The end ruined this movie.
I thought this was a pretty good movie up to the end.
The FBI apparently just walked into the army's headquarters and said they were arresting the General. How would twenty guys with pistols and no heavy armor or anything overpower what was probably 100+ soldiers outside? Also, there is no way that they would have the authority to arrest a soldier when martial law is in effect. That ability could completely cripple the point of the martial law.
Also, how was the general even evil? I know he tortured the TERRORIST, and I know he shot the TERRORIST, but so what? He had a good chance of getting info that could save hundreds of lives. Also, it was not his choice to put the martial law into effect, and disobeying the chain of command causes WAY more problems than obeying it. (What do you think would happen in Iraq if we told all the soldiers 'Hey do whatever you feel like doing!')
I just thought the end was way to fake, and if they were to blame anybody they should have blamed the president, because he is the one who put the martial law in effect.
One more thing - I don't see how it was evil to put those people in the holding areas because that was there best way of being able to find the terrorists faster.
There were three options: 1- do what they did, 2-let the FBI, who already failed three times, see if they could get it right this time, or 3- lock the city down for a hundred times longer and sort through everyone to find the terrorists. (or just let them blow everyone up)