This movie was emblematic of the late 90’s in the West. There was a sense of a unified culture, people were relaxed and could have fun. Filmmakers could cut loose and do whatever they wanted, and audiences loved to go along for the ride.
All that’s dead now. 9/11 drove a stake through the heart of the peaceful world we lived in, and introduced the West to the Islamic menace that our leaders had quietly been flooding into our nations.
Then the Left sprung its trap and started forcing ‘political correctness’ on everybody, dividing them by race/gender/sexuality and inventing new crimes like ‘transphobia’ for anyone who objects to children being encouraged to cut off their genitals, and cancelling anyone found guilty.
Normal people now live with the permanent threat of cancellation for expressing the wrong opinion - just compare that to the chilled out, anything goes culture that produced Idle Hands.
The internet back then was effectively The Wild West 2.0 - full of freedom, promise and creativity. Now it’s policed by Big Tech oligarchs who are in bed with the Left and their Communist pals in China - forcing draconian speech and content codes on everyone.
This website is actually a rare oasis of online liberty. It came from the ashes of iMDB and, to its credit, still allows free expression.
So yeah, watching Idle Hands this Halloween was a huge pleasure as always, but tinged with sadness of a lost time.
In fact, I think it would be a good idea to make this place as alive as iMDB in its heyday. If you see any intelligent movie commentators on Reddit or other big platforms full of censorship… send them over here. Let’s make moviechat the place to discuss movies.
Note how the woke cultist spurgs out after being identified☝🏻
Note also the weak gaslighting attempt - claims ‘it takes two seconds’ to think of modern equivalents of Idle Hands and yet… doesn’t name a single one.
You’re not in a position to comment on other people’s grasp of English, you fucking dildo, with your complete inability to write coherent sentences, use capital letters, or punctuate properly.
I don’t know what your first language is but for god’s sake take the time to learn English before you embarrass yourself with more of these shit-shows 🤦🏻♂️
Are you finally going to name these ‘dark comedies being released even more shocking than this’ or are you going to leave that a gaping own goal for everyone to laugh at..?
Come on wokist, let’s see if you can squeeze a coherent thought out of that toxic little brain…
"You’re not in a position to comment on other people’s grasp of English, you fucking dildo, with your complete inability to write coherent sentences, use capital letters, or punctuate properly. "
should I start going through your past posts and finding mistakes since you re going to failed grammar nitpick route? I dont use caps cause I dont care. you literally made up a fucking word.
LOLLL "learn English". meanwhile invents a fucking word that doesnt exist. uses gaslight wrong. buddy your grasp of English if horendeous
LOL the only toxic ones are you cuckservative betas. triggered by everything. I was right wasnt I? shit job and a shit life?
should I start going through your past posts and finding mistakes since you re going to failed grammar nitpick route?
I’d love to see you try. Watching a retard who can’t even construct sentences try and lecture someone else on proper grammar would be fucking hilarious, so yeah, go right ahead 🍿😀🍿
I dont use caps cause I dont care.
Yeah, you’re a careless prick… and a clueless fucking retard who can’t write in proper English.
you literally made up a fucking word.
That’s right, it’s called slang. New words are being created all the time. I’m surprised to see you being so anal about English given that it’s your fourth language.
LOL the only toxic ones are you cuckservative betas. triggered by everything. I was right wasnt I? shit job and a shit life?
No, you were wrong on every count, I’m not even a Conservative. Fucking idiot 🤦🏻♂️
"You’re not in a position to comment on other people’s grasp of English, you fucking dildo, with your complete inability to write coherent sentences, use capital letters, or punctuate properly. "
"I’d love to see you try. Watching a retard who can’t even construct sentences try and lecture someone else on proper grammar would be fucking hilarious, so yeah, go right ahead 🍿😀🍿"
improper punctuation. where's the period?
That is absolutely priceless 🤣🤣🤣"
where's the punctuation?
"No, you were wrong on every count, I’m not even a Conservative. Fucking idiot 🤦🏻♂️"
where's the punctuation? fucking retard strikes again
This is incredible - a literal retard who can’t use punctuation, to say nothing of capital letters and full stops, attempting to lecture someone else on grammar 🤣🤣🤣
yes I didnt nitpick grammar first. you did. so you better fucking make sure it is perfect. which it isnt. and now you are triggered because you got exposed. Stay retarded kid. you are a gafunklfit. that "slang". everyones using it....... see how fucking retarded you sound?
yes I know that from basic research that isnt a word. you confused it with another, possibly you thought "splurge" but even that doesnt fit. so you doubled down like the bitch you are.
are you ever going to learn to use periods? you lecture others yet cant seem to use them.
Now stop stalling, you promised to go through my posts and pick apart my use of English (and it’s one of the most gut-bustingly funny things I’ve ever witnessed 🤣) Why are you now backtracking?
"Now stop stalling, you promised to go through my posts and pick apart my use of English (and it’s one of the most gut-bustungly funny things I’ve ever witnessed 🤣) Why are you now backtracking?"
"it’s one of the most gut-bustungly funny things I’ve ever witnessed 🤣"
"it’s one of the most gut-bustungly funny"
"most gut-bustungly"
I dont even need to put in an effort. you make it too easy
OK now you’ve really lost it - in your furious desperation to find some kind of spelling or grammatical error on my part you’ve made one up and you’re presenting it in posts slathered in your own spelling and grammatical errors 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
Is there no end to your mental illness?? Have you sought help?
ive read 5 of your posts in a row on various other boards. do you bitch about "da wokeness" every single fucking post? holy fuck you are a triggered bitch
im not woke at all. ive literally made posts condemning trans athletes, forced diversity in films ect. the different is if you same my comments, I dont btich about it almost EVERY SINGLE post.
WTF are you talking about? What does this even mean? Learn English before trying to write in it, let alone attempting to lecture others on it. What is wrong with you??
Of all the retarded internet maggots I’ve had to deal with you might be the most in need of genuine clinical care.
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It’s not for me to figure it out, it’s for you to fucking write in coherent English, it’s not for other people to decode your insane drivel, ya stupid cunt 🤦🏻♂️
Little English lesson for you - slang is informal language. Do you know where words come from? People make them up, you stupid fuck. I made up that word, so… what’s your point?
If you’re going to spurg out like a little bitch then at least have a point.
Also, the fact that you think I don’t know what ‘gaslighting’ means proves you don’t know what it means since I’ve used it correctly every time, you dumb fuck. A shred of self awareness could save you all of this public humiliation 🤦🏻♂️
little lesson for you, if no one is using the word, it isnt slang. slang is informal words, often said, that isnt yet fully accepted as common vernacular. you literally made up a fucking nothing word and are trying to say "its
" it isn't. anymore than "Glarfunklepit" is slang. NO ONE IS USING SPURG YOU DUMB FUCK.
noo you haven't used gaslighting recently. its just a go to for cuckservative losers like you. its the new in word.
Stupid cunt. Slang is informal language, it doesn’t matter how many people use it. If a word exists and it is informal then it is slang.
What does ‘Glarfunkelpit’ mean?
Err, I used ‘gaslighting’ in this thread, which is why you raised it in the first place remember? You’re so fucking dense you're now arguing with yourself 🤣🤣🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
English is clearly your fourth language at least, so why are you publicly humiliating yourself by trying to lecture English speakers on its proper usage..? WTF is wrong with you?
the word doesn't exist. you made it up, or have mistaken it for another. I dont just get to say "you garfunkledurp" and say "yaa I made it up tis slang". no ones using the word. it has not meaning. it isnt slang.
glarfunkelpit is nothing. its a random word I came up with. the fact I "came up withit" doesn't mean its slang
"I used ‘gaslighting’ in this thread, which is why you raised it in the first place remember? You’re so fucking dense you're now arguing with yourself"
YES YOU BROUGHT UP GASLIGHTING. I said you are using it wrong. where's the fucking confusion?
the word doesn't exist. you made it up, or have mistaken it for another. I dont just get to say "you garfunkledurp" and say "yaa I made it up tis slang". no ones using the word. it has not meaning. it isnt slang.
Yeah, I made up the word and now it exists, you stupid cunt. The difference between my word and your fake word is that yours doesn’t have any meaning, therefore it’s just a random smattering of letters, it isn’t a word.
glarfunkelpit is nothing. its a random word I came up with. the fact I "came up withit" doesn't mean its slang
If it has no meaning then it isn’t a word. Words have meaning, remember? Dickhead.
YES YOU BROUGHT UP GASLIGHTING. I said you are using it wrong. where's the fucking confusion?
Your deranged confusion is that you said ‘YOU BROUGHT UP GASLIGHTING’ immediately after saying ‘you haven’t used gaslighting recently’. So which is it? When your schizophrenic, retarded brain has decided then let me know, and then make a fucking point.
Buddy. you are borderline retarded
It’s like a dribbling retarded child telling his doctor ‘you’re retarded!’ Adorable yet tragically sad.
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This movie was emblematic of the late 90’s in the West. There was a sense of a unified culture, people were relaxed and could have fun. Filmmakers could cut loose and do whatever they wanted, an audiences loved to go along for the ride.
this is literally a counter culture stoner film. cut loose how? cause they made a stoner horror movie?!? wow no boundaries! such creativity!!! nothing creative is made today! Have you never seen Hot fuzz? wtf are you talking about. classic conservative reactionary made-up reinvention of history. always looking back to "the good old days" that never existed. the 90s is literally known for not having culture and being the more era distinct 80s hangover
All that’s dead now. 9/11 drove a stake through the heart of the peaceful world we lived in, and introduced the West to the Islamic menace that our leaders had quietly been flooding into our nations.
9/11 wasnt muslims our leaders had allowed in to flood and settle. they were outsiders mostly Saudi arabians who arrived right before the attack. unless you re suggesting ending all flights to the USA, wtf are you talking about?
Wail al-Shehri- arrived in the USA in 2001
Waleed al-Shehri- arrived in the USA in 2001
Abdulaziz al-Omari- arrive in the USA in 2001
Satam al-Suqami- arrived in the usa in 2001
Mohamed Atta- arrived in 2000
this was just the first 5 out of 15 in wikipedia I didnt cherry pick. im guessing the rest are similar
Then the Left sprung its trap and started forcing ‘political correctness’ on everybody, dividing them by race/gender/sexuality and inventing new crimes like ‘transphobia’ for anyone who objects to children being encouraged to cut off their genitals, and cancelling anyone found guilty.
yes you cant beat up and discriminate against gay people or women anymore. how horrible!
Normal people now live with the permanent threat of cancellation for expressing the wrong opinion - just compare that to the chilled out, anything goes culture that produced Idle Hands.
again see Hot fuzz, shaun of the dead ect. arguably both more edgy and messed up in their own way. you are making shit up just to whine and be the victim of "da left!"
The internet back then was effectively The Wild West 2.0 - full of freedom, promise and creativity. Now it’s policed by Big Tech oligarchs who are in bed with the Left and their Communist pals in China - forcing draconian speech and content codes on everyone.
yaaa how horrible you cant threaten people, organize your klan rallies and insurrections, and spread covid misinformation. damn companies not letting you spread conspiracy theories! heck why do we even have porn age laws in videos! we need to get back to that "golden age' or internet"
So yeah, watching Idle Hands this Halloween was a huge pleasure as always, but tinged with sadness of a lost time.
my guess, and im VERY good at reading people. is you are suffering a midlife crisis. you in your 30s or early 40s. you look back at this movie as a better time in your life. but rather than simply looking back at it with normal nostalgia like most people would do, this is infected by your conservative craziness and culture war obsession.
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Here’s the deal, kiddo - you learn the basics of English and organise your thoughts into coherent sentences and then I’ll take a look at your no doubt entirely predictable, tedious NPC responses, OK? Off you go…
Err, I’m not even a Conservative you silly prick. Now go back and fix your post so that it’s in coherent English sentences and then I’ll address your retarded points. Off you go…
Life was much better back then, everything was cheaper and we were paid more.
Many people in my industry have stagnated salaries of 120-200k per year for the last two decades.
Many of the workers doing the 'real' work in the field make less than they did back then... Same job in 2000 pays 40% less in 2022... millions of immigrants destroyed the lower middle class incomes.
Very true. Western Civilisation has been utterly flushed down the toilet, and it’s astonishing to see so many useful idiots celebrating this and trying to gaslight people into thinking everything’s fine.
I must be getting old. when conservatives how have shifted to the 90s as the utopian golden era. they always have to look at some timeframe as "perfect before da libs messed it up'
its just constant made-up nonsense and victimhood. they are always persecuted. im still waiting on those Obama death camps
Welcome to what it’s like to engage with ‘Leodicaprio’ - by the time you’ve decoded his drivel into coherent English you realise he’s totally full of shit.