MovieChat Forums > Arlington Road (1999) Discussion > This is a great movie?? You must be kidd...

This is a great movie?? You must be kidding!

It is really surprising that so many viewers think this is a great movie. It is just another mediocre movie with a good idea.

The performances of Jeff Bridges and Tim Robbins was appalling. They have set the high standards with Big Lebowski and Shawshank Redemption or (Mystic River). The direction was very amateurish. And the plot holes and discontinuity in the scenes is explicit. I can list some great thriller movies for the deluded people that think that this movie is great: Se7en, silence of the lambs, psycho, shutter island, memento, sixth sense, gone girl, kill the messenger...(the list is endless).Arlington Road might be in the bottom half of the thrillers list. Just because the plot is about terrorism, people feel the compulsion or maybe feel "safe" by liking the movie. And for goodness sake please stop portraying this as a classic.

This movie is not a classic. It is far from being a decent one.


It's a matter of opinion. You've stated yours. Let other people have theirs. You don't need to do the psych babble B.S. as to why people say a film is great. If it's great to us, It's great to us. FU dolt.


What a dumb hypocrite you are.


1. This is a great movie.

2. I am not kidding.

So there.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


>gone girl
opinion discarded


">gone girl
opinion discarded"

That's the first thing I noticed. It's one thing to dislike this film (personally I think AR is a really good movie but, not a flawless masterpiece) but, suggesting Gone Girl is a great thriller is hilarious. That movie is over the top, self-indulgent, melodramatic nonsense (it's like Fincher intentionally made a bad movie, or just managed to capture the badly written bestseller quality of the novel). To think, Fincher went from making really masterful thrillers like Seven, and Zodiac (personally I think Fight Club is a little overrated) to making... that.


Gone Girl? that movie sucked.


I'm personally surprised not more people think its a great movie I think this should be up there with the best. But thats just me I suppose a movie either does it for ye or it doesn't there a movies that most people think are brilliant that I just cant take too.


I'm personally surprised not more people think its a great movie I think this should be up there with the best. But thats just me I suppose a movie either does it for ye or it doesn't there a movies that most people think are brilliant that I just cant take too.
Sorry, but I go along with those who don't care for this movie. For some reason, I found it so boring that I couldn't sit through the whole thing, and finally finished it today after several stops and starts. Normally, I like watching Jeff Bridges, but even he couldn't improve this film.


Many times every week of my life I enjoy some fine times with my family and friends. Sometimes we have a quiet time with some chat, snacks a few drinks. Sometimes it is more active with a poker game, charades, backyard party. sometimes the active nights are not as fun as others and sometimes the quiet chatting is more interesting than others. But always... always... it is a good time.

The problem with movie viewers today is that they expect ALL movies to be blockbuster hits or simply not worth their time.

If I lived my life this way, I would have long empty weeks for many weeks at a time. I am so glad to be able to appreciate the good things in life whether topnotch or simply pleasant.


you are stupid


You're ridiculous. No. No it is not surprising at all.. Arlington Road is a great movie. The ending alone is brilliant and one of the best or at least most contrasting film conclusions out there. and it's a well made, very well-paced, top notch thriller. To say Jeff bridges' performance was appalling is actually insane. Tim robbins' was okay, bridges' was amazing. Not a matter of opinion. His acting in Arlington road is *beep* superb. Get real buddy.


Agree with Juxtapose. We get it. You didn't like it. Okay. That's fine. But you're not going to affect the opinions of people who do like it. They're just as much entitled to like it as you are to dislike it. You have yours, and you're entitled to it. So do the ones who do like the movie.

