe the Coens had a bad weekend with an ultra-feminist whose only way of advancing feminine rights is by making men suffer and this script was just an outlet of that.


If anything this movie teaches women how they can easily end up wealthy for life without work or consequences, and possibly live happily ever after.

Boopee doopee doop boop SEX


Do you find the portrayal of women in this film to have a misogynistic quality to it?

If someone make a movie of Chinese people speaking Chinese, are they racist?

Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.
